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;'''[[Western Alliance of Independent States]]'''
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== '''History''' ==
== '''History''' ==
==== Timeline ====
'''Historical Note:''' ''Previous to the dates which follow, the Arapaho tribes had been using the junction of the South Platte river and Cherry Creek as a meeting place and seasonal camp for an unspecified period of time, but historical resources indicate that period of time could have been considerable, centuries or longer.''
'''Historical Note:''' ''Previous to the dates which follow, the Arapaho tribes had been using the junction of the South Platte river and Cherry Creek as a meeting place and seasonal camp for an unspecified period of time, but historical resources indicate that period of time could have been considerable, centuries or longer.''
:''Its worth noting, that one of the specific references that I found, a letter dated 1858, stated that there were over three hundred lodges of Arapaho in and around that junction of the S.Platte and C.Creek rivers; this is important because a lodge is usually an extended family of several generations of Arapaho, which means at the time of the letter's writing, there were probably 3,000+ Arapaho tribal members in residence at the site of downtown Denver. In the year 2001, there are less than 10,000 total Arapaho tribal members split between the two surviving tribal groups left in North America. Time has not been kind to the Arapaho.''
:''Its worth noting, that one of the specific references that I found, a letter dated 1858, stated that there were over three hundred lodges of Arapaho in and around that junction of the S.Platte and C.Creek rivers; this is important because a lodge is usually an extended family of several generations of Arapaho, which means at the time of the letter's writing, there were probably 3,000+ Arapaho tribal members in residence at the site of downtown Denver. In the year 2001, there are less than 10,000 total Arapaho tribal members split between the two surviving tribal groups left in North America. Time has not been kind to the Arapaho.'' -- Bruce E. Zieger (mortal amateur historian and storyteller)
:* -- Bruce E. Zieger (mortal amateur historian and storyteller)
;'''All historical dates are noted as C.E. or in the Common Era as the new historical annotation.'''
* -- [[The Timeline of Denver]]
* -- [[Notable Historical People of Denver]]
:* -- '''01 - 1299'''
::Advent of great Prehistoric Cliff Dwelling Civilization in the Mesa Verde region.
:* -- '''1276 - 1299'''
::A great drought and/or pressure from nomadic tribes forced the Cliff Dwellers to abandon their Mesa Verde homes.
:* -- '''1497'''
::Britain claims all of North America.
:* -- '''1500'''
::Ute Indians inhabit mountain areas of southern Rocky Mountains making these Native Americans the oldest continuous residents of Colorado.
:* -- '''1541'''
::Coronado, famed Spanish explorer, may have crossed the southeastern corner of present Colorado on his return march to Mexico after vain hunt for the golden Seven Cities of Cibola.
:* -- '''1682'''
::Explorer La Salle appropriates for France all of the area now known as Colorado east of the Rocky Mountains.
1700 A.D. In the early 1700's the Great Plains, including the area that would later be Denver, were claimed by Spain as one of its New World possessions.
1714 A.D. Joseph Naranjo, the son of an African man and a Hopi mother, explored the through the area along the S.Platte on his way to what was then Pawnee Tribes in current day Nebraska. He made at least three trips over the years before 1714, when he was awarded Spain's prestigious title of 'Captian of War'.
1719 A.D. War breaks out between the Spanish and French. Spain decides the French fur traders are poaching on their New World trade with the plains indians and decide something has to be done about it. They will send an army in 1720 to deal with the problem.
1720 A.D. Lieutenant-General Pedro de Villasur of Santa Fe is given the task of creating an army and defeating the incursions of French traders and possibly French military forces in and along the S.Platte. June 16th, 1720 Villasur and his army leave Santa Fe on their way to what will one day be called Nebraska. The exact route taken by Villasur's army is unknown, but the principle guide for this army is none other than Joseph Naranjo, who explored fairly extensively the area around the S.Platte and possibly the Junction of the S.Platte with the Cherry Creek. In mid-August of the same year, Villasur's army was massacred by joint Oto and Pawnee forces and only a handful of survivors returned to Santa Fe in September of that year.
1765 A.D. Juan Maria Rivera leads Spanish expedition into San Juan and Sangre de Cristo Mountains in search of gold and silver.
1776 A.D. Friars Escalante and Dominguez seeking route from Santa Fe to California missions, traverse what is now western Colorado as far north as the White River in Rio Blanco County.
1803 A.D. Through the Louisiana Purchase, signed by President Thomas Jefferson, the United States acquires a vast area which included what is now most of eastern Colorado. While the United States lays claim to this vast territory, Native Americans have resided here for hundreds of years.
1806 A.D.  Lieutenant Zebulon M. Pike and small party of U.S. soldiers sent to explore southwestern boundary of Louisiana Purchase; discovers peak that bears his name, but fails in effort to climb it; reaches headwaters of Arkansas River near Leadville.
1807 A.D. Pike crosses Sangre de Cristo Mountains to Conejos River in San Luis Valley and builds Pike's Stockade; placed under nominal arrest by Spanish authorities and taken to Santa Fe; later, he and his men are released.
1820 A.D. Numerous Native American tribes live in the Colorado area. The Utes live in the mountains, the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reside on the plains from the Arkansas to the Platte rivers, and the Kiowas and Comanches live south of the Arkansas River. The Pawnee tribe hunts buffalo along the Republican River and the Sioux sometimes hunt in the outskirts of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe lands. Major Stephen H. Long is sent by President Monroe to explore southwestern boundary of the Louisiana Purchase. The expedition came up the South Platte River and Long's Peak is named for him. Major Long's Expedition called the area the "Great American Desert" and stopped at the junction of the S.Platte and C.Creek rivers on July 5th of that year. Capt. John Bell made notes of where Long's Expedition camped and what he saw.  Dr. Edwin James, historian of Long's expedition, lead the first recorded ascent of Pike's Peak. James Peak, west of Denver is named for him.
1825 A.D. Opening of era of fur-traders, trappers and Mountain Men - Bent brothers, Ceran St.Vrain, Louis Vasquez, Kit Carson, Jim Baker, James Bridger, Thomas Fitzpatrick, "Uncle Dick" Wooten, and Jim Beckworth - who established posts in Arkansas and South Platte Valleys.
1832 A.D. Bent's Fort, one of the most important trading posts in the West, is built by the Bents and St. Vrain near present city of La Junta.
1836 A.D. Texas becomes independent republic and claims narrow strip of mountain territory extending northward through Colorado to 42nd parallel.
1840's A.D. Mexico granted lands to the wealthy, south of the Arkansas Valley and in the San Luis Valley hoping to secure claims against Texas or America.
1842 A.D. Lieutenant John C. Fremont undertakes first of his five exploration trips into Rocky Mountains. His last expedition, in 1853, took him through the San Luis Valley and into the Gunnison River country.
1846 A.D. General Stephen W. Kearney leads Army of the West along Santa Fe Trail through southeastern Colorado en route to conquest of New Mexico during Mexican War.
1848 A.D. By Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexico cedes to United States most of that part of Colorado not acquired by Louisiana Purchase.
1850 A.D. Federal Government purchases Texas' claims in Colorado, and present boundaries of Colorado established.
1851 A.D.  First permanent non-Indian settlement in Colorado is founded at Conejos in San Luis Valley; irrigation is begun; Fort Massachusetts established in San Luis Valley to protect settlers from Indians who believe that the non-Indians are encroaching on their land.
1853 A.D. Captain John W. Gunnison leads exploring party across southern and western Colorado. Gunnison named for him. Fremont's last expedition, seeking feasible railroad route through mountains, follows Gunnison's route.
1854 A.D. Treaties with Native American groups prove unsatisfactory which results in conflict as the Utes kill fifteen inhabitants of Fort Pueblo on Christmas Day.
1858 A.D. Green Russell's discovery of small placer gold deposits near confluence of South Platte River and Cherry Creek, precipitates gold rush from the East and "Pikes Peak or Bust" slogan. Montana City, St. Charles, Auraria, and Denver City are founded on present site of Denver. November 6, two hundred men meet here to organize County of Arapahoe, Kansas Territory. Pueblo founded as Fountain City.
1859 A.D. Gold is found by George A. Jackson along Chicago Creek on present site of Idaho Springs. March 9, first stagecoach with mail for Cherry Creek settlements leaves Leavenworth, Kansas. April 23, first newspaper in the region, the Rocky Mountain News, is published by William N. Byers. May 6, John Gregory makes famous gold-lode strike on North Clear Creek, stimulating rush of prospectors, who establish camps of Black Hawk, Central City and Nevadaville. October 3, O.J. Goldrick opens first school, at Auraria. Jefferson Territory is organized without sanction of Congress to govern gold camps; officers are elected. Prospectors spread through mountains and establish camps at Boulder, Colorado City, Gold Hill, Hamilton, Tarryall, and Pueblo.
1860 A.D. Rich placer discoveries cause stampede of miners to California Gulch on present site of Leadville. First schoolhouse is built at Boulder. Region continues to be administered variously by Jefferson Territory officials, and Miners' and People's Courts.
1861 A.D. Congress establishes Colorado Territory with boundaries of present state; President Lincoln appoints William Gilpin as first Territorial governor. July, Supreme Court is organized and Congressional delegates chosen. September, first assembly meets, creates 17 counties, authorizes university, and selects Colorado City as Territorial capitol. Manufacture of mining machinery begins. The population of the Colorado Territory is 25,371.
1862 A.D. Colorado troops aid in defeating Confederate General Henry H. Sibley's Army at La Glorieta Pass, New Mexico. Second Territorial Legislature meets for a few days at Colorado City, adjourns to Denver, and selects Golden as the new capitol. First tax-supported schools are established. First oil well drilled near Florence.
