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; '''[[Arrayed by Clan]]'''
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;[[File:Malkavian clan logo.png]]
* -- [[Abraham Mellon]] -- ''The Magician of Madness''
''People are strange when you're a stranger''<br>
* -- [[Freia]]
''Faces look ugly when you're alone''<br>
* -- [[Frigga]]
''Women seem wicked when you're unwanted''<br>
* -- [[Catherine]]
''Streets are uneven when you're down''<br>
* -- [[Dr.Timothy]] -- ''The Lunatic Primogen of London''
* -- [[Nikolo Badeni]] -- ''Seneschal of Zagreb''
''When you're strange faces come out of the rain''<br>
* -- [[Cedilia of the Tongue]] -- ''Infernalist, High Priestess of Bothothel''<br>
''When you're strange no one remembers your name''<br>
''When you're strange, when you're strange''<br>
''When you're strange''<br>
''People are strange when you're a stranger''<br>
''Faces look ugly when you're alone''<br>
''Women seem wicked when you're unwanted''<br>
''Streets are uneven when you're down''<br>
''When you're strange faces come out of the rain''<br>
''When you're strange no one remembers your name''<br>
''When you're strange, when you're strange''<br>
''When you're strange, alright, yeah''<br>
-- ''People Are Strange'' on Strange Days Album -- '''The Doors''' (September 1967)
Clan Malkavian is twice damned: once by the curse of being Kindred, and again by the turmoil
that disturbs their hearts and minds. Upon the Embrace, every Malkavian is afflicted with an insurmountable
insanity that fractures her outlook for every night thereafter, making her unlife one of madness.
Some consider this a form of oracular insight, while others simply consider them dangerous.
Make no mistake: Malkavian insanity is a painful, alienating phenomenon, but it occasionally provides the Lunatics
with bursts of insight or heretofore unknown perspective. Madness for the Malkavians may take the form of any clinical
form of insanity, or it may be a hyperacuity of senses others don’t know they have; a supernatural puppeteer pulling
the Malkavian’s strings, or a sense that the Malkavian is somehow ahead of evolutionary schedule. A Malkavian may believe
herself to be an idea given physical form or an avatar of some concept the World of Darkness has yet to encounter. She
may be a nonstop ravening psychopath, or may be a mostly lucid individual sometimes rendered catatonic by fear of
an impending cosmic cataclysm.
Their precarious stability makes it hard for other Kindred (or, indeed, any vessels with whom they may
meet) to interact with Malkavians. The Clan sometimes indulges in elaborate, terrifying, and dangerous
''“pranks”'' which do little to endear them to other vampires. These incidents are nominally meant to
educate the target, but the lesson can often be lost between the vampire’s scramble for safety and the
inability to parse the Malkavian’s inner logic. Common pranks might be to replace a vain Toreador’s
haven door with a guillotine or to redistribute a Brujah elder’s wealth while he’s at Elysium, or it
might take the form of giving a hunter the location where the Nosferatu gather. Kindred both dread and
resent the word ''“prank”'' almost as much as they do the Lunatics themselves.
'''Nickname:''' Lunatics
'''Sect:''' In their moments of lucidity, the Malkavians offer their unorthodox perspectives and Devil’s
advocacy to the Camarilla, offering their visions and unique insights to cut through the webs of deceit.
Princes and Primogen tolerate the Lunatics to varying degrees, but the Clan as a whole has always been
a supporter of the Ivory Tower.
'''Appearance:''' While Malkavians can come from any culture, the madness following the Embrace tends to
lead them to extremes of self-presentation. Malkavians may appear disheveled, injured, or simply dirty. They
could still be wearing the same clothes from the night of their Embrace or they may have stolen clothes from
a laundromat or a department store during a fit of confusion or fugue. Of course, Malkavians are just as likely
to be meticulous and exacting in their appearance, trying obsessively to appear as normal as possible.
'''Haven:''' Consistency is rare among Malkavians. Quite simply, they establish havens where they think
to, where they can, and where they can recall. A significant number of Malkavians have literally no home,
spending each night where exhaustion or the sun’s rays leave them. Others may permanently have the
presidential suite in a posh hotel, a squat in the Barrens, the dispensary at a county jail, or a broom closet in a
historical landmark.
'''Background:''' Malkavians Embrace with all the caprice one would assume from them. Lunatic childer come from
all economic and cultural strata, though most have some sort of hard-luck story or black secret behind
them that caused their sire to take note. Truly damaged Malkavians who are unaware of the meanings of their actions
may not even be aware that they have sired childer, which makes for very difficult entry into Kindred society for these
castoffs, many of whom end up among the Caitiff.
'''Character Creation:''' Loner, outsider, and deviant concepts and archetypes prevail among the Malkavians, as do Mental
Attributes (with an occasional Social-primary madman or Physical-primary maniac hiding among the ranks). Talents and Knowledges
are likely most popular among Malkavians. Backgrounds tend to be either broad and shallow or few and deep, representing the way
