Faron "Sawyer" Rickard

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[Sigil] character image [Cult Logo]
Character: Faron Rickard Age: 48 Birthplace: Savannah
Nickname: "Sawyer" Sex: Male Residence: Boston
Player: User: Bruce Concept: Arcanist Occupation: Book Dealer
Chronicle: Boston 1920 Group: The Gatekeepers Grimoire: Liber Clauium
Contact: Coretta Grey Journal: Black Diary Notes: Black & Wise Casebook
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Strength 25 ~ 12/5 Dexterity 70 ~ 35/14 Intelligence 90 ~ 45/18
Constitution 45 ~ 22/9 Appearance 60 ~ 30/12 Power 55 ~ 27/11
Size 60 ~ 30/12 Education 65 ~ 32/13 Movement 07 ~ ##/#
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Hit Points 10 Sanity 28 Luck (Perm/Temp) 21/21
Wound Points 00 Perm Insanity 21 Magic Points 14
Current HP 10 Temp Insanity 00 Temp MP 14
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Accounting 30 ~ 15/6 () Firearms (Handgun) 40 ~ 12/05 () Navigate 10 ~ 05/02 ()
Anthropology 01 ~ ##/# () Firearms (rifle/shotgun) 25 ~ 12/05 () Occult 75 ~ 37/15 ()
Appraise 70 ~ 35/14 () [] ## ~ ##/# () Op/Hv Machine 01 ~ 00/00 ()
Archeology 01 ~ ##/# () First Aid 30 ~ 15/06 () Persuade 25 ~ 12/05 ()
Art/Crafts 05 ~ 02/01 () History 40 ~ 20/08 () Pilot 01 ~ 00/00 ()
[] ## ~ ##/# () Intimidate 30 ~ 15/06 () Psychology 32 ~ 12/05 ()
[] ## ~ ##/# () Jump 20 ~ 10/04 () Psychoanalysis 01 ~ 00/00 ()
[] ## ~ ##/# () Languages (EDU) 65 ~ ##/# () Ride 05 ~ 02/01 ()
Charm 20 ~ 10/4 () (English) 65 ~ 32/13 () Science 04 ~ 00/00 ()
Climb 30 ~ 10/4 () (Latin) 51 ~ 25/10 () (specializations) ## ~ ##/# ()
Credit Rating 41 ~ 20/8 () (Arabic) 08 ~ 03/01 () (specializations) ## ~ ##/# ()
Cthulhu Mythos 23 ~ ##/# () (Greek) 13 ~ 03/01 () Sleight of Hand 10 ~ 05/02 ()
Disguise 05 ~ 02/01 () Law 20 ~ 10/04 () Spot Hidden 30 ~ 12/05 ()
Dodge (half Dex) 41 ~ 20/08 () Library Use 51 ~ 25/10 () Stealth 20 ~ 10/04 ()
Drive Auto 25 ~ 12/05 () Listen 25 ~ 12/05 () Survival 17 ~ 05/02 ()
Elec. Repair 10 ~ 05/02 () Locksmith 01 ~ ##/# () Swim 20 ~ 10/04 ()
Fast Talk 64 ~ 30/12 () Mech. Repair 10 ~ 05/02 () Throw 20 ~ 10/04 ()
Fighting (Brawl) 36 ~ 12/05 () Medicine 01 ~ ##/# () Track 10 ~ 05/02 ()
Extra Skill ## ~ ##/# () Natural World 10 ~ 10/05 () Extra Skill ## ~ ##/# ()


Faron Rickard was born in Savannah, Georgia in 1880.
The son of a bootblack and a charwoman, Faron was the first-born son and
as such he was expected to learn his father's trade. Like so many men
regardless of time-period Faron's father was a drunk and often exemplified
the bootblack trade to his son with a harsh word and the back of his hand.

Despite his hatred for his father Faron worked hard to learn the trade on the
blisteringly humid streets of wooden Savannah for the sake of his family who would
have gone hungry on the drunken binges of an absentee father. As Faron grew
older he became less and less the victim for the work he could do and the coins
it provided and his father could scarcely wring every coin from the boy if he
expected his son to pay for his gin.

This arrangement lasted a handful of years until Good Friday of 1893. Faron had
just turned thirteen the day before and the second day of April that year was warm,
filled with springtime brightness, the over-sweet scent of blooming honeysuckle, and
the buzzing of newborn flies. The boy had found profitable work that day from the
men of the church-going crowd, but by noon his father had found him on the streets and
drubbed the young man for drink money.

Battered and bruised Faron wandered the streets aimlessly knowing he could not go home
without something with which to feed his family and filled with vile thoughts for his
own weakness and that of his father. When he looked up with tears in his eyes he noticed
a strange sign before a shop with a bright blue door. In the muggy noonday heat the sign
seemed to shimmer and shift from one blink to the next and in spite of his degradation or
perhaps because of it he pushed the door open to the ringing of golden chimes.

The interior was cool and dim, scented with a strange incense that tickled Faron's nose and
filled with lacquered shelves, each of which held books with tanned leather covers embossed
in gold and silver. The first book he picked up was The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by
Mark Twain.

A baritone voice rich with a melange of accents called from deeper within the shop.

"I will be but a moment, select a tome, each is a gate and curiosity the key."

Orias Jones
