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; '''[[Arrayed by Clan]]'''
;[[Arrayed by Clan]]
[[File:Ravnos clan logo.png]]
The Ravnos move like the rumors that surround
them. They are the thief in the night, the ''raksha''
chased by the wind, the nightmare-dream too fearful
to be real. Whether associated with the Romani folk
of Europe or the grave-robbing ''ghûl'' of Western Asia,
Kindred society burdens the Ravnos with prejudices of
foulness, uncleanliness, and wickedness.
With reputations like these, the Ravnos are considered outsiders even among those Kindred who
do not ally themselves with Sects. Many young Ravnos tend toward nomadic unlives, moving from one domain to the next or hiding
on the fringes of established territories where they can escape if local Kindred
sentiment turns against them. This exacerbates their reputations as transients, gypsies, and vagrant
scourges, but Ravnos vampires adapt well, thriving in their marginalized role. In fact, many choose to
make themselves into the ravening terrors that other Kindred believe them to be.
The more enlightened among the Ravnos follow a Clan ideology inspired by the cycle of
reincarnation espoused by many Indian faiths. Among some young and unprincipled members of the
Clan, however, this philosophy becomes a penchant for capriciousness or an excuse for chaos. It is these latter
Kindred who give so many Ravnos a bad name, but even the devout seem bizarre to many vampires.
The Ravnos practice a unique Discipline known as Chimerstry that convinces their enemies that they see
things that do not exist. Chimerstry does much to convince Kindred that the Ravnos trade in lies and
misdirection, but it can also prove to be a Deceiver’s salvation and ease the vagaries of an outcast unlife.
'''Nickname:''' Deceivers
'''Sect:''' Clan Ravnos often has a difficult time heeding the rigorous order
of many Camarilla cities, and has no inherent love for the violence of
the Sabbat. Thus, the Deceivers find themselves independent for lack of a
more suitable option.
'''Appearance:''' Young Ravnos often come from Eastern European Romani stock, with a relative paucity of “non-gypsy”
gadje in the ranks. What few elders of the Clan may remain are presumed to come from Indian or Middle Eastern
origins. Given that the Clan is widely spread and holds no traditional central domain, no consistent look can be said
to be predominant, and any mendicant Kindred might be of Ravnos origin.
'''Haven:''' Many Ravnos take to the road instead of establishing permanent havens, dwelling temporarily among itinerant communities,
at roadside rest stops, or even in vehicles. When a Deceiver does put down roots in a domain, his permanent haven is often away from
high-profile Kindred territories. Havens in ethnic ghettos, industrial outskirts, and isolated geography are safest and most easily
cultivated for the Ravnos.
'''Background:''' The Ravnos are scattered and suspicious, and those childer who don’t have the tendency toward self-sufficiency don’t last long. In many
cases, a Ravnos will either never sire, or sire for companionship or safety, with little concern for how well
a childe will fare as a vampire. Ravnos rarely seek out childer actively, instead drawing from those whose
paths they cross on any given night. As such, the hardluck drifter reputation tends to follow the Deceivers.
'''Character Creation:''' Outsider and selfish Natures are common among the Clan. Physical and Social Attributes predominate, as do Talents and Skills. Savvy
Ravnos develop a breadth of Backgrounds that can give them an edge when they’re on the move or in a tight spot, such as stashed Resources, defensible
Domain, and a few Allies or Contacts.
{|border="2" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3"
!scope="col"| Clan Disciplines
| [[Animalism]]
| [[Chimerstry]]
| [[Fortitude]]
'''Weaknesses:''' A turbulent history makes the Ravnos slaves to their vices. Each Ravnos has a penchant for
some sort of vice — lying, cruelty, or theft, for example. When presented with the opportunity to engage in that
vice, the Ravnos must indulge it unless her player succeeds on a Self-Control or Instincts roll (difficulty 6). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vice]
'''Organization:''' The Ravnos are a far-flung Clan, with little to unite them and an open acknowledgement
that each Deceiver looks after his own interests first. That said, Ravnos often like to make a great show of
Clan camaraderie and cultural ritual, even though they know that promises made to one another are as fleeting
as whispers on a night wind. Deceivers have been known to ally against common enemies such as tyrant
Princes or Sabbat pogroms, but these alliances quickly fade once the threat no longer exists.
Western Ravnos are largely individuals without larger clan loyalties outside of perhaps tribal (and Rroma loyalties).<br>
Eastern Ravnos have their own caste system, developed from the lineages that descended from Zapathasura. These Jati are effectively bloodlines with the clan:
The priests of the Indian Ravnos were the Brahmin, who maintain mayaparisatya and advise the other castes. The Brahmin replace Fortitude with Auspex, and many learn Sadhana. The Western cousins of this caste, the Phuri Dae, are treated as a distinct bloodline due to their variant clan Disciplines. Clanbook: Ravnos Revised erroneously names this caste as "Brahman".<br>
The Kshatriya were the military leaders of the Ravnos and ran the war against the asuratizayya. <br>
Vaisyas maintained the equivalent of a Masquerade in India and also managed mortal resources. The Vaisyas were effectively a military manager caste.<br>
Chandalas were the Ravnos equivalent of Caitiff; and Caitiff in India were automatically classified as Chandalas. Demotion to Chandala status was a common punishment for heresy.
These Jati are directly related to the Jāti of Hindu society, with the equivalent of the Shudra caste being ghouls. <br>
'''Quote:''' ''What? Those aren’t bones. They’re wind chimes. Everything is going to be fine. Relax.''

