Fionnaghal's Statistics

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Last Updated 2029
6th Generation Nosferatu Embraced 320, born 294
Nosferatu Elder of Glasgow

Attributes: Str 6, Dex 5, Sta 7 / Cha 4, Man 6, App 0 / Per 6, Int 5, Wits 7

Talents: Alertness 6, Athletics 5, Brawl 6 (claws, holds), Dodge 7, Empathy 5, Expression 4, Intimidation 6, Leadership 5, Streetwise 5, Subterfuge 6
Skills: Animal Ken 6, Crafts 5, Drive 1, Ride 5, Etiquette 5, Firearms 1, Melee 6, Performance 5 (impersonation), Security 3, Stealth 7, Survival 6
Knowledges: Academics 6 (British History), Computers 0, Finance 3, Hearth Wisdom 5, Investigation 6 (Physical Searches), Law 5, Linguistics 7, Medicine 3, Occult 6, Politics 4, Science 1, Glasgow Lore 7, Glasgow Secrets 5.

Disciplines: Obfuscate 7, Animalism 6, Potence 7, Fortitude 6, Protean 5, Celerity 6, Auspex 5, Obtenebration 2, Dominate 4, Presence 4, Chimerstry 2, Visceretika 3.
Discipline Techniques: Anticipatory Vissage, Anticipatory Locution, Aspect of Beast, Blood Apocropha, Mortal Terror
Advanced Disciplines: Obfuscate: Conceal, Diastasis, Soul Mask, Cache, Veil of Blissful Ignorance. Animalism: Quell the Herd, Tainted Oasis. Potence: Strength 7, Earthshock. Fortitude: 6 Soak Dice, Sensory Shield. Celerity - 6 actions.

Backgrounds: Allies: 5 (Government Officials), Contacts 5 (Nosferatu around the world), Domain 8 (Security 5, Population 3 (animals)), Generation 7, Herd 5 (homeless), Influence (Glasgow Unelected Government 5, Glasgow Infrastructure 5), Military Force 4 (Ancient Ghouls - see Tainted Oasis), Resources 1 (Fionnaghal doesn't have much use for money), Retainers 5, Glasgow Status 5. Nosferatu Status 6, Camarilla Status 4.

Humanity 4, Self Control 3, Conscience 3, Courage 4. Willpower 10.


  • You are the power behind the throne in Glasgow. You engineered the domain's split with the fief of Edinburgh, and the fall of its last two Princes. Little happens here without your knowledge.
  • You chose a proxy to rule in your stead because Mithras requires rulers to pledge oaths to him. You believe those oaths are binding.
  • Your sire resisted the encroachment of civilization for more than a millineum, and died at the hands of Mithras's lackeys. You'd like to see the Sun God fall, but not at the risk of your own life.
  • Your ability to drink mortal blood is fading, and you've realized that it is related to your ability to resist the Beast. So far, you have used Francach and Hex as Blood dolls, but neither remembers the experience.
  • You know the location of Tiamat's Tomb, and something about what it hides.