the way the Malkavian caroms through unlife. Virtues, Humanity, and Paths often tumble quickly, usually in the wake of Willpower
doing the same.
'''Clan Disciplines:''' Auspex, Dementation, Obfuscate
'''Weaknesses:''' All members of Clan Malkavian suffer from a permanent, incurable derangement. They may acquire and recover from
other derangements, and may spend Willpower to ameliorate the effects of the derangement for a scene, but they can never recover
from their original derangement.
'''Organization:''' Rumor is more widespread than truth with regard to Malkavian organization, and any number of harrowing tales
describe the function of the Clan. Some say the Lunatics all share a hive consciousness; others claim that this is in fact the
lingering consciousness of the Clan’s progenitor Malkav. Still others claim that a network of madness puts all Malkavians in
contact with one another and is the cause of their crippling insanity. If nothing else, the Malkavians prove inscrutable and uncanny.
One night, each of them frenzies when they see one another, while the next night, they all converge at the same time at the Sheriff’s
haven and accuse him of harboring Sabbat spies. Who can say how the “disease of information” or the customs of the Clan travel among them?
'''''Quote:''''' ''I was trying to turn water into wine. Where the fuck did all this blood come from? Oh, well — waste not, want not.''
The Malkavians are a clan of Kindred cursed with insanity. Every Malkavian is in some fashion insane; in game terms, they have at least one derangement they can never remove. They are one of the original seven clans of the Camarilla and a pillar of the organization. Throughout history, the Malkavians have been the seers and oracles of the Kindred, bound by strange compulsions and insight.
Due to their inherent clan weakness, every last vampire of Malkav's blood is irredeemably insane in some form or another. Some attribute this to a curse of the blood, while other Lunatics actually call it a special blessing, a gift of insight. When a Malkavian character is created, the player must choose at least one derangement for that character at the time of the Embrace; this derangement can be temporarily fought with Willpower, but can never be permanently overcome. They are also pranksters, with their "jokes" ranging from benign to sadistic.
Malkavians have traditionally fulfilled two roles in Vampire society: seers and jokers. As seers, the Malkavians have relied on advanced Auspex and the Cobweb (Madness Network) to provide information. Malkavians being Malkavians, this information is generally jaundiced, incomplete, filtered through cracked lenses or a total lie.
The joker role is somewhat more complex: Malkavians have a clan tradition of pranking. The exact purpose of these pranks is open to debate; they often appear intended to readjust the target's perceptions, but are also often sadistic.
In the Camarilla, Malkavians are tolerated; they are rarely princes but often are important primogen or otherwise figures of authority. Given their obvious insanity, princes traditionally give the Madmen a certain amount of latitude; in return, Malkavians are generally expected to demonstrate enough self-control to not break the Masquerade. This is not a benevolent arrangement but largely driven by fear on both sides: fundamentally, Malkavians are unknowable and the general attitude among princes is that its better to keep them quiet and happy, since unhappy Malkavians have a tendency towards introducing bizarre and inexplicable incidents to the equation. Conversely, Malkavians need the protection of the Camarilla, and have been modified as discussed above to make them more amenable to it.
Many Malkavians are gifted with insight into the world around them. Through their shared madness and the powers of Auspex and Dementation, many are able to glimpse little bits of the future or the past. True Oracles and Seers, however, go beyond these common talents. They are blessed (or cursed) with strong visions that come upon them without warning. No one knows for sure from where this connection originates. Some embrace their powers and attempt to channel them. Some try to shun the visions and get on as if nothing happened. Other unsensitive Malkavians use the picture of the prophet for their own advantage like mortal fortune-tellers, using vague prophecies to secure themselves safe places. Those with the true Sight, however, often suffer for it, as they receive visions they do not understand at first and then watch helplessly unfold before them. During the Dark Ages, the Malkavian Orders of Mystery, also known as Ordos, tried to channel the gift of prophecy to mimick the Methuselah-Oracles of Antiquity, but with the formation of the sects and the severing of Dementation, their practice fell out of use.
Embraces Edit
The Malkavians are one of the more intellectually focused of the Camarilla clans (with the Tremere arguably being the only clan as interested in cerebral pursuits). As a result, Malkavian candidates for the Embrace tend to be intelligent and more than a little...odd. While the Malkavian embrace guarantees insanity, they do tend to choose candidates who are already halfway there.
