Gideon Londoner

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Tremere -x- Denver


Title: Regent of the Second Circle

Appearance: Apparent age – mid 50s. Gideon stands 1.8m in height and weighs a solid 90 kilos. He is balding with a white fringe and full white beard; when making first impressions, he comes across as an affable religious academic.

Background: Immediately following the terrible events of Winterfest 2012 and the death of the mad Ravnos Wenzel Xeven, Gideon was promoted to Regent of the First Circle by Primogen Karl Johansen with the tacit approval of the Tremere Lord Simeon Sokolov of Pleven. In the weeks following the massacre at Winterfest, Regent Londoner is rarely seen and the warding of the various Elysium sites comes to a standstill. By the first night of March, Regent Londoner makes a report to the prince and primogen council on the establishment of the city's new chantry to be located within a recently established Masonic Lodge near the heart of Loznets District. The Camarilla of Sofia are invited to attend its opening ceremony on March 22, 2013.

Personality: The truth of his nature is revealed by an intense gaze that stripes away the pretenses of others, layer by layer, until the truth is laid bear. He often wears dark tweeds, stout shoes, a kippah (the ‘beanie’ worn by Jewish men to show submission to God’s will), a few pieces of academic jewelry and an elegant, heavily carved walking stick of petrified wood. He speaks with a strong western American accent, but speaks the Queen’s English nonetheless.

Current Events: In July of 2013, Regent Londoner was recalled to his old post in Denver. Though he hasn't had the opportunity to return to Sofia, even for a visit, he does correspond with certain trusted individuals in the city. Few in Europe realize how dire the circumstances are in New World, but Londoner is no fool and has set up Sofia to serve as the end point of his exit strategy when Denver falls to the Sabbat.