1863 A.D.  Telegraph line links Denver with East; ten words to New York cost $9.10. Plains Indians attempt to drive white intruders from their hunting lands on the Eastern slopes. Telegraphic communications were sometimes interupted, mostly by Indians cutting the "talking wires" or buffaloes pushed down the telegraph poles which scratching themselves.  Fire sweeps through the frontier town of Denver, fanned by high winds, which destroyed most of the buildings of the city and leaves many hundreds homeless and destitute.
1864 A.D.
- Tension between non-Indians and the Native American tribes escalates. The massacre (Sand Creek Massacre) of Native American men, women and children in a Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indian encampment by soldiers and settlers stirs Native Americans to fresh violence and overland trails are often closed.
- Fort Sedgwick is established near Julesburg. Camp Collins established to protect travelers on Overland Trail. Later became Fort Collins.
- Colorado Seminary (now University of Denver) is chartered; Sisters of Loretto open academy.
- Cherry Creek overflows its bounderies and floods much of the frontier town of Denver, several deaths result and a tremendous amount of property damage results.
- There is another Rush, as pure silver veins are discovered near Georgetown, but after all the easy metal had been picked up, the prospectors were back to the same problem of not being able to extract the heavy ore from the dross stone.
- Christmas is apparently ruined by a freak, two day windstorm.
- Nathaniel P. Hill goes to Swansea, Wales to study smelting.
1865 A.D. Indian attacks along trails reach highest intensity; food is scarce for settlers and prices high; potatoes bring $15 a bushel and flour costs $40 per 100 pounds. Fort Morgan established for protection against Indians. In another bizarre natural event, grasshoppers pour in from the prairie and devoured nearly every green thing in the town.
1866 A.D.  In November of this year, Union Pacific Railroad announces its decision to build across the continent by way of the plains of Wyoming instead of through or over the Continental Divide. The news staggers the town, but aggressive citizens, led by ex-governor John Evans, quickly raise enough money to finance the Denver Pacific Railroad, which tapped the main line at Cheyenne in 1870. Other Railroads would soon stretch in and out of Denver, but not across the barrier Rockies to the west coast.
1867 A.D. Denver established as permanent seat of government by territorial legislature meeting in Golden. Golden Transcript established by George West.
1868 A.D.
January - Nathaniel Hill erects first smelter in Colorado, at Blackhawk, inaugurating era of hard-rock mining.
-Cheyenne Indians disastrously defeated at Beecher Island near present site of Wray.
-The Pueblo Chieftain established by Dr. M. Beshoar at Pueblo.
- The Lynching of Sanford S.C. Dougan  on December 1st, (for no apparent reason, the citizens of the towne of Denver hanged this distrusted character from a cottonwood tree and the body swung all night. The present site: on 12th Street between Walnut & Larimer). A photograph (Dagerrotype) of historical note was made by the famous  photographer Choncey Ruelle.
1869 A.D.
The final military engagement between whites and plains Indians in the eastern part of the territory took place at Summit Springs.
1870 A.D.
- Denver and Pacific Railroad is constructed to connect Denver with Union Pacific at Cheyenne, Wyoming; the Kansas Pacific enters Colorado from Missouri River.
- Union Colony is established by Horace Greeley and Nathan C. Meeker at Greeley, and first irrigation canal surveyed there.
- The Greeley Tribune established. Population of Colorado territory 39,864.
1871 A.D.
Colorado Springs is founded by General William J. Palmer. Denver and Rio Grande Railroad is built southward from Denver by Palmer. Colorado School of Mines established at Golden.
- First Denver streetcar line built from Auraria to Five Points
  1872 A.D. Blackhawk and Central City are connected with Denver by railroad; Denver and Rio Grande reaches Pueblo. Agricultural settlements established throughout South Platte Valley. Out West, later the Colorado Springs Gazette, was established. This year signals an end to the major use of the "Mountain Branch" of the Santa Fe Trail.
1874 A.D. 
Denver's population rises to 14,197.
Colorado College is founded at Colorado Springs; territorial legislature appropriates $15,00 for University of Colorado at Boulder, on condition that equal sum is raised by that city. W.H. Jackson, famous photographer of the Hayden Geological Survey, notes ruins of ancient cliff dwellings along the canyon on Mancos River.
1875 A.D. 
- Lead carbonate ores, rich in silver, are found near present site of Leadville. Constitutional Convention of 38 members holds first meeting.
1876 A.D.
- Colorado is admitted to Union as 38th State; John L. Routt is elected first governor.  Originally called the Centenial State for its inception on the hundreth birthday of the Union, later it would change its nickname to the Silver State when vast quantities of silver were found in the small mountain town of Leadville.
- Greeley's first industry, the tanning of buffalo hides, turns out 12 robes a day.
- Denver creates an ordinance against frame houses due to continuous problem of fires. After this date, brick homes become common and one can tell whether or not an area is an annex of the city or independent community based on this ordinance.
1877 A.D.
- University of Colorado opens classes at Boulder, with two teachers and 44 students. State Board of Agriculture is created to develop Agricultural College at Fort Collins.
1878 A.D.
- Leadville is incorporated; rich silver strikes on Iron, Carbonate, and Fryer hills soon make is one of the world's greatest mining camps. Central City opera house opens.
- Nathaniel P. Hill moves his Boston & Colorado Smelting Company from Black Hawk to a point morth of Denver, giving his new intdustiral town the classical and apt name of Argo.
1879 A.D. 
- The first telephones installed in Denver homes and the first free mail delivery service establishes mail routes to the other states.
- Colorado College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts offers instruction at Fort Collins. Nathan C. Meeker, Indian Agent on White River (near Meeker) and several employees are slain in Ute uprising.
- Major Thornburg and half of his command of 160 soldiers killed in effort to give protection to Meeker. Utes defeated.
- Nathathaniel P. Hill goes to  the U.S. Senate to represent Colorado.
1880's A.D. 
Brown's Bluff (the bluff east of Broadway, becomes a popular place to build new homes and is colonized by the Silver Kings of the mountain towns.
Racial tolerance is proven by the election of the genial Wolfe Londoner as mayor despite his Jewish heritage; but racial tolerance didn't extend to the "Yellow Peril", as a number of Chinese settled in Denver after completing the transcontinental railroad lines in 1870 and the area between Blake and Wazee above 16th street became known as "Chink Alley", in 1880 there were 238 Chinese in Denver, mostly laundrymen. 
These Chinese were often taunted and sometimes attacked by local boys or hoodlums and this wasn't a local sentiment by any means, in the autumn of 1880 national political slogans included one which read "The Chinese must go!"
1880 A.D.
- Denver & Rio Grande lays tracks through Royal Gorge and on to Leadville. Great Ute Chief, Ouray, dies. Dry land farming undertaken extensively in eastern Colorado. Population of Colorado, 194,327.
- A riot breaks out in Denver over the Chinese and local men hunt the Chinese like rats thru the city and eventually hang an old man on 17th street for nothing other than his race; the riot is broken by the head of a local detective agency, while the police watched.
1881 A.D. 
- Denver becomes the official capital of Colorado, but not without bitter and statewide competition.
Ute tribes are removed onto reservations. Grand Junction is founded. Small quantities of carnotite are found in western Colorado along with gold; later, this mineral is found to contain radium. Tabor Opera House opens in Denver, built by H.A.W. Tabor, famous Leadville capitalist.
Union Station built. This train station was an spectacular example of the Italian Romanesque architectural style and burned down in 1894. It was replaced with the current station which is Neoclassical is style.
1882 A.D.
- Eugene Fields comes to Denver to work on the Tribune
Steel is milled in Pueblo from Colorado ores. Company later becomes Colorado Fuel and Iron Company. 
High Line Canal created (it and the Windsor Hotel financed by the Dunsirn branch of the Giovanni...this note to go into the Storyteller's version of the Supernatural history of Denver).
1883 A.D.
- Narrow gauge line of Denver & Rio Grange is completed from Gunnison to Grand Junction. First electric lights are installed in Denver.
1886 A.D.
– The Steamboat Pilot established at Steamboat Springs. Charles H.Leckenby becomes owner and publisher, 1893.
- Denver Union Stockyards are established, later becoming largest receiving market for sheep in the nation.
- Town of Lamar is founded.
- The last public hanging in Denver occurred when Andrew Green was executed for the murder of streetcar driver, Joseph Whitnah.
- July 31st. Electric streetcar system completed by Sydney Howe Short, a five year professor at the University of Denver.  The system is abandoned in late 1887 because of shorts in the system and the inability of citizens and mules to avoid the electified third rail.
- October, a cowboy tournament was held at River Front Park;  the events included: catching, saddling and riding a wild bronco...roping and hog-tying a wild steer...'tailing a steer...picking up twenty single potateoes by a rider going at a pace no slower than a lope.  It is from such tournaments that (and this was one of the earliest big ones in the United States) Rodeos evolved.
1888 A.D.
Band of Utes from Utah under Colorow make last Indian raid into Colorado; they are defeated and returned to the reservation. Union Colony at Greeley completes 900,000 acre irrigation project. Cliff Palace ruins, in what is now Mesa Verde National Park, discovered by two cowboys.
Colorado Supreme Court Case: High Line Canal Company  v.s.  Dr. B.A. Wheeler  (The issue is the cost of irragation water and whether or not the company that dug the High Line Canal can charge anything they want for the water; the fight against this company is led by a homeopathic physician-farmer and other like minded farmers in the area. The decision was in favor of the farmers, stating that the company can only charge to deliver the water, not for the water itself, which is public; this case is epochal decision in the annals of irrigation law.) Note: The farmers involved in this struggle along with idle silver miners and  eastern Colorado drought farmers banded together and formed the Populist Party.