Lunatic childer do come from all economic and cultural strata however, though most have some sort of hard-luck story or black secret behind them that caused their sire to take note. Truly damaged Malkavians who are unaware of the meanings of their actions may not even be aware that they have sired childer, which makes for very difficult entry into Kindred society for these castoffs, many of whom end up among the Caitiff.
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''3rd Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''3rd Generation''' ==
* -- [[Mekhet]] -- Insane originator of the Malkavian Clan.
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''4th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''4th Generation''' ==
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Avant Won]] -- Sire of [[Siors Aldegar]], [[Berethraban]]
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Brahina]] <4> Sire of [[Unmada]] (369). [TC2,p93]
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Dimitri Zivisti]] <8-4> (:~650) Sire of Killikillarven (1145). He diablerised Rama.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Elimelech]] -- The Twice Damned. Seraph of the Black Hand.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Lamdiel]] <4> Progeny of Malkav. Sire of [[Addemar]]. [GFA] [CbR-M]
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Lerterimas]] <4> Sire of [[Louhi]] (-200). [WoD1,p56]
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Nissiku <4> Progeny of Malkav. The name means "The Clever Prince". He may have assumed one or all of the following identities: Iktomi, Malk Content, Devil Hanse, the Babylonian, Fool-Eater, Old Man Hate. [Cb-M] [CbR-M]
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- The Eater <4> Progeny of Malkav. Legend says he knew the secret to eat names. He would eat the name of the person, and that person would die. He would then absorb that person's knowledges and identity into himself. [Cb-M] [CbR-M]
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- The Plague-Bride <4> Progeny of Malkav. [CbR-M]
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''5th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''5th Generation''' ==
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Antoine Le Fanu]] -- Born Pollius Felix Maximus, is an inscrutable Malkavian methuselah.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Berethraban]] -- First childe of [[Avant Won]], Ancient Malkavian Lilin of Luticia
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Chelsea Fischer]] -- The final, damned childe of Elimelech.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Siors Aldegar]] -- Mad Lilin of Miami, Childe of Avant Won.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Theiea Ariadne]] -- Mad Lilin of Italy, Childe of Avant Won.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Unmada]] -- Brahmin childe of Brahina, Sire to Vasantessena.
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''6th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''6th Generation''' ==
* -- [[Lucila Dumasa]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Slumbering Queen
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Anatole]] -- ''The Holy Harbinger'' -- Progeny of Pierre l'Imbécile. Malkavian prophet of the Camarilla.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Lucila Dumasa]] -- Slumbering Queen
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Seren Ardghal]] -- Sire of [[Cienwen ap Seren]], Childe of [[Carthach Burchard]]
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Sergius the Elder]] -- Prince of Naples, 1850-1950
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Vasantasena  (:~1000) Progeny of Unmada. She turned to the Sabbat after the Convention of Thorns (1493). She foresees the return of the Antediluvians.
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''7th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''7th Generation''' ==
* -- [[Antonio]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Agrippina the Younger and sire of Chelsea Fischer. Currently a resident of Denver.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Aristotle de Laurent]] -- Kindred chronicler, Noddist expert and a leading member of the secretive cult of the Mnemosyne. Adopted sire of the famous Gangrel adventurer and archeologist Beckett. {[[Paris]]}
* -- [[Cienwen ap Seren]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Baroness of Glouchester and Prince of Bristol.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Cadoc Tatius Donol]] -- Mad Eastern European vampire.  Sire to [[Dmitri Zivisti]].
* -- [[Restewin]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Morgana Le Fey, sire of Rat de Bibliothèque and Uriah Travers. (deceased: 1809. Killed by lupines)
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Cienwen ap Seren]] -- Baroness of Glouchester and Prince of Bristol.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Mister Cocoa]] -- ''And of course, his evil White Rabbit!'' -- {[[Rio de Janeiro]]}
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Ealhstan Akhenaten O'Niall]] ''' A British madman in the Big Easy.
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Restewin]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Morgana Le Fey, sire of Rat de Bibliothèque and Uriah Travers. (deceased: 1809. Killed by lupines)
* -- <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Maureen O'Leery]] -- Progeny of Lasker. Sire of Jason Newberry (:1893+1993), Paula Smith (:1970+1993), Ben Smith (:1980+1993), Hubert Otis (:1993), Caroline Irene Parrish (:1994), Loren Annika Reese (:2003). {[[Chicago]]}
