Dhita Choudhair

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London - Pax Britannica

Ravnos Dhita Choudhair.jpg



Background: Dhita was the daughter of a British soldier and an Indian native. Her mother was cast out be the family and forced to live among the shudras, leading her to be contemptuous of the British. When she came of age, she worked for a merchant who was a Ravnos from the Vaisya jati. After she discovered his secret, he ghouled her and made her his full-time servant. When her domitor was attacked by a Kuei-jin, she threw herself against it, nearly dying in the ensuing battle. Debtosh Embraced her in order to save her life. Masquerading as the descendant from one of Debtosh's business partners, the two rose to prominence within Delhi, until one of her sire's rivals discovered her mother and exposed her. Dhita was forced among the Chandalas and decided to flee to London. Within the Kindred society of London, Dhita proved to be a valued asset due to her knowledge about the subcontinent. She has exploited it in order to guarantee her safety among them