1890 A.D.
- Peak year for Colorado's economy during nineteenth century. Passage of Sherman Silver Purchase Act raises price of silver to more than $1.00 an ounce. New rich silver strikes are made along Rio Grande and Creede is founded.
- July 4, cornerstone of State Capitol at Denver is laid.
- October 3, first building of the State Normal School (now University of Northern Colorado) at Greeley is occupied.
- Population of state, 413,249.
- Boulder Daily Camera established by L.C. Paddock.
1891 A.D.
Robert Womack's discoveries open great gold field of Cripple Creek. First national forest reserve in Colorado is set aside - White River Forest in Meeker area. Pike's Peak cog railroad begins operation.
1892 A.D. 
- The Denver Post established.
- H. C. Brown opens Brown Palace Hotel in Denver.
1893 A.D.
National panic brings great distress to Colorado. Repeal of Sherman Act strikes silver mining a paralyzing blow and adds to already acute unemployment problems. The "Panic" hit Denver in July. Ten banks fail, real estate values collapse, morgages are forclosed and unemployment reaches epidemic levels. During this time, Denver establishes a camp for the needyat the foot of 16th street, at the site of River Front Park.
Grand Junction Sentinel established.
Many criminals, including the famous "Soapy" Smith flee an economically depressed Denver after the "Panic" sweeps the country.
1894 A.D.
- State Capitol is completed at a cost of $2,500,000.
- Union Station burns down.
- November, Colorado is second state in the nation to extend suffrage to women, following the precedent set by Wyoming.
- March 15th, City Hall War.  Apparently, Denver police and Firefighting board-members baracaded themselves inside City Hall and were armed with guns and a significant amount of dynamite, Governor Waite called in the First Regiment of Colorado Infantry and the Chaffee Light Artillery armed with gattling guns and had them trained on City Hall;  ultimately, the standoff was resolved peacefully. Its interesting to note, that the police trapped in City Hall were provided the necessities of life and war by a grateful underworld.
1897 A.D.
- The U.S. Mint established in Denver.
1898 A.D.
- First ascent of Ivy Baldwin's war-balloon, the "Santiago".  In the summer of the same year, the twenty-four man Signal Corps unit at Fort Logan when to Cuba, where they were the entire air-force of the United States Army.
- After intense promotion, the National Stock Growers Association Convention meets here, by 1906 the National Western Stock Show is officially at home in Denver.
1899 A.D.
- First beet sugar refinery is built at Grand Junction.
1900 A.D. 
- Electric trolleys replace the old horse and steam cable system with four lines of double electric tracks. Gold production reaches peak of more than $20,000,000 annually at Cripple Creek, the second richest gold camp in the world. Population of State, 539,700.
1902 A.D.
- Constitutional amendment permits towns of 2,000 to adopt "Home Rule"; Denver becomes home rule city.
- Beet sugar refinery built at Fort Collins.
- David H. Moffat and associates begin construction of Moffat Railroad over the Continental Divide. Completed to Steamboat Springs in 1980 and to Craig in 1913.
- Construction begun on a  system of storage reservoirs for water conservation.
1903 A.D.
- With Ben B. Lindsey as Judge, Denver Juvenile Court opens - the first such court in the United States.
- Mine, mill and smelter workers strike in many camps for higher wages and better working conditions; at Cripple Creek, strike results in much property damage and loss of life; all strike objectives in gold field are lost.
- Uncompahgre irrigation project, first federal government reclamation project in Colorado, is authorized.
- The construction of Cherry Creek Blvd.
After years of effort, Article XX of the Colorado Constitution gives Denver home rule and the city adopts a charter which consolidates nearby towns such as Valverde, Montclair and Argo with greater Denver. The enlarged town was separated from Arapahoe County to become the City and County of Denver.
The Denver Chamber of Commerce forms the Denver Convention League, which books 42 conventions its first year.
1905 A.D.
- Colorado has 3 governors in one day in a political squabble. First, Alva Adams, then James H. Peabody, and finally Jesse F. McDonald. Construction of the six mile Gunnison water tunnel started by Bureau of Reclamation.
- January, the first National Western Stock Show & Rodeo held in Denver.
1906 A.D. 
- United States Mint, Denver, issues first coins. March 12, National Western Stock Show is born with chartering of Western Stock Show Association following successful showing of about 60 head of cattle and horses and a few sheep and hogs in makeshift tent at Stockyards. July 29, Mesa Verde national Park is created by Congress.
1908 A.D.
- July 7, Denver municipal Auditorium, seating 12,500, is completed in time for the Democratic National Convention, when William Jennings Bryan was nominated the third time for President.
- August 1, Colorado Day is first celebrated, marking thirty-second anniversary of State's admittance to Union. Dome of the State Capitol is plated with gold leaf at a cost of $14,680.
- The Chamber raises funds to prevent the closure of the Denver Museum of Natural History.
1909 A.D.
- Colorado attains first rank among states in irrigation area with 2,790,000 acres under irrigation. Gunnison water tunnel completed by Reclamation Service and opened, on September 23, by President William Howard Taft at the tunnel site. Western State Teachers College opens at Gunnison.
1910 A.D.
- Population of State, 799,024. Number of farms, 46,170. Colorado voters adopt a constitutional amendment giving to the people the right of the initiative and referendum. May 8, first long distance phone call made from Denver to New York City. First airplane flight in Denver.
1911 A.D.
- Colorado National Monument west of Grand Junction, created by Presidential order.
1913 A.D.
- State Tax Commission created by Legislature. Assessed value of Colorado property for tax purposes set at $1,306,536,692. The "Big Snow of 1913" covers Colorado to a depth of 3 - 5 feet; transportation paralyzed for weeks. State begins licensing autos for the first time.
1914 A.D.
- Strike of coal miners in southern Colorado fields is climaxed by "Battle of Ludlow" near Trinidad; several men, women and children killed during hostilities between miners and the State militia. August: WWI begins.
1915 A.D. 
- Worker's compensation measures are passsed: State Industrial Commission is created. Rocky Mountain National Park created by Congress. Toll road for auto travel to top of Pikes Peak built by Spencer Penrose. Construction of Broadmoor Hotel at Colorado Springs started.
1916 A.D.
- Colorado adopts prohibition. Emily Griffith Opportunity School is opened in Denver. Mining of tungsten causes flurry in Boulder-Nederland area.
1917 A.D.
- April 6: Congress declares war on Germany and many Coloradans volunteer for service.
- Colorado reaches maximum mineral production, more then $80,000,000.
- William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody, Famous Indian scout, dies and is buried on Lookout Mountain, west of Denver.
- The Denver Chamber of Commerce purchases and later donates, the land on which Fitzsimons Army Medical Center is located.
1918 A.D.
- Agricultural production increased sharply to aid war needs. Dry lands plowed up to produce wheat. Colorado citizens purchase Liberty Bonds by the millions of dollars to help finance war. More than 125,000 Colorado men register for the draft for army service. Fitzsimmons General Hospital established near Denver. Coal production of state reaches new high of 12,500,000 tons. Impetus of war stirs development of mining of molybdenum at Climax, near Leadville - the nation's greatest source of the metal. Denver Tourist Bureau establishes free auto camp ground for tourists at Overland Park, Denver. Other cities follow suit during the next few years. Federal Reserve branch bank established in Denver. Colorado voters approve constitutional amendment providing Civil Service for state employees. November, 11, 1918, Germany surrenders.
1919 A.D.
- Post-war inflation brings higher prices to farmers and producers; prices of farm land high; wages high; boom times everywhere. Colorado enacts tax of one cent per gallon on gasoline, for building of roads. Monte Vista stages first Ski-Hi Stampede.
1920's A.D.
- Ku Klux Klan comes to power with the elections of klansmen Clarence Morely as governor of Colorado and Ben Stapleton as mayor of Denver.
1920 A.D. 
Population of State, 939,629.
Employees of Denver Tramway company go on strike. Aroused by editorials in The Denver Post, strikers raid Post building and do much damage to property.
1921 A.D.
- General Assembly creates State Highway Department with seven man Advisory Board. Colorado begins building concrete highways on main traveled routes. Pueblo suffers disastrous flood in June; scores drowned and property damage amounts to $20,000,000. Post war deflation sets in and decline in prices brings trouble in the rural areas. During the next several years, numerous banks serving farming areas close, price and farm lands decline sharply from levels reached in World War I, and farmers clamor for farm relief.
1922 A.D.
- Coloradans vote $6,000,000 in bonds for highway construction. Moffat Tunnel Improvement District is created by General Assembly for construction of 6.4 mile bore under Continental Divide to provide better rail connections between Eastern and Western Slopes of the State. First commerical radio license in Colorado is issued, to station KLZ. Daring daylight hold-up of Federal Reserve bank truck is staged as it leaves U.S. Mint in Denver and $200,000 stolen. Robbery never solved.
1923 A.D.
- Oil discovered in Wellington field north of Fort Collins; flurry of oil stock promotion follows.
-  Lowry Aviation Field established.
1924 A.D.
- April 26, Colorado is second state to ratify child labor amendment to federal Constitution. Celebration held in Greeley marking completion of concrete pavement between Denver and Greeley - first two major cities in State to be connected by paved highways. Ku Klux Klan secures domination of Republican party in Colorado and elects a pro-Klan Governor and U.S. Senator.
1925 A.D. 
Adams State Teachers College at Alamosa and junior colleges at Grand Junction and Trinidad are opened.
Ku Klux Klan often meets and burns crosses, east of Golden on top of Table Mountain; the office of the Kleagle, Dr. Galen Locke was at 1345 Glenarm Steet.
1926 A.D.
- Air Mail service comes to Denver.
1929 A.D.
- The opening of Denver Municipal Airport (later renamed Stapleton International Airport).
- Denver Develops its mountain parks system, including Red Rocks Outdoor Amphitheater and Winter Park Ski Area.
- Population reaches over one million.
