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The Necromantic Library of Phineus -x- Level One Rituals -x- Level Two Rituals -x- Level Three Rituals -x- Level Four Rituals -x- Level Five Rituals

Description: This ritual acts as verbal contract between the necromancer and a single wraith. Any agreement with the necromancer that a particular wraith willingly agrees to, is mystically binding. If the wraith should breach the pact then the wraith must face a harrowing as the powers of the Underworld punish the oath breaker. Alternately, should the necromancer renege on his half of the agreement or enter into the pact in bad faith, and then the ritual automatically fails.
Origin: Benesj Cherno's adaptation of the Giovanni ritual called 'Judgment of Rhadamanthus' with a strong authoritarian theme.
Ingredients: A bronze brazier / appropriate books of law and religion
Casting: The necromancer chooses a wraith she will later summon. In a cleansed bronze brazier, she burns several pages of a law book and a religious text matching the faith the wraith held in life. She mixes the ashes of the books with iron powder and uses the mixture to make her Ceremonial Circle. When the wraith appears, the necromancer tells him that this meeting is sanctioned by Orcus, the Roman god of oaths and the Underworld.
System: Intelligence + Rituals = difficulty six (6) or five (5) if the caster is an in-clan caster or a prodigy. A one use binding that compels a wraith to perform one service limited to a number of hours equal to the caster's successes. This ritual takes five (5) minutes to cast.
Reference: 'Judgment of Rhadamanthus'