Kate O'Malley

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Gangrel -x- Denver



Appearance: You appear to be in your middle twenties and cannot cross running water to save your life,‭ ‬unless you are at least fifty feet above it‭; ‬to those familiar with the Gangrel,‭ ‬you more resemble the so called City Gangrel.‭ ‬You don't get along with the that aristocratic Russian bitch,‭ ‬Rachel.‭ ‬You are what you appear to be,‭ ‬a good Irish lass turn bad,‭ ‬with auburn hair and emerald eyes.‭ ‬Your animal features are vulpine‭ (‬fox-like‭)‬.‭

Behavior: You still have close relations with Grayson,‭ ‬but its a real relationship,‭ ‬not the blood-bond,‭ ‬cause he's bound to Rachel before you were even born and that just gives you another reason to hate her.‭ ‬Your first and only childe was one of your descendants and she was only in your life for about two years when the Sabbat destroyed her and put you into Torpor,‭ ‬you don't know if you will ever embrace again,‭ ‬but you do know you have a score to settle with the Sabbat and if you ever catch any,‭ ‬they are going to scream like chickens trapped in the coop with a fox.‭ ‬Your brothel,‭ ‬Barrow House,‭ ‬still stands as it has since‭ ‬1865,‭ ‬on the same site and still caters to the needs of the high and mighty,‭ ‬so your influence is felt throughout‭ ‬Denver.‭ ‬Your domain is‭ ‬Barrow House and you have influence,‭ ‬contacts and allies throughout Denvers‭' ‬prostitutes and brothels.

History: You were born to a poor tenant farming family in Ireland and married at the ripe age of fourteen to a an adventurer on his way to Colorado to make his fortune in the‭ ‬1859‭ ‬gold rush.‭ ‬He was a no-good man and left you when the gold played out in‭ ‬1860‭ ‬and you were left with nothing to sell but yourself and two babies to feed.‭ ‬Four years later you could feed your children and had a regular selection of gentlemen callers who paid good money to court you and you found the oldest profession to be your calling‭; ‬that same year,‭ ‬the Cherry Creek flooded its banks and destroyed many homes,‭ ‬including the home of one of your gentlemen and you nearly drowned before he pulled the both of you from the river.‭ ‬You were sick with water in your lungs for weeks and it became apparent that you weren't going to make it and you demanded that the gentleman raise your children since you couldn't.‭ ‬He disagreed,‭ ‬but gave you the chance to do so when he gave you the Embrace.‭ ‬Since then you have watched generations of your family prosper and decline with the times,‭ ‬but cousin Kate is always there for the family and you still practice the oldest profession‭; ‬why not,‭ ‬you have had centuries to practice‭? ‬

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