- The Denver Chamber of Commerce donates the land for Lowry Air Force Air Base to the federal government.
1932 - First railroad line passes through the Moffat Tunnel to the west coast.
- During World War II agriculture industry has greatest production in Colorado history.
- Growth of military installations in Colorado mushrooms.
- Denver recruiting offices swamped by over 2,000 enlistments during the month of December as United States enters World War II.
- Federal government established Amache, a camp for Japanese-Americans who were interned and relocated from their homes on the West Coast.
- Federal government presence in Colorado grows, military installations and scientific institutions continue to develop while many veterans relocate to Colorado. These changes cause a steady increase in population.
- Mayor Quigg Newton modernizes Denver, installing Dr. Florence Sabin as head of Health and Hospitals; Hank Barnes sets up one-way streets and "The Barnes Dance" (diagonal pedestrian crossings downtown).
- Air Force Academy is built near Colorado Springs and first class graduates in June, 1959.
1950's and 1960's A.D.
- Numerous water storage and diversion projects are constructed in response to increased agricultural and municipal water demands. Tourist and ski industries blossom. Population continues to increase.
1960 A.D.
Colorado gets the Denver Broncos professional football team which eventually wins two Super Bowls.
1962-1965 A.D.
- Disposition of poisonous wastes into a deep well at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal results in earthquakes and hundreds of tremors around the Denver area.
1967 A.D.
- Denver Rockets become Colorado's professional American Basketball Association team. In 1974 they are renamed the Denver Nuggets.
1970's A.D.
- The population swells, traffic problems grow, and the "brown cloud" develops over much of the Front Range. Coloradans become concerned over the consequences of pollution and overselling Colorado and reject hosting the 1976 Winter Olympics as a result.
1973 A.D.
- Eisenhower Tunnel is built beneath the Continental Divide sixty miles west of Denver, making it easier to reach the ski slopes of western Colorado.
1974 A.D.
- Desegregation of schools in Denver begins as busing attempts to achieve racial balance.
- July 31st, A cloudburst on the Big Thompson River results in a massive flood in Larimer County, killing more than 145 people.
- Auraria Higher Education Center opens in Denver’s oldest neighborhood.
- Denver celebrates Colorado Centennial and U. S. Bicentennial by opening its Platte River Greenway at Confluence Park.
1970's - 1980's
- Tremendous growth of Denver suburbs occurs.
- Coal mining production in Colorado on the Western Slopes hits all time high as United States becomes more dependent on energy resources at home rather than overseas.
- Federico Pena becomes Denver’s first Spanish-surnamed mayor
- The state economic structure is shaken when the oil shale giant Exxon announces the closure of its oil shale development fields in Rio Blanco, Mesa and Garfield counties. Thousands are laid off and the economic stability of the western slope of the state is severely impacted.
1980's and 1990's A.D.
Major growth of technological industries occurs in Colorado.
- Wellington Edward Webb becomes Denver’s first African-American mayor.
The voters of Colorado pass a citizens' initiative to limit the growth of state and local governments with the passage of the TABOR (Taxpayer Bill of Rights)amendment to the state constitution.
Colorado Rockies become first regional major league baseball team.
- Regional Transportation District opens first light-rail line from Auraria to Five Points.
Quebec Nordiques National Hockey League team moves to Colorado to become the Colorado Avalanche.
- White supremist violence breaks out, Race Riots in the wake of brutal race related shootings, police barracade themselves inside precincts while Aryan supremists or their victims attack in reactionary rage.
Colorado voters elect the first Republican Governor (Bill Owens) to the statehouse in twenty-four years.
2002 The passing of the Homeland Security Act.
2012 The Quebec Crisis
2013-2015 New Foundlands' War (The United States and England struggle for supremacy over the North Atlantic and the Canadian Territories)
2023-2030  Native American War of Independence/Second American Civil War.
November 1st – Denver, thousands of miles distant from Mexico City feels tremors from the devistating earthquake there that destroys much of central Mexico and Mexico City during the last day of its weeklong Los Dias de Muertos celebration. Tremors are registered around 3.0 on the richter scale.
November 7th – The Crash hits the NATF and Denver as it becomes public knowledge that Mexico has completely colapsed under the political and economic stress brought on by the Dias de Muertos Quake. Stocks plumet and the Credit loses half its value in one day, businesses fail, layoffs epidemic and unemployment soar to pre-Second Civil War levels.
November 29th – NATF declaires war on Japan after that nation seizes Hawaii in a lightning military strike. In Denver, half a million sign up to fight Japanese expansionism and the  "Yellow Menace".
December 17th – A momentous historic event occurs at Mazatlan, when Japanese forces move to take the city and native forces clash with an asian military power on North American Continental soil. Denver's Arapaho Light Armor Division hold the city against Japanese armor and infantry for the better part of a day, until Navaho heavy armor and infantry reinforce the city.
December 27th- Denver holds a parade for the survivors of the Arapaho Light Armor Division and services are held for the deceased.  The Mazatlan Monument is dedicated to those who fought bravely in the first continental military action in 200 years.
2075-2115  THIRD WORLD WAR
For the fourty years of WWIII, Denver suffers under rationing, rabid anti-asian sentiment, persistent peace activism, rioting by Valhalla Movement simpathizers and continued urban growth as many businesses and displaced populations move to the city in an attempt find security in a period of unpredictable and unparalelled violence.
== '''Location''' ==
== '''Location''' ==
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== '''Attractions''' ==
== '''Attractions''' ==
* -- [[Events in Denver]]
== '''Bars and Clubs''' ==
== '''Bars and Clubs''' ==
Line 408: Line 46:
== '''Cemeteries''' ==
== '''Cemeteries''' ==
* -- <<Fairmount Cemetery>>
* -- [[Fairmount Cemetery]]
== '''City Government''' ==
== '''City Government''' ==
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== '''Transportation''' ==
== '''Transportation''' ==
== <span style="color:maroon;">'''Vampires of Denver''' ==
== <span style="color:maroon;">'''Vampires of Denver''' (18) ==
=== [[File:Brujah clan logo.png]] <span style="color:maroon;"> Brujah ===
=== [[File:Brujah clan logo.png]] <span style="color:maroon;"> Brujah (1) ===
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Flaevius Nellson ====
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Flaevius Nellson]] -- The Buffalo Soldier.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Flaevius Nellson's Statistics]]
Line 473: Line 102:
=== [[File:Gangrel clan logo.png]] <span style="color:maroon;"> Gangrel ===
=== [[File:Caitiff clan logo.png]] <span style="color:maroon;"> Caitiff ===
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Countess Rachel Lukianova Fedorov -- Gangrel Primogen of Denver ====
[[File:Countess Rachel Lukianova Fedorov.jpg]]
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:''' A strikingly beautiful woman, the Countess has red hair which falls to her waist. She is tall, just over six feet, and has a feral charm that makes her seem untamed. She is, in fact, untamed, and is also a merciless huntress.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Background:''' The Countess is Russian and was embraced in Moscow in 1760 by the ferocious [[Prince Kiril Fedorov]], who was the Prince of Moscow at that time. She left Russia in 1802 and emigrated to the newly fledged United States; the wanderlust was strong with her and she traveled the fringes of civilization until she arrived in the territory of Colorado. For almost two centuries she explored the Eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains and socialized in the frontier capital of Denver for the sum of its existence. She had planned to return to the Mother Land after the turn of the Twentieth Century, but the advent of the Russian Revolution changed her mind, as she is an aristocrat through and through, but she feared for her beloved sire Colonel Fedorov. Instead of returning, she became a member of Denver's close knit Primogen and a popular member of its burgeoning night society, as such, she was a well know figure to the Camarilla of the United States.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Personality:''' Countess Lukianova is is one of the toughest vampires in Denver, and she knows it. Still, if she came up against something too tough to deal with, she knows that flight is always an option.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Current Events:'''
* -- '''[[Countess Rachel Lukianova Fedorov]]'''
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Grayson Fallow ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Grayson Fallow's Statistics]]
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Burning Crow -- Guardian of the Arapaho ====
=== [[File:Gangrel clan logo.png]] <span style="color:maroon;"> Gangrel (4) ===
* -- [[Rachel Lukianova Fedorov]] -- Russian Gangrel Countess and Primogen.
* -- [[Grayson Fallow]] -- Eldest progeny of Countess Rachel.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
* -- [[Burning Crow]] -- Progeny of Grayson Fallow and Guardian of the Arapaho.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
* -- [[Kate O'Malley]] -- Progeny of Grayson Fallow and Gangrel Lady of the Night.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Burning Crow's Statistics]]
Line 514: Line 119:
=== [[File:Lasombra clan logo.png]] <span style="color:maroon;"> Lasombra ===
=== [[File:Lasombra clan logo.png]] <span style="color:maroon;"> Lasombra (5) ===
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Don Alonzo De Vargas -- Lasombra Antitribu Prince of Denver ====
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Don Alonzo De Vargas]] -- Lasombra antitribu Primogen.
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Don Leandro Adon Oro Christian De Reyes]] -- Eldest Childe of Don Alonzo & Pilgrim on the Bitter Journey
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Don Ramon Arturo Negro De Cadiz]] -- Second Son & Art Aficionado
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Dona Isabella Baboa Garcia Mendez]] -- The Pious Daughter
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' Your Majesty (in public) - Don Alonzo (private circumstances) - Alonzo (for intimate circumstances only)<br>
