Blood of Destruction

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Quietus 8

Some Assamites have attained such a degree of control over their own blood that they may turn it into a virulent, destructive, acid-like venom that eats through flesh, bone, metal and glass with ease. When Blood of Destruction is in effect, anyone attacking the Assamite risks damage to herself or her weapon from the splattered blood. Anyone drinking from the Assamite is likely to be dead before she realizes her mistake. The user may also poison his own weapons, allowing them to inflict horrible damage for a short while.

System: In order to activate Blood of Destruction, the player simply spends a point of blood. All vitae in the character's system then becomes a highly virulent and acidic venom, though it looks and smells normal. This venom does not hurt the Assamite himself in any way. Anyone attacking the Assamite with a slashing or piercing weapon that inflicts at least one health level of damage loses her weapon at the end of the turn, as the venom corrodes away metal and wood. Especially well made weapons (five or more successes in forging them) last for one more turn, while weapons created with powers such as Master of the Forge last for three turns. In addition, an attacker might be splattered with te venomous blood. The attacker's player makes a reflexive Dexterity + Dodge roll, difficulty 6 (modified for the length of the weapon at the Storyteller's discretion); she must achieve at least as many successes as she inflicted health levels of damage on the Assamite. If the roll fails, the attacker suffers two levels of aggravated damage. Anyone attacking the Assamite with a natural weapon that breaks the skin (such as Protean 2 Talons of the Beast or Serpentis 2 Tongue of the Asp) suffers two aggravated health levels of damage automatically, them must dodge as above. Should someone drink the Assamite's blood, she suffers three unsoakable aggravated health levels of damage per blood point consumed.

The Assamite may use this venomous blood offensively in three different ways.

  • First, she may bite her own tongue or cheek and spit blood at her opponent, with a range of 3 feet per point of Strength (plus Potence, if applicable), rolling Dexterity + Athletics to hit as if it were a thrown weapon. This attack costs two blood points and inflicts three levels of aggravated damage per blood point spit (up to and limited by the vampire's generational maximum for spending blood in a turn), with no bonus for additional successes.
  • Second, she may slash her hands and touch an opponent, inflicting one aggravated health level of damage. If the target is wearing a shield or armor, the blood first destroys the shield or armor; wood or leather is destroyed in one turn, metal in two, with bonuses for craftsmanship as stated above. This application of the power requires the expenditure of one blood point.
  • Third, she may spend a round to carefully apply a thin layer of the venomous blood (one point's worth) to a slashing or piercing weapon. The weapon then inflicts an additional die of damage. all damage from the weapon is considered aggravated, but the weapon loses one die from its damage pool per turn after the first. Once the weapon drops to Strength -2 damage (including the +1 bonus from Blood of Destruction), it breaks and disintegrates.

Outside of combat, Blood of Destruction can be used to open doors, get rid of evidence, torture a prisoner, etc.

Blood of Destruction lasts for a scene. Damage inflicted with Blood of Destruction can only be soaked with Fortitude.