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''8th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''8th Generation''' ==
* -- [[Chelsea Fischer]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Antonio. Though originally a resident of Denver, at least most recently, she has moved to New Orleans to start her life over.
* -- [[Cierra Odetta]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Ealhstan Akhenaten O'Niall, living in New Orleans circa 1920
* -- [[Caroline Irene Parrish]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Maureen O'Leery. {[[Chicago]]}
* -- [[Gregory of Gloucester]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Childe of [[Baroness Seren]], Sire to [[Juliet Parr]] {[[London]]}
* -- [[Hubert Otis]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Maureen O'Leery. {[[Chicago]]}
* -- [[Loren Annika Reese]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Maureen O'Leery. {Nomadic}
* -- [[Michael (Malkavian)]] <span style="color:#800000;"> --Unknown Sire, Lives in Gary, Indiana
* -- [[Quentin King III]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- ''The Puppet Prince'' -- {[[Boston]]}
* -- [[Rat de Bibliothèque]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Restewin and sire of Cassandra and Pharamond. Primogen of Lunatics in Quebec City.
* -- [[Rat de Bibliothèque]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Restewin and sire of Cassandra and Pharamond. Primogen of Lunatics in Quebec City.
* -- [[Uriah Travers]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Restewin and Malkavian Abomination of New Orleans.
* -- [[Uriah Travers]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Restewin and Malkavian Abomination of New Orleans.
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''9th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''9th Generation''' ==
* -- [[Cassandra]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Rat de Bibliothèque, resident of Quebec City and assassin for Hire.
* -- [[Cassandra Boucher]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Rat de Bibliothèque, resident of Quebec City and former assassin for Hire. (Former sheriff of Quebec City)
* -- [[Dominic Vaughn]] <span style="color:#800000;"> --  (age 50:1623) Seneschal to Prince Michaela of NY.
* -- [[Dominic Vaughn]] <span style="color:#800000;"> --  (age 50:1623) Seneschal to Prince Michaela of NY.
* -- [[Juliet Parr]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- ''The Sheriff of Northern London''
* -- [[Juliet Parr]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- ''The Sheriff of Northern London''
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Ruth McGinley]] -- Malkavian Primogen of Houston.
* -- [[Killikillarven]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Childe of [[Dimitri Zivisti]].  Developed a path of [[Spirit Manipulation|Spirit Thaumaturgy]] to create fetishes.
* -- [[Ruth McGinley]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Malkavian Primogen of Houston.
* -- [[Magdalena Blanchard]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Keeper of Elysium in Glasgow, Scotland
* -- [[Magdalena Blanchard]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Keeper of Elysium in Glasgow, Scotland
* -- [[Pharamond Lestrange]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Rat de Bibliothèque, resident of Quebec City and his sire's new whip.
* -- [[Pharamond Lestrange]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Rat de Bibliothèque, resident of Quebec City and his sire's new whip.
* -- [[Raleigh Montgomry: Senechal]] -- <span style="color:#800000;"> Senechal to the Prince of St. Louis
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''10th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''10th Generation''' ==
[[Barnabus Rollins]] - The Blunderbus of Leeds, member of the Knights of the World Tree
* -- [[Barnabus Rollins]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- The Blunderbus of Leeds, member of the Knights of the World Tree
* -- [[Warin Versessen]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Childe of [[Juliet Parr]], convinced he is a spy in His Majesties service.
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''11th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''11th Generation''' ==
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== <span style="color:#800000;">'''Those of Unknown Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''Those of Unknown Generation''' ==
* -- [[Abraham Mellon]] -- ''The Magician of Madness''
* -- [[Freia]]
* -- [[Frigga]]
* -- [[Catherine]]
* -- [[Dr.Timothy]] -- ''The Lunatic Primogen of London''
* -- [[Lachlan Bone]] -- Lone Malkavian resident and sworn vassal to the Baroness of Newcastle: [[Helen Stuart]]. {Redcar, England - 2042}
* -- [[Nikolo Badeni]] -- ''Seneschal of Zagreb''
* -- [[Cedilia of the Tongue]] -- ''Infernalist, High Priestess of Bothothel''
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Gitta Wörnhör]] -- Resident lunatic of Dresden.
* <span style="color:*800000;:> -- [[Faegan Richards| Ouroboros]] -- Lunatic of the Phoenix Society, wanderer.
* -- [[Barnabus Rollins]] - Bodyguard to Prince Thorton Bryant, Knight of the World Tree, and childe of Keller Williams. {Kingston upon Hull, England - 2042}

