Tone Rock

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San Francisco -=Sabbat=- City Gangrel -=Sanguine Reaper Posse

Gangrel Antitribu Clan Logo.png] Tone Rock ink.jpg Gangrel Antitribu Clan Logo.png]
Character: ???? Nature: Architect Clan: City Gangrel
Sobriquet: Tone Rock Demeanor: Plotter Generation 10th
Chronicle: San Francisco Concept: Patton Sire: ????
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Physical Social Mental
Strength ●●●●○ Charisma ●●●○○ Perception ●○○○○
Dexterity ●●●●○ Manipulation ●●●●● Intelligence ●●●●●
Stamina ●●●●● Appearance ●●○○○ Wits ●●●○○
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness ●●●●○ () Animal Ken ●●●○○ () Academics ●●●●○ ()
Athletics ●●●●○ () Crafts ●●○○○ () Computer ●●●○○ ()
Awareness ●●○○○ () Drive ●●●○○ () Finance ●●●○○ ()
Brawl ●●●●● () Etiquette ●●○○○ () Investigation ●●●●○ ()
Empathy ●●○○○ () Firearms ●●●●● () Law ●●●●● ()
Expression ●●●○○○ () Larceny ●●●○○ () Medicine ●●●○○ ()
Intimidation ●●●●● () Melee ●●●●● () Occult ●●●○○ ()
Leadership ●●●●● () Performance ○○○○○ () Politics ●●●○○ ()
Streetwise ●●●○○ () Stealth ●●●○○ () Science ●●○○○ ()
Subterfuge ●●●○○ () Survival ●●●●● () Technology ●●●○○ ()
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Disciplines Backgrounds Merits & Flaws
Celerity ●●●●○○ () Allies ○○○○○ () ---
Obfuscate ●●●○○ () Contacts ○○○○○ () ---
Protean ●●●●●○ () Domain ○○○○○ () ---
Presence ●●●○○ () Generation ○○○○○ () ---
Animalism ●●●○○ () Influence ○○○○○ () ---
Potence ●●●○○ () Mentor ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Military Force ○○○○○ () ---
Animalism ●●●○○ () Resources ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Retainers ○○○○○ () ---
--- Status ●●●○○ () ---
--- Haven ●●●○○ () ---
--- --- ---
Health Levels Path of Honorable Accord Virtues
Bruised (0) - { } ●●●●●●○○○○ () Conviction ●●●●○
Hurt (-1) ---- { } --- Self-Control ●●●●○
Injured (-1) - { } Willpower Courage ●●●●○
Wounded (-2) - { } ●●●●●●●○○○ () ---
Mauled (-2) -- { } --- ---
Crippled (-5)- { } Bloodpool ---
Incapacitated- { } ○○○○○○○○○○ ---
Final Death ○○○○○○○○○○○ ---

Sobriquet: Rock


Tone Rock is a black man with solid broad shoulders and a solid body. He has tufts of hair running down his back, and his hands look like wolf claws. His ears are animal-like.


Tone is usually scowling, his brain turning over options for every part of the packs unlife. He doesn't speak much, but when he does it is usually to give orders or take in information. Rock is honorable and has nothing but pity for the vampires of San Francisco. He only wants to stop the Antideluvians from massacring the kindred of the city.


Tone grew up in rural Mississippi, a dirt poor farm kid. Born just before the dust bowl, his family was devastated forced to move to the city. When the opening days of World War II came, even though he was too young he joined up and went to train. As a black man he still faced racism, but as a soldier he proved his strength and intelligence. Tone grew up fighting the Germans in Africa. He was promoted twice in the field. They crossed into Italy and he made a name for himself in the city fighting. When the European theater came to a close, he stayed in Europe to train in tactics.

In Barcelona he went out with friends to a Spanish bar and was taken by the Sabbat. They buried him in the dirt and he came out of the ground ready to fight. He spent twelve years in the military learning tactics, and various skills of a soldier. At first he wanted to fight the other vampires, but they showed him the glory and freedom of the Sabbat and how they were fighting the evil Camarilla and it's oppressive regime. Tone fought for the Sabbat, at first reveling in his power. In a short time he realized he needed a way to stem the beast.

Tone met Gaston Bolivar and became a student of the Path of Honorable Accord. As he learned it's precepts he felt like for the first time he had a path he could follow. While Tone believed in the Sabbat he was appalled by the hedonism and evil of some of it's members.

By the late 60's he wanted to return to America. He crossed the ocean to land in New York and join the cause there. He fought several successful skirmishes in the Big Apple. Then he found himself in Camarilla ambushes. At first shaken, he became convinced there were traitors in the ranks. It took him two years, but he found the Camarilla mole in his pack and killed them himself.

Tone wandered the American continent until 1994, when he was recruited to go to San Francisco as a scouting team. The city was a Camarilla stronghold, but also holding out from the Anarch Baronies of the west coast. Tone met with 8 other Sabbat members, and when they voted they named him Ductis.

The team moved to the city and set up a haven on the southern edge of the city. The team scouted and began learning about San Francisco. In 1996 the Nosferatu in the pack named Cameron Naesmith vanished. He was an older Nosferatu from the north east. At first Tone and his pack were nervous, sure they had been identified. But the vampires of the city continued on with no notice. None of the coteries in the city seemed to know about them.

Tone became even more careful, but ran several sorties around the city, capturing caitif and independents in the city. The pack would torture them for information and use them in ritae to strengthen the pack. The pack was performing such a kidnapping when the Kuei-jin hit the city. Completely unsure of what was happening, Tone pulled his pack out of the city and ran to the airport, to a back up haven they had there. Two of his pack didn't make it out of the city.

The Kuei-jin set up wards around the city, and made access to the city very difficult. Tone applied all his wily tricks, and so was able to get back into the city. He also had Carcer Strings acting as a double agent in the city. The more he watched, the more sure he became that the Kuei-jin were tools of the Ancients sent to San Francisco to bring the undisciplined vampires under control. The Antediluvians wanted their food softened up and properly accounted for. Tone doesn't know when an ancient will rise in the city, but he knows it will be soon.

Recent Events


  • Gender: Masculine
  • Type: Adult
  • Nationality: American
  • Location: Detroit
  • Language: English

Life & Times

  • Age: 51
  • Birth date: June 18, 1820 (5:09 AM)


  • Height: 183 cm / 6 ft
  • Weight: 94 kg / 208 lbs
  • Handedness: Right
  • Blood type: A+