The Ravnos known for being wandering vagabonds and hucksters, the Ravnos are charlatans who gleefully practice their arts of deception and theft. Nobody in the west understood the Ravnos, and now in the Final Nights, it's too late to do so. Misunderstood as a clan of gypsies and tricksters, the western Ravnos are a minor and heretical branch of the undead lords of India. Gifted with the power to manipulate maya, the Ravnos saw themselves as tempters and avengers, replacing the fallen Kuei-Jin in the scheme of the universe. <br>
Due to their inherent clan weakness, The Ravnos clan are all criminals; each Ravnos has a specific vice ranging from plagiarism to mass murder. When the opportunity to indulge that vice is present, Ravnos must succeed in a self-control check to avoid indulging it.<br>

== <span style="color:#800000;">'''3rd Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''3rd Generation''' ==
Line 13: Line 92:
* -- [[Hazimel]]
* -- [[Hazimel]]
* -- [[Marizhavashti Kali]] (Black Mother)
* -- [[Marizhavashti Kali]] (Black Mother)
* -- [[Rakshasa]]
* -- Rakshasa
* -- [[Ramessu]]
* -- [[Ramessu]]
* -- [[Ravana]]
* -- [[Ravana]]
Line 26: Line 105:
* -- [[Karmenita Yoyari]]
* -- [[Karmenita Yoyari]]
* -- [[Margali]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- ''The Wanderer''
* -- [[Margali]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- ''The Wanderer''
* -- [[Phaedyme]]
* -- [[Phaedyme]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- '''Progeny: '''[[Ramessu]]
* -- [[Tarhunna Argryra]]  
* -- [[Veistgeir]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- ''One of the Sabbat's primary philosophers - antitribu''
* -- [[Veistgeir]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- ''One of the Sabbat's primary philosophers - antitribu''
* -- [[Vladovos]]
* -- [[Vladovos]]
Line 42: Line 122:
* -- [[Marcia Felicia Licinia]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of [[Phaedyme]]. Sire of [[Hector]].
* -- [[Marcia Felicia Licinia]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of [[Phaedyme]]. Sire of [[Hector]].
* -- [[Sallam]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of [[Bashir]]. Sire of [[Es'kut]] (478).
* -- [[Sallam]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of [[Bashir]]. Sire of [[Es'kut]] (478).
* -- [[Shakir Leela]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Progeny of [[Tarhunna Argryra]]. Sire of [[Goutam Virindish]]
* -- [[Varshik]]
* -- [[Varshik]]

Line 53: Line 134:

== <span style="color:#800000;">'''9th Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''9th Generation''' ==
* -- [[Callirus]] -- was a famous Ravnos of the Roma string of the Clan. Although he was not born a Roma, he became soon one of the most distinguished members of this line.
* -- [[Ghivran Dalaal]] -- is the leader and object of worship of the Cult of the Dead God. He is known for his cruelty and his callous disregard for human morality.
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Master Jacopo]] -- Sire of Hugo Satrix.
* <span style="color:#800000;"> -- [[Master Jacopo]] -- Sire of Hugo Satrix.
* -- [[Vladislav Taltos]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Childe of [[Vassily Taltos]] and Sire of [[Ezmeralda the Gadfly]].
* -- [[Vladislav Taltos]] <span style="color:#800000;"> -- Childe of [[Vassily Taltos]] and Sire of [[Ezmeralda the Gadfly]].
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== <span style="color:#800000;">'''Those of Unknown Generation''' ==
== <span style="color:#800000;">'''Those of Unknown Generation''' ==
* -- [[Albus Le Pus]] <span style="color:#DC143C;"> -- Jongleur Extraordinaire. {Ravnos}

Latest revision as of 23:01, 8 March 2025

Arrayed by Clan

Ravnos clan logo.png

The Ravnos move like the rumors that surround them. They are the thief in the night, the raksha chased by the wind, the nightmare-dream too fearful to be real. Whether associated with the Romani folk of Europe or the grave-robbing ghûl of Western Asia, Kindred society burdens the Ravnos with prejudices of foulness, uncleanliness, and wickedness.

With reputations like these, the Ravnos are considered outsiders even among those Kindred who do not ally themselves with Sects. Many young Ravnos tend toward nomadic unlives, moving from one domain to the next or hiding on the fringes of established territories where they can escape if local Kindred sentiment turns against them. This exacerbates their reputations as transients, gypsies, and vagrant scourges, but Ravnos vampires adapt well, thriving in their marginalized role. In fact, many choose to make themselves into the ravening terrors that other Kindred believe them to be.

