Penelope Arwin

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London -x- Birmingham / Belfast/ Brujah / Knights of the World Tree


Penelope Arwin is a tall, athletically built woman with black eyes, spiky black hair, and a thick Northern Irish accent. She seems to have left - or been pushed out - of her native Belfast after offending more extreme Brujah who cling to what she calls "societally destructive dogma."

She tells any Kindred who will listen that Anarchs are nihilistic fools and the Sabbat is "nothing more than a long term suicide pact on a global scale." While the Camarilla is "flawed," it is the best alternative available, provided that it undertakes the right series of internal reforms.

Appearance: Penelope seemingly pays little attention to her appearance beyond the basics - she's clean and wears newish, if utilitarian clothing. Her force of personality caries more weight than her mein.

After the War: Penelope sees her best chance to influence the Camarilla in the "right direction" to be in rebuilding cities like London. She hopes to see it become a more egalitarian and integrated city now that Mithras is no longer dominating things with his outdated prejudices and personal agendas. That she put herself personally on the line for the Camarilla elevates her slightly above the level of the average Brujah gadfly.