Latest revision as of 21:38, 8 July 2024

Arrayed by Clan
Malkavian clan logo.png

People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down

When you're strange faces come out of the rain
When you're strange no one remembers your name
When you're strange, when you're strange
When you're strange

People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down

When you're strange faces come out of the rain
When you're strange no one remembers your name
When you're strange, when you're strange
When you're strange, alright, yeah

-- People Are Strange on Strange Days Album -- The Doors (September 1967)

Clan Malkavian is twice damned: once by the curse of being Kindred, and again by the turmoil that disturbs their hearts and minds. Upon the Embrace, every Malkavian is afflicted with an insurmountable insanity that fractures her outlook for every night thereafter, making her unlife one of madness. Some consider this a form of oracular insight, while others simply consider them dangerous.

Make no mistake: Malkavian insanity is a painful, alienating phenomenon, but it occasionally provides the Lunatics with bursts of insight or heretofore unknown perspective. Madness for the Malkavians may take the form of any clinical form of insanity, or it may be a hyperacuity of senses others don’t know they have; a supernatural puppeteer pulling the Malkavian’s strings, or a sense that the Malkavian is somehow ahead of evolutionary schedule. A Malkavian may believe herself to be an idea given physical form or an avatar of some concept the World of Darkness has yet to encounter. She may be a nonstop ravening psychopath, or may be a mostly lucid individual sometimes rendered catatonic by fear of an impending cosmic cataclysm.

Their precarious stability makes it hard for other Kindred (or, indeed, any vessels with whom they may meet) to interact with Malkavians. The Clan sometimes indulges in elaborate, terrifying, and dangerous “pranks” which do little to endear them to other vampires. These incidents are nominally meant to educate the target, but the lesson can often be lost between the vampire’s scramble for safety and the inability to parse the Malkavian’s inner logic. Common pranks might be to replace a vain Toreador’s haven door with a guillotine or to redistribute a Brujah elder’s wealth while he’s at Elysium, or it might take the form of giving a hunter the location where the Nosferatu gather. Kindred both dread and resent the word “prank” almost as much as they do the Lunatics themselves.

Nickname: Lunatics

Sect: In their moments of lucidity, the Malkavians offer their unorthodox perspectives and Devil’s advocacy to the Camarilla, offering their visions and unique insights to cut through the webs of deceit. Princes and Primogen tolerate the Lunatics to varying degrees, but the Clan as a whole has always been a supporter of the Ivory Tower.

Appearance: While Malkavians can come from any culture, the madness following the Embrace tends to lead them to extremes of self-presentation. Malkavians may appear disheveled, injured, or simply dirty. They could still be wearing the same clothes from the night of their Embrace or they may have stolen clothes from a laundromat or a department store during a fit of confusion or fugue. Of course, Malkavians are just as likely to be meticulous and exacting in their appearance, trying obsessively to appear as normal as possible.

Haven: Consistency is rare among Malkavians. Quite simply, they establish havens where they think to, where they can, and where they can recall. A significant number of Malkavians have literally no home, spending each night where exhaustion or the sun’s rays leave them. Others may permanently have the presidential suite in a posh hotel, a squat in the Barrens, the dispensary at a county jail, or a broom closet in a historical landmark.

Background: Malkavians Embrace with all the caprice one would assume from them. Lunatic childer come from all economic and cultural strata, though most have some sort of hard-luck story or black secret behind them that caused their sire to take note. Truly damaged Malkavians who are unaware of the meanings of their actions may not even be aware that they have sired childer, which makes for very difficult entry into Kindred society for these castoffs, many of whom end up among the Caitiff.

