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Arrayed by Clan
Malkavian clan logo.png
Clan Disciplines
Dominate or Dementation

The Malkavians are a clan of Kindred cursed with insanity. Every Malkavian is in some fashion insane; in game terms, they have at least one derangement they can never remove. They are one of the original seven clans of the Camarilla and a pillar of the organization. Throughout history, the Malkavians have been the seers and oracles of the Kindred, bound by strange compulsions and insight.

Due to their inherent clan weakness, every last vampire of Malkav's blood is irredeemably insane in some form or another. Some attribute this to a curse of the blood, while other Lunatics actually call it a special blessing, a gift of insight. When a Malkavian character is created, the player must choose at least one derangement for that character at the time of the Embrace; this derangement can be temporarily fought with Willpower, but can never be permanently overcome. They are also pranksters, with their "jokes" ranging from benign to sadistic.


Malkavians have traditionally fulfilled two roles in Vampire society: seers and jokers. As seers, the Malkavians have relied on advanced Auspex and the Cobweb (Madness Network) to provide information. Malkavians being Malkavians, this information is generally jaundiced, incomplete, filtered through cracked lenses or a total lie.

The joker role is somewhat more complex: Malkavians have a clan tradition of pranking. The exact purpose of these pranks is open to debate; they often appear intended to readjust the target's perceptions, but are also often sadistic.

In the Camarilla, Malkavians are tolerated; they are rarely princes but often are important primogen or otherwise figures of authority. Given their obvious insanity, princes traditionally give the Madmen a certain amount of latitude; in return, Malkavians are generally expected to demonstrate enough self-control to not break the Masquerade. This is not a benevolent arrangement but largely driven by fear on both sides: fundamentally, Malkavians are unknowable and the general attitude among princes is that its better to keep them quiet and happy, since unhappy Malkavians have a tendency towards introducing bizarre and inexplicable incidents to the equation. Conversely, Malkavians need the protection of the Camarilla, and have been modified as discussed above to make them more amenable to it.

Many Malkavians are gifted with insight into the world around them. Through their shared madness and the powers of Auspex and Dementation, many are able to glimpse little bits of the future or the past. True Oracles and Seers, however, go beyond these common talents. They are blessed (or cursed) with strong visions that come upon them without warning. No one knows for sure from where this connection originates. Some embrace their powers and attempt to channel them. Some try to shun the visions and get on as if nothing happened. Other unsensitive Malkavians use the picture of the prophet for their own advantage like mortal fortune-tellers, using vague prophecies to secure themselves safe places. Those with the true Sight, however, often suffer for it, as they receive visions they do not understand at first and then watch helplessly unfold before them. During the Dark Ages, the Malkavian Orders of Mystery, also known as Ordos, tried to channel the gift of prophecy to mimick the Methuselah-Oracles of Antiquity, but with the formation of the sects and the severing of Dementation, their practice fell out of use. Embraces Edit

The Malkavians are one of the more intellectually focused of the Camarilla clans (with the Tremere arguably being the only clan as interested in cerebral pursuits). As a result, Malkavian candidates for the Embrace tend to be intelligent and more than a little...odd. While the Malkavian embrace guarantees insanity, they do tend to choose candidates who are already halfway there.

Lunatic childer do come from all economic and cultural strata however, though most have some sort of hard-luck story or black secret behind them that caused their sire to take note. Truly damaged Malkavians who are unaware of the meanings of their actions may not even be aware that they have sired childer, which makes for very difficult entry into Kindred society for these castoffs, many of whom end up among the Caitiff.

3rd Generation

4th Generation

  • -- Avant Won -- Sire of Siors Aldegar
  • -- Elimelech -- The Twice Damned. Seraph of the Black Hand.

5th Generation

6th Generation

7th Generation

  • -- Aristotle de Laurent -- Kindred chronicler, Noddist expert and a leading member of the secretive cult of the Mnemosyne. Adopted sire of the famous Gangrel adventurer and archeologist Beckett. {Paris}
  • -- Cienwen ap Seren -- Baroness of Glouchester and Prince of Bristol.
  • -- Mister Cocoa -- And of course, his evil White Rabbit! {Rio de Janeiro}
  • -- Ealhstan Akhenaten O'Niall A British madman in the Big Easy.
  • -- Restewin -- Progeny of Morgana Le Fey, sire of Rat de Bibliothèque and Uriah Travers. (deceased: 1809. Killed by lupines)

8th Generation

  • -- Chelsea Fischer -- Progeny of Antonio. Though originally a resident of Denver, at least most recently, she has moved to New Orleans to start her life over.
  • -- Quentin King III -- The Puppet Prince -- {Boston}
  • -- Cierra Odetta -- Progeny of Ealhstan Akhenaten O'Niall, living in New Orleans circa 1920
  • -- Michael (Malkavian) --Unknown Sire, Lives in Gary, Indiana
  • -- Rat de Bibliothèque -- Progeny of Restewin and sire of Cassandra and Pharamond. Primogen of Lunatics in Quebec City.
  • -- Uriah Travers -- Progeny of Restewin and Malkavian Abomination of New Orleans.

9th Generation

10th Generation

Barnabus Rollins - The Blunderbus of Leeds, member of the Knights of the World Tree

11th Generation

12th Generation

13th Generation

Those of Unknown Generation