I never believed that dreams could come true,
But then I realized that nightmares
Are dreams too.---Becca Saltzman
This blood line is descended from Ancient Greek vampires. Their story is hidden in shadow and dream stuff, the members known as the Thousand Children of Hypnos, or Dream Walkers in vulgar argot. Oneiros prefer educated childer, and because of the cost to the Sire are not made lightly. While a Oneiros child might be abandoned in a very, very rare case, most are kept close to the Sire as a fledgling until the Childe knows its Bloodline and purpose. Because of this training all Oneiros start their unlife with 4 points in Disciplines just as if they were Sabbat. Social and mental abilities are primary for an Oneiros.
Usually very old Oneiros have learned to cover their true appearance using Phantasmagoria or Obfuscate, but mirrors or low willpower can reveal their hideous degeneration. This leads them to be confused with Lasombra for their aversion to mirrors. Oneiros are allergic to hawthorn, silver, and white ash. Exposure leads to a roll of stamina + fortitude or lose 1 point of appearance.
Many of the clan practice thaumaturgy, Gift of Morpheus as primary.
Clan Flaw: Soul Eater (Guide to the Low clans, pg 190), Difficult Embrace (Spend a permanent willpower to make a child)
Clan Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, Potence, Phantasmagoria (or Celerity / Obfuscate / Phantasmagoria -- "The Magister 23:10, 18 December 2016 (MST)")
Thaumaturgy Path: Pharmakeia
4th Generation
5th Generation
- Eschamon child of Solon
- Isa Mac Aba Childe of Solon
6th Generation
Theophilus Regnatus
7th Generation
- Nadya Navenka
8th Generation
- -- Iosif
9th Generation
- -- Amelia Brown
- -- Sotirios Ioannidis -- Sire of Anzhelina Zhang (deceased)
10th Generation
11th Generation
12th Generation
13th Generation
Those of Unknown Generation