Blagoy Zhivkov's Statistics
Personal Details
Circa: 2015 C.E.
True Name: Blagoy Zhivkov, Ninth Century - Bulgarian - Barber-Surgeon
Haven: Varvara Kale
Sacred Soil: Gradishte Forest
Clan: Old Clan Tzimisce
Generation: 7th
Born: 959 A.D.
Embrace: 2013 C.E.
Sire: Svarozic of the Getae, Childe of Zalmoxis of Kogaionon
Nature: Scientist
Demeanor: Autocrat
Apparent Age: Late 40s
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 5
Alertness 3 (physical symptoms, bodily humors), Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 3 (larger opponents, projectiles), Empathy 2 {bedside manner}, Expression 1 (case history), Haggling 3 (medicines):[prices], Intimidation 1 (overt threats), Leadership 2 (commands), Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4 (misdirection, selective omission)
Animal Ken 3 (dogs, horses), Crafts 2 (sewing):[stitches], Drive 1, Etiquette 2 (feudal responses), Firearms 1, Melee 1 (surgical knives), Memory 5 (method of loci), Ride 1 (trail riding), Ritualism 5 (curses, divination, enchantment), Stealth 3 (shadows, hiding bodies), Survival 2 (forests, mountains)
Academics 3 (trivium, quadrivium), Clan Lore - Tzimisce 1 (linage), Computer 1 (Wikipedia: The Demon of Information), Dead Languages 4 <Medieval Bulgarian, Byzantine Greek, Medieval Latin, medieval Arabic, Magyar>, Investigation 3 (physical examination, probing wounds), Kindred Lore 1 (modern traditions), Linguistics 1 <modern Bulgarian>, Medicine 5 (triage, battle injuries, human anatomy), Occult 3 (ghosts, vampires), Science 1 (biology)
Animalism 1, Auspex 2, Celerity 1, Dominate 2, Fortitude 1, Necromancy 5, Potence 1
Advanced Disciplines
None as of yet.
Discipline Techniques
None as of yet.
Paths of Necromancy
Nigrimancy 5, Haunting 5, Cadaverous Animation 3
Contacts 2 (city police force), Alternate Identity 1 (Berislav - Sabbat Tzimisce), Domain 1 (Varvara Castle), Generation 6, Herd 3 (transients), Influence 1 (city council), Mentor 3 (Marius Egnatius), Military Force 1 (Sons of Chernabog), Resources 5 (textiles), Retainers 5 (ghoul dogs – Helga & Greta + 3 new dogs), Status - Southern Court 2 (neonate ruler of Gabrovo City)
Conscience 1, Self Control 2, Courage 2
Road: Humanity 2 (Blagoy kills nightly for blood and experimentation, sometimes he loses control and kills more than one in a night.)
Willpower: 8
Blood Pool & Health Levels
Blood Pool: 20 ()/ 4
Health Levels: Bruised (0) / Hurt (-1) / Injured (-1) / Wounded (-2) / Mauled (-2) / Crippled (-5) / Incapacitated
Merits & Flaws
Merits: Additional Discipline - Necromancy (5pts - supernatural), Concentration (1pt - mental), Eidetic Memory (2pt - mental), Prestigious Sire 1pts (Svarozic), Vicissitude Inoculation 3pts
Flaws: Blood Bound to Svarozic (3pts), Atrophied Heart (4pt - mental)
A very good question - indeed.