Fear of the Void

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Daimonion 2

Every creature fears the unknown. Thinking beings have an even greater fear of the unknowable. When using Fear of the Void, the vampire inflames that instinctive terror with the power of her voice, channeling the madness of what lies Beyond to her enemies - an experience that can make even un-beating hearts sick with dread. Pagans and heretics - even other Baali - are not immune to this nightmarish terror; it is a primal response that even an ardent sinner cannot eradicate from his psyche.

The vampire using Fear of the Void must speak, but she need not use a language her listeners understand. Words and syntax have no meaning to convey the essence of the Void; the sound of her voice alone is enough.

System: The Baali must first successfully use Sense the Sin on the target during the same scene, to learn how best to manipulate the target's fears. The player then rolls Wits + Intimidation against a difficulty of the victim's Courage + 4. Mortals may not resist this roll. Supernatural creatures resist with a Courage roll at a difficulty of the Baali's willpower. One net success for the Baali sends the victim into fits of panic, leaving him with two fewer dice in all dice pools. Two net successes drive the vampire into Rotschreck; other victims flee in blind panic. Three or more net successes plunges the victim into a catatonic state. All effects last for the remainder of the scene.

This wave of terror may be unleashed upon any number of victims in one action, so long as the Baali has studied each in turn with Sense the Sin.