The more enlightened among the Ravnos follow a Clan ideology inspired by the cycle of reincarnation espoused by many Indian faiths. Among some young and unprincipled members of the Clan, however, this philosophy becomes a penchant for capriciousness or an excuse for chaos. It is these latter Kindred who give so many Ravnos a bad name, but even the devout seem bizarre to many vampires.

The Ravnos practice a unique Discipline known as Chimerstry that convinces their enemies that they see things that do not exist. Chimerstry does much to convince Kindred that the Ravnos trade in lies and misdirection, but it can also prove to be a Deceiver’s salvation and ease the vagaries of an outcast unlife.

Nickname: Deceivers

Sect: Clan Ravnos often has a difficult time heeding the rigorous order of many Camarilla cities, and has no inherent love for the violence of the Sabbat. Thus, the Deceivers find themselves independent for lack of a more suitable option.

Appearance: Young Ravnos often come from Eastern European Romani stock, with a relative paucity of “non-gypsy” gadje in the ranks. What few elders of the Clan may remain are presumed to come from Indian or Middle Eastern origins. Given that the Clan is widely spread and holds no traditional central domain, no consistent look can be said to be predominant, and any mendicant Kindred might be of Ravnos origin.

Haven: Many Ravnos take to the road instead of establishing permanent havens, dwelling temporarily among itinerant communities, at roadside rest stops, or even in vehicles. When a Deceiver does put down roots in a domain, his permanent haven is often away from high-profile Kindred territories. Havens in ethnic ghettos, industrial outskirts, and isolated geography are safest and most easily cultivated for the Ravnos.

Background: The Ravnos are scattered and suspicious, and those childer who don’t have the tendency toward self-sufficiency don’t last long. In many cases, a Ravnos will either never sire, or sire for companionship or safety, with little concern for how well a childe will fare as a vampire. Ravnos rarely seek out childer actively, instead drawing from those whose paths they cross on any given night. As such, the hardluck drifter reputation tends to follow the Deceivers.

Character Creation: Outsider and selfish Natures are common among the Clan. Physical and Social Attributes predominate, as do Talents and Skills. Savvy Ravnos develop a breadth of Backgrounds that can give them an edge when they’re on the move or in a tight spot, such as stashed Resources, defensible Domain, and a few Allies or Contacts.

Clan Disciplines

Weaknesses: A turbulent history makes the Ravnos slaves to their vices. Each Ravnos has a penchant for some sort of vice — lying, cruelty, or theft, for example. When presented with the opportunity to engage in that vice, the Ravnos must indulge it unless her player succeeds on a Self-Control or Instincts roll (difficulty 6). [1]

Organization: The Ravnos are a far-flung Clan, with little to unite them and an open acknowledgement that each Deceiver looks after his own interests first. That said, Ravnos often like to make a great show of Clan camaraderie and cultural ritual, even though they know that promises made to one another are as fleeting as whispers on a night wind. Deceivers have been known to ally against common enemies such as tyrant Princes or Sabbat pogroms, but these alliances quickly fade once the threat no longer exists.

Western Ravnos are largely individuals without larger clan loyalties outside of perhaps tribal (and Rroma loyalties).
Eastern Ravnos have their own caste system, developed from the lineages that descended from Zapathasura. These Jati are effectively bloodlines with the clan: The priests of the Indian Ravnos were the Brahmin, who maintain mayaparisatya and advise the other castes. The Brahmin replace Fortitude with Auspex, and many learn Sadhana. The Western cousins of this caste, the Phuri Dae, are treated as a distinct bloodline due to their variant clan Disciplines. Clanbook: Ravnos Revised erroneously names this caste as "Brahman".
The Kshatriya were the military leaders of the Ravnos and ran the war against the asuratizayya.
Vaisyas maintained the equivalent of a Masquerade in India and also managed mortal resources. The Vaisyas were effectively a military manager caste.
Chandalas were the Ravnos equivalent of Caitiff; and Caitiff in India were automatically classified as Chandalas. Demotion to Chandala status was a common punishment for heresy. These Jati are directly related to the Jāti of Hindu society, with the equivalent of the Shudra caste being ghouls.

Quote: What? Those aren’t bones. They’re wind chimes. Everything is going to be fine. Relax.

3rd Generation

4th Generation

5th Generation

6th Generation

7th Generation

8th Generation

9th Generation

  • -- Callirus -- was a famous Ravnos of the Roma string of the Clan. Although he was not born a Roma, he became soon one of the most distinguished members of this line.
  • -- Ghivran Dalaal -- is the leader and object of worship of the Cult of the Dead God. He is known for his cruelty and his callous disregard for human morality.
  • -- Master Jacopo -- Sire of Hugo Satrix.
  • -- Vladislav Taltos -- Childe of Vassily Taltos and Sire of Ezmeralda the Gadfly.

10th Generation

11th Generation

12th Generation

13th Generation

Those of Unknown Generation
