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Germania Superior -SPQR- Sanguinem Verborum Dierum -SPQR- Ward McGovern
Eisenwolf Warduz.jpg
Name: Ward McGovern Species: Nephilim Allegiance: Heaven (Septimum Domus)
Player: Bruce Nature: Magnate Concept: Shadow-hunter
Chronicle: World of Darkness -- Pax Romana Demeanor: Chameleon Paterfamilias: D'mamael
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Physical Social Mental
Strength ●●●○○○○○ Charisma ●●●●●○○○ Perception ●●●○○○○○
Dexterity ●●●●○○○○ Manipulation ●●●●○○○○ Intelligence ●●●●○○○○
Stamina ●●●○○○○○ Appearance ●●○○○○○○ Wits ●●●●○○○○
--- --- ---
Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness ●●●○○○○○ (eavesdropping, concealed weapons) Animal Ken ●●●○○○○○ (farm animals, dogs) Academics ●●●○○○○○ (history, literature)
Athletics ●●●○○○○○ (jumping, running) Archery ●○○○○○○○ (hunting) Enigmas ●●○○○○○○ ()
Awareness ○○○○○○○○ () Commerce ●●○○○○○○ (evaluating goods) Hearth Wisdom ○○○○○○○○ ()
Brawl ●●●○○○○○ (claws, severing limbs) Crafts ○○○○○○○○ () Investigation ●●●●○○○○ (physical searches, forensics)
Dodge ●●●○○○○○ (side-stepping) Etiquette ●●●○○○○○ (formal, street) Law ●●○○○○○○ (police procedure)
Empathy ●●●●○○○○ (motives) Melee ●●○○○○○○ (stakes) Linguistics ●●○○○○○○ (Teutonic, Gaulish, Latin)
Expression ●●●●○○○ (storytelling) Performance ●●○○○○○○ (acting) Medicine ●●○○○○○○ (pathology)
Intimidation ●●●○○○○○ (veiled threats) Ride ●●○○○○○○ (chases) Occult ●●○○○○○○ (vampire lore, bloodlines)
Leadership ●●○○○○○○ (friendly) Stealth ●●●●●○○○ (shadowing, silent movement) Politics ●●○○○○○○ (current political figures)
Legerdemain ●●●●○○○○ (picking pockets) Survival ●●○○○○○○ (urban tracking) Seneschal ○○○○○○○○ ()
Subterfuge ●●●●○○○○ (prevarication) --- Theology ○○○○○○○○ ()
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Secondary Abilities Backgrounds Merits & Flaws
[K] Archaeology ●●○○○○○○ (Egyptology) Allies Huge Size - 4pt (P) - 7'2"/ 425lbs
--- Cachet Dreams of the Past (S) - 2pts
[S] Bribery ●●●○○○○○ (dirty cops) Contacts Angelic Gaze (S) - 1pt
[K] Bureaucracy ●●○○○○○○ Fame Good Right Hook (P) - 1pt
--- Followers Light Sleeper (P) - 1pt
[T] Haggling ●●○○○○○○ () Influence Perfect Balance (P) - 1pt
[T] Hobby Talent ●●●○○○○○ (Chess) Notoriety Robust Health (P) - 1pt
[T] Lucid Dreaming ●●●○○○○○ (awareness) Notoriety ---
[T] Seduction ●●●○○○○○ () Paragon ---
[T] Streetwise ●●●○○○○○ (drugs & rumors) Paterfamilias ---
[S] Escapology ●●○○○○○○ (handcuffs) Purity ---
[K] Science ●●○○○○○○ (biology) Resources ---
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Health Levels Permanent ●●●○○○○○○○ Road of Humanity
Bruised (0) - { } Temporary ●●●○○○○○○○ ●●●●●●●○○○
Bruised (0) - { } --- ---
Hurt (-1) ---- { } FURY VIRTUES
Injured (-1) - { } Permanent ●●●○○○○○○○ Conscience ●●●
Wounded (-2) - { } Temporary ●●●○○○○○○○ Self-Control ●●●
Mauled (-2) -- { } --- Courage ●●●●
Crippled (-5)- { } WILLPOWER ---
Incapacitated- { } Permanent ●●●●●●●○○○ ---
Final Death Temporary ●●●●●●●○○○ ---