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The Dunsirn are a bloodline of Clan Hecata, who had originated as a family branch of the Giovanni. They are located mainly in Scotland, with major holdings in the rest of the U.K.


The Dunsirn were assimilated into Clan Giovanni in the early 18th century. Before that, the Dunsirn were already a rich family. Rumors speak that the patriarch of the modern Dunsirn was banished from his family's estate for the crime of cannibalism. Unperturbed, the outcast returned with a family of his own, killed (and probably ate) his relatives and overtook their business. In the modern family, cannibalism is treated like an urban legend, and many Kindred that have contact with a Dunsirn banker joke about their fondness for "long pork", but just as many still look wary when a Dunsirn eats a sandwich.

It is believed that the Dunsirn entered service to the Giovanni with a loophole of leaving the Clan when they desired it. Not interested in Necromancy, the family focuses nearly exclusively on making money. The Dunsirn were crucial for establishing Giovanni domains in the colonies, and their influence in the U.K allowed them to play on the various internal conflicts, like the issue between Protestants and Catholics in Ireland. In modern times, the Dunsirn have been vital for the developments of Giovanni interests in the European Union. However, several Anziani now insist that the Dunsirn have to deepen their knowledge of Necromancy in the wake of the Sixth Maelstrom. Being bossed around chafes at the Dunsirn's pride and some worry what this will bode for the relationship between the families.

Another facet of the Dunsirn is that they are distantly related to Garou (i.e. some of them are Kinfolk), understood to be Fianna (although given their location in Scotland, it could also be one of the old Kin lines of the Black Spiral Dancers). Approximately, one in hundred children has the potential for the First Change and in the rare case that the child becomes a Garou, it is either quickly killed by the family or flees to become a Ronin. Also, more Dunsirn than any other family are adept in Hedge magic, which is tolerated by the main family.

V5 Changes

They were recognized at the Family Reunion as a full bloodline of Clan Hecata, and relish the fact that they no longer have to answer to the Giovanni.

Notable Members

  • Laird Diarmad Dunsirn -- Progeny of Ambrogino Giovanni and sire of Chalmers Dunsirn {6th Generation and progenitor of the Dunsirn}
  • Cing Dunscirn -- Scion and eldest of the Dunscirn client family. {7th Generation and progeny of Diarmad Dunsirn}
  • Chalmers Dunsirn -- Progeny of Laird Dunsirn and sire of Dallas and Grear Chalmers. {7th Generation and progeny of Diarmad Dunsirn}
  • Shug Dunsirn -- Bounty Hunter partner of Sizwe Ghiberti, smooth negotiator and Thaumaturgic expert. {7th Generation and progeny of Diarmad Dunsirn}
  • John Dunsirn -- One of the eldest Dunsirn, childe of Carlotta Giovanni, pawn of Ambrogino Giovanni in 1848. Fate unknown. {8th Generation}
  • Dallas Chalmers -- Progeny of Chalmers Dunsirn, mortal father of Ian Chalmers. {8th Generation}
  • Grear Chalmers -- Progeny of Chalmers Dunsirn, mortal mother of Ian Chalmers. {8th Generation}
  • Duff Dunscirn -- Dunscirn Banker in Glasgow, Scottland. {9th Generation}
  • Virginia Dunsirn -- Matron of the Dunsirn Family, sire of the late Alex Dunsirn and grandmother of Bez Dunsirn of New York City. {11th Generation} - {Aberdeen}
  • Fenella Dunscirn -- Socialite in Glasgow, Scotland. {11th Generation}
  • Rhys Dunsirn {Scotland} - Sire Unknown. Sire of Seamus Dunsirn. {11th Generation}
  • Alex Dunsirn -- Sire of Bez Dunsirn. - {12th Generation - now Deceased} - {Aberdeen}
  • Seamus Dunsirn {12th Generation - now Deceased}
  • Hamish Dunsirn Roving enforcer {12th Generation -- currently missing}
  • Bez Dunsirn -- Progeny of Alex Dunsirn. Bez is a Scottish football hooligan. {New York City}


  • VTM: Clanbook: Giovanni, p. 28-29 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
  • VTM: Clanbook: Giovanni Revised, p. 29-30, 45 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
  • VTM: Lore of the Clans, p. 100-101 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
  • VTM: Cults of the Blood Gods, p. 220