Stefania Baboescu

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Rural Undead of the Balkans (Non-Southern Court)

Stefania Baboescu: Gangrel 8, embraced 1919.
Stefania is a massive woman, standing about 5'9", and weighing about 250 lbs. She appears as strong and as thick as the bole of an ancient tree rather than fat. Her face is narrow and pinched, displaying the whiskers of a rodent. She usually wears clothing fit for hiking or working in, and carries an incongrously traditional bonnet that will hide her features in one of her oversized pockets. Even in a bonnet, she exudes a competent, self reliant aura. She bears the scars of fights with Gaoru, other Gangrel, and any number of Vampires, though she has been known to spare the lives of vampires if she can be sure that they will not carry a vendetta.

She is known in the rural courts of Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria, where she often stops to exchange gossip and messages in return for feeding rights. Most Viovodes and Princes with whom she is familiar find her to be a more reliable - and less costly source of information than most Nosferatu, at least when it comes to the activities of their neighbors. Somehow, Stefania puts the most testy of Viovodes at ease with an etiquette just rough enough to prove that she is somehow their inferior. She is careful to stay out of the squabbles of these lords, but could call on boons from more than a dozen petty tyrants and landholding warriors if she needed to.

In truth, Stefania is one of the Tal'Ma'Reh's most important sources of information concerning the activities of these rural lords. As a Gangrel and an obvious outsider, many "High Clan" lordlings think little of what she might see and hear. She has been part of Javor's kamut for 40 years, and fully supported his rise to Kamut leader. She seems less suspicious of her new kamut-mate, Prince Benesj Cherno of Gabrovo, than does Javor, but that may be the result of decades of practice in the art of biding her time.

Stefania's Stats: Nature: Survivor. Demeanor: Loner.
Str 4, Dex 5, Sta 5, Cha 2, Man 4, App 1, Wits 5, Int 3, Per 5.
Expression 2, Alertness 5 (wilderness, ambushes, overhearing), Athletics 5 (running, crow form, climbing), Brawl 5 (Werewolves, disabling), Dodge 5 (Werewolves, multiple foes), Empathy 3, Intimidation 2, Leadership 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4 (Playing on Gangrel Stereotypes)
Animal Ken 5 (wolves, dogs, raptors), Drive 2, Etiquette 4 (just good enough), firearms 2, Melee 3 (improvised weapons), performance 2, Linguistics 5 (an astounding variety of Eastern European dialects including historical variants of Slavonic), Ancient Greek 2, Phonecian 3, Medicine 1, Occult 4, Politics 3, Science 1.
Animalism 4, Auspex 4, Celerity 4, Fortitude 5, Obfuscate 3, Potence 4, Presence 2, Protean 5 (wolf and bat forms), Chimnestry 2, Visceterika 3.
Willpower 7, Path of the Scorched Heart 6, Self Control 5, Conviction 3, Courage 5.
Allies 3, Contacts 5, Generation 5, Resources 3, Status 1 (Accorded respect in a large number of domains), Status (Tal'Ma'Reh) 0.
Vincula: Javor: 9, Mariel 5.