Character Creation: Loner, outsider, and deviant concepts and archetypes prevail among the Malkavians, as do Mental Attributes (with an occasional Social-primary madman or Physical-primary maniac hiding among the ranks). Talents and Knowledges are likely most popular among Malkavians. Backgrounds tend to be either broad and shallow or few and deep, representing the way the way the Malkavian caroms through unlife. Virtues, Humanity, and Paths often tumble quickly, usually in the wake of Willpower doing the same.

Clan Disciplines: Auspex, Dementation, Obfuscate

Weaknesses: All members of Clan Malkavian suffer from a permanent, incurable derangement. They may acquire and recover from other derangements, and may spend Willpower to ameliorate the effects of the derangement for a scene, but they can never recover from their original derangement.

Organization: Rumor is more widespread than truth with regard to Malkavian organization, and any number of harrowing tales describe the function of the Clan. Some say the Lunatics all share a hive consciousness; others claim that this is in fact the lingering consciousness of the Clan’s progenitor Malkav. Still others claim that a network of madness puts all Malkavians in contact with one another and is the cause of their crippling insanity. If nothing else, the Malkavians prove inscrutable and uncanny. One night, each of them frenzies when they see one another, while the next night, they all converge at the same time at the Sheriff’s haven and accuse him of harboring Sabbat spies. Who can say how the “disease of information” or the customs of the Clan travel among them?

Quote: I was trying to turn water into wine. Where the fuck did all this blood come from? Oh, well — waste not, want not.

The Malkavians are a clan of Kindred cursed with insanity. Every Malkavian is in some fashion insane; in game terms, they have at least one derangement they can never remove. They are one of the original seven clans of the Camarilla and a pillar of the organization. Throughout history, the Malkavians have been the seers and oracles of the Kindred, bound by strange compulsions and insight.

Due to their inherent clan weakness, every last vampire of Malkav's blood is irredeemably insane in some form or another. Some attribute this to a curse of the blood, while other Lunatics actually call it a special blessing, a gift of insight. When a Malkavian character is created, the player must choose at least one derangement for that character at the time of the Embrace; this derangement can be temporarily fought with Willpower, but can never be permanently overcome. They are also pranksters, with their "jokes" ranging from benign to sadistic.


Malkavians have traditionally fulfilled two roles in Vampire society: seers and jokers. As seers, the Malkavians have relied on advanced Auspex and the Cobweb (Madness Network) to provide information. Malkavians being Malkavians, this information is generally jaundiced, incomplete, filtered through cracked lenses or a total lie.

The joker role is somewhat more complex: Malkavians have a clan tradition of pranking. The exact purpose of these pranks is open to debate; they often appear intended to readjust the target's perceptions, but are also often sadistic.

In the Camarilla, Malkavians are tolerated; they are rarely princes but often are important primogen or otherwise figures of authority. Given their obvious insanity, princes traditionally give the Madmen a certain amount of latitude; in return, Malkavians are generally expected to demonstrate enough self-control to not break the Masquerade. This is not a benevolent arrangement but largely driven by fear on both sides: fundamentally, Malkavians are unknowable and the general attitude among princes is that its better to keep them quiet and happy, since unhappy Malkavians have a tendency towards introducing bizarre and inexplicable incidents to the equation. Conversely, Malkavians need the protection of the Camarilla, and have been modified as discussed above to make them more amenable to it.

Many Malkavians are gifted with insight into the world around them. Through their shared madness and the powers of Auspex and Dementation, many are able to glimpse little bits of the future or the past. True Oracles and Seers, however, go beyond these common talents. They are blessed (or cursed) with strong visions that come upon them without warning. No one knows for sure from where this connection originates. Some embrace their powers and attempt to channel them. Some try to shun the visions and get on as if nothing happened. Other unsensitive Malkavians use the picture of the prophet for their own advantage like mortal fortune-tellers, using vague prophecies to secure themselves safe places. Those with the true Sight, however, often suffer for it, as they receive visions they do not understand at first and then watch helplessly unfold before them. During the Dark Ages, the Malkavian Orders of Mystery, also known as Ordos, tried to channel the gift of prophecy to mimick the Methuselah-Oracles of Antiquity, but with the formation of the sects and the severing of Dementation, their practice fell out of use. Embraces Edit

The Malkavians are one of the more intellectually focused of the Camarilla clans (with the Tremere arguably being the only clan as interested in cerebral pursuits). As a result, Malkavian candidates for the Embrace tend to be intelligent and more than a little...odd. While the Malkavian embrace guarantees insanity, they do tend to choose candidates who are already halfway there.