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Loleta]] -- Daughter of Don Ramon Arturo Negro De Cadiz
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Don Alonzo De Vargas]] <span style="color:maroon;">
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Don Leandro Adon Oro Christian De Reyes -- Eldest Childe of Don Alonzo & Pilgrim on the Bitter Journey ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Don Leandro Adon Oro Christian De Reyes]]
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Don Ramon Arturo Negro De Cadiz -- Second Son & Art Aficionado ====
=== [[File:Malkavian clan logo.png]]  <span style="color:#800000;"><u>'''Clan Malkavian'''</u>  (2) ===
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- Antonio -- Primogen of Lunatics
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- Jason Dodgerson -- The Reincarnate
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Don Ramon Arturo Negro De Cadiz]]
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Dona Isabella Baboa Garcia Mendez -- The Pious Daughter ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Dona Isabella Baboa Garcia Mendez]]
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Emerson Wilkshire III -- Childe of Don Leandro Adon Oro Christian De Reyes ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Emerson Wilkshire III]]
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Loleta -- Daughter of Don Ramon Arturo Negro De Cadiz ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Loleta]]
=== [[File:Malkavian clan logo.png]]  <span style="color:#800000;"><u>'''Clan Malkavian'''</u>  ===
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Antonio -- Primogen of Lunatics ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Antonio's Statistics]]
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Jason Dodgerson -- The Mad Musician ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Jason Dodgerson's Statistics]]
Line 612: Line 139:
=== [[File:Nosferatu clan logo.png]]  <span style="color:#800000;"><u>'''Clan Nosferatu'''</u>  ===
=== [[File:Nosferatu clan logo.png]]  <span style="color:#800000;"><u>'''Clan Nosferatu'''</u>  ===
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Neville Farthing -- Primogen of Sewer Rats ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Neville Farthing's Statistics]]
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Eli Wallis ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' The Hanging Judge <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Eli Wallis's Statistics]]
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Corey VanZandt ====
=== [[File:Toreador clan logo.png]]  <span style="color:#800000;"><u>'''Clan Toreador'''</u> (3) ===
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Edward Williamson]] -- The Prince.
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Leslie Wilkes]]
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Leslie Booth]]
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Corey VanZandt's Statistics]]
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Deven Wright ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Deven Wright's Statistics]]
Line 660: Line 154:
=== [[File:Toreador clan logo.png]]  <span style="color:#800000;"><u>'''Clan Toreador'''</u>  ===
=== [[File:Tremere clan logo.png]]  <span style="color:#800000;"><u>'''Clan Tremere'''</u>  (1) ===
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Leslie Wilkes ====
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Gideon Londoner]] -- Regent of Denver
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:'''  <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Leslie Wilkes' Statistics]]
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Leslie Booth ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Leslie Booth's Statistics]]
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Karen Mauve -- Rockstar Wannabe ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[Karen Mauve's Statistics]]
Line 698: Line 161:
=== [[File:Tremere clan logo.png]]  <span style="color:#800000;"><u>'''Clan Tremere'''</u>  ===
=== [[File:Ventrue clan logo.png]]  <span style="color:#800000;"><u>'''Clan Ventrue'''</u>  (2) ===
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> ====
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- Elgin Fitz-Cairn
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[]]
Line 714: Line 168:
=== [[File:Ventrue clan logo.png]]  <span style="color:#800000;"><u>'''Clan Ventrue'''</u>  ===
=== <span style="color:#800000;"> Bloodlines ===
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> ====
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Mary Wyncott]] -- Ventrue (Salubri) Philanthropist & Humanitarian.
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Chelsea Etitameh]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of Qadim Malikh.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''<br>
* -- [[]]
Line 730: Line 176:
=== [[File:Salubri clan logo.png]] <span style="color:#800000;"> Salubri Bloodline ===
==== <span style="color:maroon;">Mary Wyncott -- Ventrue Philanthropist & Humanitarian ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' Doctor Wyncott (formal) - Mary (informal) - Christine (intimate)
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:''' Christine appears to be an attractive woman in her early thirties. She has long silky dirty blond hair that hangs to her hips, pale and flawless skin with only a few freckles that she shows off to good effect and jade green eyes which can take on other hues depending on her mood. She is only a few inches short of six feet and full figured; she combines her natural beauty with a stunning wardrobe and tasteful jewelry for a more powerful effect, though she disdains the use of cosmetics on all but formal occasions.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:''' She is an early twentieth century American beauty trapped in amber. Christine has a cultured way of speaking and consummate social skills combined with a nearly iron will to create respect in almost all those with whom she interacts. She always maintains eye contact, never raises her voice and absolutely never uses profanity, though her body language can be absolutely pornographic when she is feeling naughty.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:''' Born into a prominent New England family who arrived in America as puritans, Christine grew up the child of privalige to a strict, but loving father and a devout mother. By the standards of her day, Christine's youth was rewarding, but not easy, for she was required to learn all the graces of a young lady of society and was expected to enter into a prearranged marriage to a man of her station, becoming a mother and a wife.
<span style="color:#000000;"> Secretly she yearned for something more and her only confidant was her younger brother, Joseph. Often they would lie awake at night and wisper to each other of their dreams: he wanted to be soldier and to see the world, she wanted to be like her father, a doctor; but women were not allowed to be doctors, at least not young ladies of station such as herself and his hopes seemed as unlikely, for his father wanted him to be a physician and his mother would never approve of his entering the military.
<span style="color:#000000;"> All that began to change shortly after Christine's sixteenth birthday, when her mother, a devout protestant and a woman of often poor health, died. Though she had many aunts who often tried to take her mothers' place and who regularly tried to arrange suitors for her, she began to run a little wild, which mostly consisted of spending time with her father, where ever he went, often helping with his practice. For that matter, her aunts were quite scandalized by both children's behavior for Joseph would often slip away after his father went to bed and go listen to the sailors and soldiers talk of the strange places they had been and all the wonderous things they had seen.
<span style="color:#000000;"> The physician was a man of principles and simple faith bound by the strictures of his day; the lose of his wife deeply wounded him and Christine and Joseph were all of her that was left to him, so perhaps he was a little lax with them. In the end this is what he would blame himself for, but by then it would be too late.
<span style="color:#000000;"> In the summer of 1914, war had broken out in Europe and many young men were running off to fight the good fight. Joseph was no different and so one night as his father slept he left with just a few belongings and a goodby to his beloved sister Christine. Few people at that time in America knew the harsh realities of war, Christine was no different, so when Joseph told her he was leaving, she celebrated with him and was glad, for it seemed that both of them were finally living their dreams.
<span style="color:#000000;"> Christine's father wasn't pleased when he discovered Joseph's deception, but like her he would read Joseph's letters over and over again as the months passed. For the better part of a year, all seemed well for Joseph sent letters regularly and she worked with her father every day, caring for the sick and injured of Boston. Then young men began to arrive at the hospitals of Boston, young men come back from fighting in Europe, often missing limbs, horribly scarred or with terrible wounds of the mind. Then Christine was scared for Joseph and her father began to write letters to important men in government, hoping to arrange Josephs return from Europe, but to no avail.
<span style="color:#000000;"> The next year wasn't so easy, because Joseph's letters stopped coming and her father even with his influence couldn't find out why, no one seemed to know anything about it. As the guilt and fear for his son began to eat at him, Christine's father began to rely on the medicines at his disposal to help him continue working. A year passed and there was no news of Joseph and the physician had become a shadow of his former self, often not eating and using cocaine to stay alert or laudanum to help him sleep. Two and a half years after Joseph's enlistment, the physician died and left Christine a young woman of wealth without a suitor. Her aunts tried to meddle and marry her off, but Christine had been running her father's life for the past year and couldn't easily be forced into anything. Her aunts despaired, fearing she would be a spinster and an embarrassment, but that wasn't to be the case.
