Blood Nectar

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Amrita is the Nectar of Divinity that grants perfect bliss and immortality to all who drink it. At the creation of the world, the gods needed the help of the asuras to obtain the Amrita. The demon-gods demanded a share of the nectar, but cunning Vishnu tricked them out of their portion. Those demons who became incarnate as Kindred eventually learned to create their own nectar of divinity. All Kindred can confer a fraction of undead power upon mortals by feeding them vitae, turning them into ghouls. Through the Path of Blood Nectar, an undead sadhu can do much more - turning her blood into a potion that briefly confers any one of her powers on a mortal or another vampire.
A few sorcerers of the Assamite clan also know this path, and find it a useful adjunct to Quietus. Other practitioners of Dur-An-Ki have not yet learned to produce Blood Nectar.
System: Blood Nectar requires one minute of concentration per level of the potion created. In this time, the vampire engages in yogic and vitae-shifting exercises and meditation. The character's player needs a single success on a Willpower roll, at the usual difficulty for a path power. At the end of this period, the alchemist opens a vein to release the blood nectar. Another person must drink the blood nectar immediately to gain its effects. The nectar loses potency within one minute of leaving the sorcerer's body.
Unlike most paths, Blood Nectar costs one blood point per level to use.
Each dose of Blood Nectar confers one of the sadhu's powers upon the imbiber for a single scene. The sorcerer can confer either Disciplines or Thaumaturgical path powers, but not the effects of rituals. Of course, a sorcerer cannot impart a Discipline at a higher level than she herself knows.
Someone who imbibes a Blood Nectar gains that Discipline or path, up to the level the sorcerer chose to store. For instance, a level three nectar of Dominate would enable the imbiber to use the first three powers of that Discipline. If the imbiber already knows the Discipline to as high or higher level than the potion carries, the Blood Nectar has no effect except to grant the person one blood point's worth of vitae. Each dose of Blood Nectar counts as one blood point, no matter how much vitae its creation consumed.
A person who drinks Blood Nectar does not gain any of the sorcerer's Abilities, so he might not be very good at using the powers gained. On the other hand, he might possess more innate talent (represented by a higher Attribute + Ability pool) than the sadhu herself.
Only one path cannot be stored as a Blood Nectar potion: the Path of Blood Nectar itself. The inscrutable God of Logic, before whom even gods, demons and Buddhas bow, forbids it on grounds that it could create an infinite regress.
A character can also wield the effects of only one Blood Nectar potion at a time. If a person imbibes a second nectar, the higher-level potion instantly cancels out the lower-level potion. Nectars of equal level cancel each other out, leaving nothing.
The enchanted vitae does not lose the power to turn a mortal into a ghoul, or to forge a blood bond. Anyone who plans on "borrowing" powers through Blood Nectar had best keep careful track of how often they imbibe potions, and from what sadhu.
As mastery of the Path of Blood Nectar increases, a sorcerer can store a Discipline to the highest level of Blood Nectar he possesses. Thus, a level four nectar can store levels 1-4 Presence (through Summon) or any other discipline or path except Blood Nectar.