Gerard Bonvenue's Statistics

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Gerard Bonvenue

Tremere 8, embraced 1783. Raised from 9th via Diablerie of Marco le'SaSin, Ventrue Antitribu, in 1949.
Nature: Director. Demeanor: Director.

Physical: Strength: 4 / Dexterity: 5 / Stamina: 5 Social: Charisma: 4 / Manipulation: 5 / Appearance: 4 Mental: Perception: 5 / Intelligence: 5 / Wits: 4

Talents: Expression: 4 / Alertness: 5 / Athletics: 3 / Brawl: 3 / Dodge: 5 / Empathy: 3 / Intimidation: 4 / Leadership: 4 / Streetwise: 3 / Subterfuge: 5 / Meditation: 4
Skills: Animal Ken: 3 / Drive: 3 / Etiquette: 5 / Firearms: 4 / Melee: 5 (Swords, Sword Cane Focus) / Performance: 2 / Crafts: 3 (Hermetic runes) / Security: 4 / Stealth: 5 / Survival: 4 / Style: 4 / Instruction: 3 / Archery: 3 / Ride 4
Knowledge: Academics: 5 (Literature: required expertise) / Computer: 2 / Finance: 4 / Investigation: 5 / Law 5 / Linguistics: 5 / Medicine: 4 (Torture) / Occult: 5 (Vampiric Weaknesses, Hermetic Theory) / Politics: 5 (Prestation) / Science: 3 / Rituals: 5 (Curses, Wards) / Enigmas: 3 / Memory: 2 / Strategy: 4.

Disciplines: Auspex 5, Dominate 5, Thaumaturgy 5, Presence 5, Fortitude 5, Celerity 4, Potence 4, Obfuscate 5, Protean 3, Visceratika 4, Animalism 3.
Discipline Techniques: A couple
Alternate Discipline ratings: none
Thaumturgic Paths: Blood 5, Flame 5, Movement of the Mind 5, Elemental Mastery 4, Neptune's Might 4, Weather Control 3, Transmutation 2, Conjuration 2, Levenbolt 1, Corruption 1 (learned from Settites in Istanbul since his arrival)

Backgrounds: Allies 5, Contacts 5, Retainers 5 (bodyguards and servants), Military Force 3 (Personal) / 6 (Tremere), Resources 4 (Personal) / 7 (Tremere), Generation 5, Herd 3 (slaves in the dungeon), Domain 5, Tremere Status 3 (Regent), Camarilla Status 5 (De-Facto Prince of an important city), Library 4 (personal) / 8 (Istanbul Tremere Library).

Rituals: He knows almost all of the common Tremere rituals level 1-5, and a few of the rare ones - he has concentrated more on path magic and political advancement. he does know at least one unique ritual: He is able to store up to his thaumaturgy rating of path effects in his talisman for release at will later the same night - all at once, or as many at a time as he desires. As Regent, he can call on the resources of his underlings - and he has a very good idea what those resources entail - to have almost any ritual he desires at his beck and call.

Virtues: Concience 3, Self Control 4, Courage 4, Humanity 4, Willpower 10.

Merits: Well Prepared (Gerard has anticipated many situations, and can substitute his Intelligence for his Wits rating in the first round of a non-surprise combat, and for any non-combat situation that he has anticipated).

Derangement: As a legacy of his diablerie, Gerard will only choose to drink from once prosperous men who have fallen on hard times. As such, he has arranged for serveral to have fallen on hard times - the residents of his private dungeon. In frenzy or in a lucid moment, he is still capable of drinking from anyone, or even animals - though the latter provide him less sustinence than they should.

Motivation: Advancement in the Pyramid, mastery over Istanbul and as many of its residents as he can manage, and the possibility of another sanctioned diablerie.