<span style="color:#000000;"> A week after her father's death, she set sail on the first ship bound for Europe, the last letter from Joseph had come from Paris, a good place to start looking for him she believed. Upon arrival, she discovered the reality of war was chaos; no one knew what had happened to Joseph or where he might be. His last letter had been dated a couple of days before his last assignment or so his commanding officer said. Though there was no body, the army believed him dead, for he had been missing so long and he wasn't on any of the prisoner of war lists either. The commander was a nice man that tried to comfort her, but also told her to accept the truth, that Joseph was in all probability dead. Christine was torn between disbelief and the grief. In tears she left his office, but she would return many times over the next two years, for the commander would become her first friend and lover.
<span style="color:#000000;"> She sat in a small flat on the northern shore and grieved, but the isolation drove her to the outside world and so she returned to what she knew best, being the physician's daughter; she did charity work in the Red Cross and within a few months, she became a nurse at one of the hospitals for war wounded soldiers. It was months before she realized why she had chosen that hospital, because they had told her that all allied soldiers passed through it for triage; she was still looking for her brother. For the better part of a year she refused to accept that he was dead, she looked for him everywhere, but near the end of the war, it became apparent that she would never see him again, it was a terrible moment of realization.
<span style="color:#000000;"> Her relationship to the Commander ended with the war, as such affairs often do, but she would never forget him. Though the war had cost her a family, it had also made her independently wealthy, for her father's investments had paid off far greater than he would ever have imagined. The money meant nothing to her, so she continued to work in the charity hospitals of the city, often spending her own money to pay for the care of those less fortunate.
<span style="color:#000000;"> It was amid the charity wards of Paris's less affluent hospitals that Christine was to meet Renault; he was a physician like her father, but his skill and compassion far exceeded that of any healer she had ever met and his eyes told a story of infinite understanding, and of understanding her. From that moment, Christine would take every opportunity to work with the mysterious doctor, who only worked at night; she assumed like everyone else that he was private physician to the elite during the day and came to heal the poor at night, perhaps in his spare time. Their working together was erratic at first, and then more and more often he came to the wards where she worked and asked for her as his assistant. She was ecstatic, for she began to learn wondrous techniques for healing the wounded and curing the sick and Renault would often allow her to watch as he performed miracles.
<span style="color:#000000;"> Blissfully, a year passed while she worked as Renault’s pupil and she learned more of medicine in that year than all the years she had spent at her father's side in Boston. It was a happy time, the happiest since her mother's death, marred only by the mystery of Renault’s miracles of healing, the techniques that he said he could not teach her. Over the next few years she mastered the medicine of the time and became skilled in the ancient techniques that Renault used for his more mundane healings, by that time the twenties were ending and something else was happening, she was growing older.
<span style="color:#000000;"> As often happens when people are happy they pay little attention to the passage of time and Christine was happy, very happy and in love with life, suddenly, early in 1929 Christine became ill and the illness didn't go away, even when Renault treated her; only his miracles could drive away the constant pain. After a month, he told her the truth, she was dying of a rare cancer and all his skill couldn't heal it, only slow its progress. Even though he couldn't heal it, Renault said there was a way for her to survive the cancer that was slowly eating her body; it was then that he told her the truth of what he was and how he had survived the centuries. For he had been a physician in the court of the Sun King when he was mortal and another physician had offered to save him from a disease that couldn't be cured at that time; Christine listened in wonder and then horror, for what Renault told her finally revealed the source of his miraculous healings. She spent the long hours of the next day considering all that he had told her, but with his offer had come the admission that if she was like him, he could teach her how to work the healing miracles that he called Obeah.
<span style="color:#000000;"> To say that it was an easy decision, would be a lie, but no one wants to die and Christine loved life and was being offered the chance to heal lifetime after lifetime. That night when he returned to check on her condition, she accepted his offer and that night he made her immortal.
<span style="color:#000000;"> Together they worked tirelessly to aid the sick, insane and poor throughout Paris, the Thirties and the world wide Depression. They no longer paid attention to time, it no longer mattered and now she learned to heal wounds in one night that would have taken weeks or months to heal normally. They opened soup kitchens, charity clinics and shelters for those less fortunate; they met with the most learned minds, not only in medicine but in a myriad of other disciplines including art and philosophy. It wasn't until 1939 that she realized that she not only loved Renault but was in love with him and that he shared her feelings. Their romance was short but potent and then the winds of war swept their happiness away like it had never been.
<span style="color:#000000;"> It was the invasion of Paris and they did what they could for the wounded and dying, but there were far too many in need, for them to aid. Men in dark clothes with guns came and with them came others who were not men and who brought fire and death for Renault, who was good and kind and who had been healing the sick of Paris for 400 years. His last words, spoken into her mind, had been to flee and continue their work; because he asked it of her, she fled. The escape from France wasn't easy, but Renault had thought of this and provided for her escape to England and eventually to America.
<span style="color:#000000;"> The country she returned to had changed in some unimaginable way, for no one cared what was happening in Europe, they just wanted to look the other way. But, the war in Europe spread like a cancer to the rest of the world and could no longer be ignored. Christine returned to the ashes of Europe with the American military forces sent to end the war; she reprised her position as a Red Cross volunteer and searched for Renault in the devastation that was Paris in 1944. But, like her brother Joseph, he had been devoured whole by the very same monster, war. From that time on, she would follow the beast to the far corners of the globe aiding the victims of war.
<span style="color:#000000;"> It was in Bosnia, 2004 that she would again encounter the very same vampires that had killed Renault, she fled, but they chased her for the next two years, until she came to Sofia and asked the protection of that city's Prince, Emil. Sanctuary was granted and the Tremere sent away angry and empty handed. The end of that year, the Sabbat attacked and she continued Renault’s work, healing those in need. War and love seemed to go hand in hand for her, for it was during the siege that she was to meet Jamie and fall in love again after so many years.
<span style="color:#000000;"> Though, the Tremere still hunt her and she still heals those in need, she now has another reason to live and a new place to live, Sofia. The twenty-first century looks like its going to be interesting for Christine and she is still in love with life.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''
* -- '''[[Mary Wyncott]]'''
=== [[File:Deceased vampire icon.png]]  <span style="color:#800000;"><u>'''Deceased and Exiled vampires of Denver'''</u>  ===
=== [[File:Deceased vampire icon.png]]  <span style="color:#800000;"><u>'''Deceased and Exiled vampires of Denver'''</u>  ===
==== <span style="color:maroon;"> Thaddeus -- Agent Provocateur of the Quincunx Conspiracy ====
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Thaddeus]] -- Insane Methusaleh. {Exiled & Hunted}
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Jacob Prestor]] -- Caitiff Mad Scientist. {Deceased}
*<span style="color:maroon;"> -- [[Karen Mauve]] -- Youngest progeny of the Prince and Rockstar Wannabe. {Deceased}
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' <br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:'''<br>
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Rest in Peace:'''<br>
* -- [[Thaddeus]]
==== <span style="color:maroon;">Edward Williamson -- Former Toreador Prince of Denver ====
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Sobriquet:''' Lord Williamson (formal) - Edward (informal)
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Appearance:''' Edward is a little short for a modern man, standing 5ft - 6inches, with dark hair and dark green eyes. He is a man of striking appearance with aristocratic chiseled features and the physique of an Olympic gymnast. The epitome of fashion in Denver, Edward will always be seen in the latest fashions and wears his hair accordingly. Self composed to the point of Zen; Edward carries himself with an air of authority and is always the center of attention regardless of the circumstances.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Behavior:''' Well spoken and outgoing, with European manners, Edward radiates confidence and calm in equal measure. A staunch supporter of the traditions and the old forms used by elder Cainites, Edward can seem a little stuffy to those newly embrace, until he quietly smiles with antique charm. Edward is a man of swift and decisive action, a firm leader who will not balk at bloodshed if he believes it warranted, but who despises the carnage and chaos of war. Edward’s treatment of his subjects shows another side of his nature, though. So long as they obey the laws of the Kindred and plot no treason, they are free to do as they will.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''History:''' Edward is ancient by by the standards of modern vampires. He was Embraced in the late 11th century, his is very much a product of his time. In his mortal life, Edward was a troubadour. He accompanied his father, William the Conqueror across the English Channel, and the carnage that he saw at the Battle of Hastings and at various later skirmishes colored his views on war ever since. He has seen war in all its bloody grandeur, and devoutly hopes to see it as little more as possible. This leads him to acts which many may view as cruel, but which he views as necessary evils and preventative measures. One such action is the destruction of Prestor.
