Synovea's Statistics

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Durga Syn

Circa: 2013 C.E.
Clan: Ravnos
Generation: 6th
Born: 857 C.E.
Embrace: 932 C.E.
Sire: Vladovos
Nature: Caregiver
Demeanor: Survivor
Apparent Age: Mid 70s
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 7, Stamina 5
Social: Charisma 6, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4 (1)
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 6, Wits 6
Talents: Alertness 6 (ambushes), Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 7 (finding cover), Empathy 7 (sense deception), Expression 5 (debate), Instruction 5 (grandmotherly), Intimidation 3, Leadership 4 (compelling), Legerdemain 7 (conjuring tricks), Subterfuge 6 (selective omission)
Skills: Animal Ken 6 (cats), Archery 2, Commerce 4 (evaluation), Crafts 4 (cooking), Etiquette 6 (kindred society), Meditation 5 (prayer), Melee 2, Performance 7 (disguise & fortune telling), Ride 2, Stealth 6 (wilderness), Survival 7 (herbalism)
Knowledges: Academics 6 (European history), Astrology 6 (horoscopes), Clan Lore – Ravnos 5 (luminaries), Faerie Lore 6 (Kithain), Gypsy Lore 7 (history), Hearth Wisdom 7 (proverbs), Investigation 4 (search), Kindred Lore 6 (princes & potentates), Law 3, Linguistics 6 (reading lips), Lupine Lore 5 (Shadow-lords), Medicine 4 (diagnosis), Occult 6 (ancient secrets), Politics 3, Science 1, Spirit Lore 5 (Eastern Europe), Theology 5 (precepts)
Disciplines: Animalism 7, Auspex 5, Celeity 1, Chimerstry 7, Dominate 3, Farmako 7, Fortitude 6, Necromancy 4, Obfuscate 7, Potence 2, Presence 5
Discipline Techniques: A few.
Paths of Farmako: Baxt (Karma) 5, Bi-baxt (Evil Eye, the path) 5, Brushindo (Weather Control) 5, Drom (Mercury) 5, K’ena (The Hearth Path) 5, Leshya'e (Elemental Mastery) 5, Raty (Path of Blood), Rat-Spishi (Blood Nectar) 5, Sootti (Oneiromancy) 5, Yog (Lure of Flames) 5
Paths of Necromancy: Nigrimancy 4
Rituals: A shocking number.
Backgrounds: Age 3, Allies 6, Contacts 6, Fame 6, Generation 7, Herd, Influence (Russia) 5, Mentor, Resources, Retainers, Status (elder) 3
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
Path of Enlightenment: Humanity 7
Willpower: 10