Mask of Apollo

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Masks of Dii Consentes -DEUS- APOLLO

Mask of Apollo.png

The mask is healing itself every time it is fed blood. The mask is now 90% complete and beginning to look like new. When attempts to communicate with the Mask are made, it takes on a warm, fleshy tone. Liked being called Pythios. The Mask is now complete following the ritual performed by Czere Ubireg. While it's powers are at full strength now, the Avatar is unstable and inclined to all sorts of trickery. The end goal of all the Masks, but that of Apollo especially is bringing the light of change to the world. Some call that fire and anarchy, but it all depends on your point of view. Apollo is one of the Maggior Machere.

(Paris 1900 Musée national du Moyen Âge) / (Melbourne 2042) ~~ Czere Ubireg - Czere Notebook / Ostanes' Notes {"The Magister 22:48, 22 March 2020 (MDT)"}