<span style="color:#000000;"> The destruction of Prestor is, in fact, a good illustration of many of Edward's characteristics. First, it was an act taken to prevent what Edward saw as a course of action that could only lead to nocturnal war. He knew, or thought that he knew, that Prestor meant to make a bid for control of Denver and was creating childer as soldiers for his army. Edward's aim was to nip the war in the bud, before chaos and vitae could hit the city streets.
<span style="color:#000000;"> Edward's treatment of the independent Kindred of Denver shows another side of his nature, though. He does not treat them cruelly. So long as they obey the Traditions of the Camarilla, Edward's personal edicts, and plot no treason -- they are free to do as they will.
<span style="color:#000000;"> Edward was not fully in his right mind when he ordered the execution of Prestor, though. Thaddeus has been working his wiles on Edward using techniques of persuasion both mystical and mundane. Edward sent Duke to hunt down any of Prestor's surviving brood, those who showed resistance were eliminated, but those willing to bend their knees to the rightful prince of Denver were allowed to live. Only in retrospect, did Edward realize that he had been the pawn of another. Edward's fury at being so used, allowed him to dissolve Thaddeus' insidious hold over the old Toreador's mind and propelled Edward into an investigation of the events that led up to Prestor's destruction. What he found was the machinations of a branch of the Inconnu to destroy Prestor's mysterious work. To this night, Edward holds a vendetta against the ancient Nosferatu Thaddeus for making him a dupe in the plans of the Conspiracy.
<span style="color:#000000;"> Edward has, as many Elder vampires have, developed an obsession or two to keep himself sane. One of his obsessions is, of course, his aversion to rebellion. It is a total commitment on his part. A second obsession is with music. Throughout the years, Edward has always been involved with the art of music. In various lives, he has composed it, played it, and listened to it. He is often friends with composers and musicians, and keeps mementos of them when they die or he moves on to another life.
<span style="color:#000000;"> In 1808, Edward was in Austria pursuing his musical interests when he befriended a young Austrian soldier. They both shared a love of opera and spent much time together. When a small group of mortals discovered Edward's true nature, Edward felt threatened enough to forego the Traditions and Embraced the soldier as his new Childe. With the aid of his new Progeny, Edward managed to eliminate all who had pierced his disguise. The Austrian soldier remains with Edward to this night as his Thrall, and now goes by the name of Duke.
<span style="color:#000000;"> Although the immediate threat to the Masquerade had been dealt with, Leopold, the Prince of Vienna, felt strongly enough about the subject to let Edward know that he and his new childe were no longer welcome in Vienna. Edward understood that Leopold, a brand new prince ascended to the throne of Vienna with the support of Clan Tremere, chose the better part of valor and left the city with his new childe in tow. For a time, they traveled Eastern Europe, for Edward wished Duke to become acclimated to his new unlife in familiar surroundings. Towards the end of the 19th century, however, sire and childe found themselves in London, enjoying the antics of the D'Oyly Carte Company as they performed the debuts of Gilbert and Sullivan's operettas. 
<span style="color:#000000;"> Although Mithras, the millennial prince of London, was cordial, he was far from welcoming over the circumstances of Edward's own Embrace in London centuries before at the hands of his own sire, Paris of Rome. Mithras extracted a hefty boon from Edward for the right of he and his childe to remain in London. Though Edward did accept responsibility for the boon, he chose not to remain in London for more than a decade. At the turn of the 20th century, the ploys and counter-ploys of the, so-called Great Game sickened Edward and made it apparent that war would soon engulf Europe once again. With the power plays of London's Kindred having lost their charm and war looming on the horizon, Edward and Duke made their way to the New World. At that time, the journey to the United States was still considered dangerous and not one often undertaken by the Kindred. 
<span style="color:#000000;"> Their arrival in New York was welcomed by Michaela, the Elder Ventrue prince of Gotham. The war with the Sabbat of New York was slowly building up and Michaela was seeking allies in her struggle with the Black Hand. But, as mentioned before, Edward had seen enough of war in both the realm of the living and the nocturnal skirmishes of the Jyhad; nor was he about to let Duke become the war-pawn of Michaela. Edward paid his respects and offered nothing more, which soured relations between the two Elders relatively quickly. Though Edward found much of interest in New York, including a potential childe in the form of a beautiful woman named Leslie singing opera on Broadway, he chose to exercise restraint in courting her.
<span style="color:#000000;"> Edward and Duke spent barely a month in the Big Apple before continuing westward in search of a place where they could flourish unhindered. What they found was Denver. The town, barely a city, was already occupied by a Lasombra antitribu, Don Alonzo de Vargas and a few other Kindred. The city was still in turmoil though, expanding at a great rate and with a huge population of transient undead. Once again they paid their respects to the Elder in residence; Don Alonzo de Vargas, for mysterious reasons of his own, chose not to take the role of prince and largely ignored the two Toreador. It was not until the Roaring 20s, that things settled down and Denver developed a large enough permanent Kindred population that the comfortable anarchy which had previously been dominant seemed inadequate.
<span style="color:#000000;"> At that time, Edward and Don Alonzo were the only two Elders present in Denver, and it was obvious that only one would rule. The presence of Edward's brood tipped the balance of power slightly in Edward's favor and gave him enough strength to make a proposal. He proposed that together, the two of them could rule Denver, Edward would publicly take the title of prince, while Don Alonzo who preferred to manipulate things from the shadows, would act as a silent partner without the risks attendant upon a prince. The situation was such that the Lasombra Elder agreed to the proposal with the stipulation that he could maintain an equally sized brood within the city and could make childer at his own discretion. Though this demand did not sit well with Edward, he loathed dissent and war of any kind and agreed to the magister's terms. 
<span style="color:#000000;"> The next 70 years were time of growth and development in both the mortal and Kindred communities of Denver. Though the city continued to see a steady stream of transient undead, only a few chose to make the modest cow-town their home. This allowed the Toreador and Lasombra relatively free reign in the Mile-High City until the secretive arrival of the Inconnu Conspiracy. It would not become apparent to the few elders of Denver until it was too late, that the Inconnu had begun to manipulate events through the withered hand of the ancient Nosferatu Thaddeus. Though only a few would ever discover the presence of the ancient Conspiracy, those few who did, either became pawns themselves or died mysteriously. 
<span style="color:#000000;"> The 1990s brought two unpleasant circumstances. The first was the arrival of a French neonate who called himself Prestor. Though he initially followed the Traditions and presented himself to Edward, he was both a Caitiff and something of an amateur occultist. Neither endeared him to Edward or Don Alonzo, but within a couple of years Prestor spontaneously Embraced a brood. Both Edward and Don Alonzo were alarmed by this turn of events, but it was Edward who called the Blood Hunt against Prestor, rather than bringing him to heel. In a further complication, Prestor's fledglings managed to escape his haven while he struggled with Duke and the haven burned around them. Although Duke did manage to round up the survivors, Edward could not find it within himself to destroy them out-of-hand. Instead, he suggested that they move west to California and the so-called Anarch Free State or take up residence in Denver as his blood bound thralls; most chose the former rather than the latter choice. Unfortunately, this perceived weakness on the part of Edward did not sit well with Don Alonzo who held a much more strict view of the Traditions and created a wedge between the prince and his shadowy ally.
<span style="color:#000000;"> Though the next few years were quiet, they were far from pleasant as Edward came to realize he had been the dupe of an ancient Nosferatu called Thaddeus and Don Alonzo began to question Edward's decisions. While the struggle between Edward and Alonzo occurred behind closed doors and remained one of nebulous political maneuvers, it still grated on the Elder Toreador's ego.
<span style="color:#000000;"> The second and far more catastrophic event occurred only a few years later in 1997. The Sabbat laid siege to Denver. The Black Hand seemed to attack out of nowhere, almost before Edward and Alonzo were aware of their presence they set about destroying the carefully cultivated Masquerade in the Mile High City. The Hand attacked Edward's haven with fire and blood-magic, making the struggle a life and death affair. Edward was gravely wounded and entered torpor as his body was hidden by his childer. While Don Alonzo de Vargas assumed the mantle of the princedom. Though the Sabbat was eventually defeated, it did do considerable damage to the Masquerade, which made unlife in Denver far from pleasant. One Sabbat tactic was the mass Embrace of canon-fodder which in turn created a frightening number of fledglings, all of whom had to be found and contained in one of several ways.
<span style="color:#000000;"> Upon Edward's awakening from torpor a little over a year later, he saw that the circumstance of the Toreador - Lasombra alliance in Denver had been reversed. Rather than create more strife, Edward chose to pursue his vendetta against Thadeus, but somehow, in only a year the Nosferatu's trail had grown cold. Edward met with Don Alozo secretly and agreed to play the role of the usurped prince in return for the safety of his own brood and once again the two elders found an accord. 
<span style="color:#000000;"> The 21st century has seen Edward return to the Old World in pursuit of Thaddeus and his allies the Inconnu Conspiracy. The recent turn of events in Europe has begun to make Edward regret his decision to pursue the ancient sewer rat, as chaos and strife once again begin to engulf the European Kindred community.
<span style="color:#000000;">'''Recent Events:'''
* -- '''[[Edward Williamson]]'''

