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●●●● -- PHANTASM

Dice Pool: Manipulation + Dreaming = 7

Cost: Spend 1 Divinity + 1 health level

Description: Legend and myth speak of figures from dreams come to life and taking corporeal form. With this Power an Avatar of Sleep can conjure a dream entity and give it physical form and reality for a short time. Phantasms as they are called, are subservient to the one who manifested them, but as creatures of imagination they have a level of creativity and intelligence that can be dangerous not only to their master's enemies, but to their maker as well.

The Avatar may draw the Phantasm from his own dreams or the dreams of another, the manifestation may be as seemingly mundane or unnatural as the godling wishes, but will have a telltale feature that marks it as unnatural (perhaps the Phantasms eye glitter like a cat in bright lights or it is uncommonly beautiful or monstrous -- the telltale feature creates mood and may serve to reveal its unnatural origin, but has no game mechanic, positive or negative). The Phantasm is drawn forth from someone's dreams whole-cloth and is not a customizable entity.

At manifestation the Phantasm is born fully formed from the Avatar's forehead causing the one lethal level of damage to the immortal that cannot be healed until the Phantasm ceases to exist. The Phantasm manifests with physical attributes equal to half those of its creator rounded up, but as entities born of dreams they may have any social or mental attribute up to their creator's permanent ratings. The abilities of Phantasms may vary wildly and may include talents, skills and knowledges that are unavailable to their creator.

The supernatural advantages of each Phantasm vary greatly also, for example the Phantasm of someone's lover drawn from their dreams would be fairly mundane save for their sexual appeal or other memorable traits, while a mythical being drawn from the same person's dreams might have a number of supernatural advantages based upon personal belief or local legend. Phantasms never have backgrounds or virtues, but they do begin play with half their creator's permanent rating in willpower.

Because Phantasms are born of divine beings they begin play with a pool of just one divinity, despite this drawback and depending upon their nature, a Phantasm may be capable of increasing its divinity pool by stealing from other supernatural creatures. Herein lies a growing risk for any Avatar that manifests a particularly powerful Phantasm or one who repeatedly calls the same Phantasm forth again and again, as they are dreams given physical form each Phantasm is unpredictable and mythology is rife with examples of dreams that eventually took on a life of their own.

As Phantasms are born into the world physically, they must maintain a physical form and have a certain number of health levels determined by the successes rolled by their creator's player and they can only be summoned from dusk until dawn.