James Mannerly's Statistics

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James Mannerly

Last update 2031
Nature: Idealist
Demeanor: Autocrat
Generation: 7th Clan: Brujah Embrace: 1106
Sire: ???
Satrap of Avalon, Baron of Canterbury and Heir of Mithras.

Physical: Strength 7, Dexterity: 7, Stamina: 6
Social: Charisma: 7, Manipulation: 6 Appearance: 6
Mental: Perception: 6, Intelligence: 6, Wits 7

Talents: Expression: 7, Alertness: 6, Athletics: 7, Brawl: 7 (Body Slam), Dodge: 7, Empathy: 7, Intimidation: 7, Leadership: 6, Streetwise: 5, Subterfuge: 5

Skills: Animal Ken: 5 (horses, hounds), Drive: 2, Ride: 7 (Combat Riding, Charge), Etiquette: 5 (Avalon), Firearms: 4, Melee: 7 (Sword and Shield, improvized weapons, Daggers), Performance: 6 (lute, poetry), Crafts: 4, Legerdemain: 7, Stealth: 7, Survival: 7 (English countryside, forest, evading pursuit), Style: 6, Instruction: 4, Archery: 7, Tactics 5, Interrogation 6 (sorting truth from lies)

Knowledge: Academics: 5 (English History), Finance: 3, Seneschal: 5, Investigation: 6, Law 5 (Blood Laws), Linguistics: 6, Medicine: 4, Occult: 5, Politics: 5, Science: 3, Enigmas: 5, Memory: 5, Rituals: 4, Hearth Wisdom: 4,(Hight ratings in many lores) Strategy: 6

Disciplines: Celerity 7, Potence 7, Presence 7, Dominate 4, Fortitude 6, Protean 4, Auspex 5, Obfuscate 6, Chimerstry 4, Mithran Sorcery 4
Advanced Disciplines: Celerity 6: 6 actions. 7: Flower of Death. Potence: 6: Relentless Pursuit, 6 Strength 7: Earthshock. Presence 6: Paralyzing Glance. 7: Fire of Conviction. Fortitude: 6 Soak dice. Obfuscate 6: Conceal
Discipline Techniques: Esprit De Corps, Quickened Instincts, Shadow Feint, Give'em Hell

Backgrounds: Allies: 6, Contacts: 5, Domain: 8 (Security 5, Population 3) - Canterbury, Generation: 7, Herd: 6, Influence: Canterbury 4, English Government 2, English Military 3, English Police 2, Church of England 3, Mentor: 9 (Mithras), Military Force: 4 (Ghoul Men at Arms), Resources: 5, Retainers: 6, Status: Camarilla 5, Avalon 5, Brujah 4.

Virtues: Self Control 5, Conscience 5, Courage 5, Morality: Road of Humanity 5 Willpower: 10.

Derangements: Maybe
Merits: Probably.
Flaws: Probably