Latest revision as of 06:28, 20 February 2015

Western Alliance of Independent States -x- League of the Night

Denver airport demon horse by night.jpg

City Seal of Denver

City seal of denver.gif


Denver is a city that will be far more defined by its future than its past. -- John Hickenlooper


Full moon denver skyline night.jpg




Historical Note: Previous to the dates which follow, the Arapaho tribes had been using the junction of the South Platte river and Cherry Creek as a meeting place and seasonal camp for an unspecified period of time, but historical resources indicate that period of time could have been considerable, centuries or longer.

Its worth noting, that one of the specific references that I found, a letter dated 1858, stated that there were over three hundred lodges of Arapaho in and around that junction of the S.Platte and C.Creek rivers; this is important because a lodge is usually an extended family of several generations of Arapaho, which means at the time of the letter's writing, there were probably 3,000+ Arapaho tribal members in residence at the site of downtown Denver. In the year 2001, there are less than 10,000 total Arapaho tribal members split between the two surviving tribal groups left in North America. Time has not been kind to the Arapaho. -- Bruce E. Zieger (mortal amateur historian and storyteller)



  • -- City (649,495) - 2013 census
  • -- Urban (2,374,203) - 2013 census
  • -- Metro Area (2,697,476) - 2013 census



Bars and Clubs



City Government



Citizens of the City

Current Events



Hotels & Hostels









Private Residences







Vampires of Denver (18)

Brujah clan logo.png Brujah (1)

Caitiff clan logo.png Caitiff

Gangrel clan logo.png Gangrel (4)

Lasombra clan logo.png Lasombra (5)

Malkavian clan logo.png Clan Malkavian (2)

  • -- Antonio -- Primogen of Lunatics
  • -- Jason Dodgerson -- The Reincarnate

Nosferatu clan logo.png Clan Nosferatu

Toreador clan logo.png Clan Toreador (3)

Tremere clan logo.png Clan Tremere (1)

Ventrue clan logo.png Clan Ventrue (2)

  • -- Elgin Fitz-Cairn


Deceased vampire icon.png Deceased and Exiled vampires of Denver

  • -- Thaddeus -- Insane Methusaleh. {Exiled & Hunted}
  • -- Jacob Prestor -- Caitiff Mad Scientist. {Deceased}
  • -- Karen Mauve -- Youngest progeny of the Prince and Rockstar Wannabe. {Deceased}