Lunatic childer do come from all economic and cultural strata however, though most have some sort of hard-luck story or black secret behind them that caused their sire to take note. Truly damaged Malkavians who are unaware of the meanings of their actions may not even be aware that they have sired childer, which makes for very difficult entry into Kindred society for these castoffs, many of whom end up among the Caitiff.

3rd Generation

  • -- Mekhet -- Insane originator of the Malkavian Clan.

4th Generation

  • -- -- Avant Won -- Sire of Siors Aldegar, Berethraban
  • -- -- Brahina <4> Sire of Unmada (369). [TC2,p93]
  • -- -- Dimitri Zivisti <8-4> (:~650) Sire of Killikillarven (1145). He diablerised Rama.
  • -- -- Elimelech -- The Twice Damned. Seraph of the Black Hand.
  • -- -- Lamdiel <4> Progeny of Malkav. Sire of Addemar. [GFA] [CbR-M]
  • -- -- Lerterimas <4> Sire of Louhi (-200). [WoD1,p56]
  • -- -- Nissiku <4> Progeny of Malkav. The name means "The Clever Prince". He may have assumed one or all of the following identities: Iktomi, Malk Content, Devil Hanse, the Babylonian, Fool-Eater, Old Man Hate. [Cb-M] [CbR-M]
  • -- -- The Eater <4> Progeny of Malkav. Legend says he knew the secret to eat names. He would eat the name of the person, and that person would die. He would then absorb that person's knowledges and identity into himself. [Cb-M] [CbR-M]
  • -- -- The Plague-Bride <4> Progeny of Malkav. [CbR-M]

5th Generation

  • -- -- Antoine Le Fanu -- Born Pollius Felix Maximus, is an inscrutable Malkavian methuselah.
  • -- -- Berethraban -- First childe of Avant Won, Ancient Malkavian Lilin of Luticia
  • -- -- Chelsea Fischer -- The final, damned childe of Elimelech.
  • -- -- Siors Aldegar -- Mad Lilin of Miami, Childe of Avant Won.
  • -- -- Theiea Ariadne -- Mad Lilin of Italy, Childe of Avant Won.
  • -- -- Unmada -- Brahmin childe of Brahina, Sire to Vasantessena.

6th Generation

  • -- -- Anatole -- The Holy Harbinger -- Progeny of Pierre l'Imbécile. Malkavian prophet of the Camarilla.
  • -- -- Lucila Dumasa -- Slumbering Queen
  • -- -- Seren Ardghal -- Sire of Cienwen ap Seren, Childe of Carthach Burchard
  • -- -- Sergius the Elder -- Prince of Naples, 1850-1950
  • -- -- Vasantasena (:~1000) Progeny of Unmada. She turned to the Sabbat after the Convention of Thorns (1493). She foresees the return of the Antediluvians.

7th Generation

  • -- -- Aristotle de Laurent -- Kindred chronicler, Noddist expert and a leading member of the secretive cult of the Mnemosyne. Adopted sire of the famous Gangrel adventurer and archeologist Beckett. {Paris}
  • -- -- Cadoc Tatius Donol -- Mad Eastern European vampire. Sire to Dmitri Zivisti.
  • -- -- Cienwen ap Seren -- Baroness of Glouchester and Prince of Bristol.
  • -- -- Mister Cocoa -- And of course, his evil White Rabbit! -- {Rio de Janeiro}
  • -- -- Ealhstan Akhenaten O'Niall A British madman in the Big Easy.
  • -- -- Restewin -- Progeny of Morgana Le Fey, sire of Rat de Bibliothèque and Uriah Travers. (deceased: 1809. Killed by lupines)
  • -- -- Maureen O'Leery -- Progeny of Lasker. Sire of Jason Newberry (:1893+1993), Paula Smith (:1970+1993), Ben Smith (:1980+1993), Hubert Otis (:1993), Caroline Irene Parrish (:1994), Loren Annika Reese (:2003). {Chicago}

8th Generation

9th Generation

10th Generation

11th Generation

12th Generation

13th Generation

Those of Unknown Generation
