Hrothulf's Statistics

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Circa: 1094 A.D.
Last Modified:
Clan: Ventrue
Generation: Originally 8th, raised to 7th via diablerie.
Born: 355 A.D.
Embrace: 380 A.D.
Sire: Marius Maior
Progeny: None.
Periods of Torpor: None.
Nature: Martyr
Demeanor: Loner
Apparent Age: Mid 20s
Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 4, Brawl 3, Dodge 4, Empathy 2, Expression 1, Intimidation 4, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 2
Skills: Animal Ken 3, Archery 3, Commerce 3, Crafts 2, Etiquette, Melee 6, Ride 2, Stealth 4, Survival 3
Knowledges: Academics 3 (history), Enigmas 2, Hearth Wisdom 3, Investigation 2, Law 3, Linguistics 3, Medicine 3, Occult 3, Politics 1, Theology 2
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Celerity 4, Dominate 2, Fortitude 6, Presence 3, Potence 4, Protean 3
Discipline Techniques: A couple.
Advanced Disciplines: Fortitude 6:
Sorcerous Paths: None.
Sorcerous Rituals: None.
Backgrounds: Generation 6 (Via Diablerie of his sire Marius)
Clan Flaw: The Ventrue have rarefied tastes, and they find only one specific type of mortal blood palatable and vital for them. When a player creates a Ventrue character, he should decide with the Storyteller what specific type of blood suits the character, and this choice is permanent. Blood of other types (even animals) simply offers the vampire no blood pool increase, no matter how much he consumes - he can appear to gain sustenance and even enjoy his meal, if his performance is convincing. This refined palate may be very narrow or very broad — say, the blood of younger sisters, or the blood of nude children. Vampiric blood is exempt from this restriction.
Extra Flaws: Hunted (Britannia) 5 - For the diablerie of his sire, Hrothulf was blood-hunted by none other than Prince Mithras of London.
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
Morality: Road of Humanity 6
Willpower: 9