Soul Eater

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Supernatural Merits & Flaws

4 point Flaw

Your beast hungers for more than blood. Whenever you feed, you steal one Willpower point from your victim for every three blood points taken. Killing another allows for the consumption of all the willpower the victim has (not much for a ditsy blond, but oh what a feast to drink a Corporate CEO). Unfortunately, your parasitic soul cannot replenish itself by any other means. You cannot regain willpower by fulfilling your Nature, resiting on any other natural method. Worse still, you must spend one Willpower point each night upon awakening or lose a dot of permanent Willpower. If you permanent Willpower ever drops to zero, you suffer Final Death, your body crumbling away to ash as your parasitic soul feeds upon itself. characters with this Flaw do not have to spend Willpower in torpor.