Barnabus Rollins

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Leeds / Malkavian / Knights of the World Tree

Quote: My job is to take the hits.

Nickname: Barney, (as a joke) Blunderbuss, (behind his back) Blarmy

Appearance: A well-muscled man of medium height. Barney has longish brown hair, a ready smile, and a number of scars that serve to accent, rather than detract, from his looks.

Background: Barney grew up on the mean streets of the poor(er) side of Leeds. An abused child, he learned to take a beating, and at the age of 13, to give one, when he put his father in the hospital for the first time.

After flunking out of trade school as a mechanic, Barnabus entered training as a professional bodyguard. Though he excelled in the required skills, he was deemed too distractable, and found himself back on the streets without a means to support himself. Fortunately, there is work in Leeds for anyone who is willing to take, and give, a beating. Blunderbus quickly earned an awed reputation for his willingness to keep fighting - and somehow winning - when any sane person would simply give up and lie down. And so it was that he attracted the attention of the insane.

Little really changed for Barney as a Vampire; he simply moved up the food chain, working for vampiric crime lords, rather than their mortal pawns.

Among mortals, Barnabus affects an easy-going manner that oozes dominant masculinity. He is often seen in the company of mortal women who are far more sophisticated than one would think.

Current Events: Respecting his professionalism, Syd Heath hired him as a bodyguard when the Knights of the World Tree expected more than average trouble. After a heated discussion on the propriety of the arrangement, Barnabus was accepted as a full member of the order. Since then, he has earned the respect of his fellows for his selflessness in battle, but earned a reputation for being unwilling to kill the enemy.

Barnabus has been assigned to the "Heart" column, where he is responsible for protecting the group's leader, Brian O'Reilly, in the heat of combat. The job certainly keeps him running, as Brian would greatly prefer to be in the thick of things rather than gauging the flow of battle and issuing commands.

Having noticed his failing humanity and his dedication to others, Sir Geoffrey Talent has particularly taken Barny under his wing, intending to initiate him on the Path of Chivalry.

Barnabus Rollins' Stats