Kizzie Sands' Statistics

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Kizzie Sands

Circa: 2003 C.E.
Last Modified: "The Magister 15:24, 9 April 2018 (MDT)"
Plots: None.
Secrets: None.
Haven: None.
Clan: Ventrue Antitribu
Blood Type: Kizzie can only feed on those who have lost their way in life, drug addicts, teen prostitutes, the homeless and like her sire those who are victims of abuse. While she can feed from her sire's prey, she feels compelled give back to her prey by helping them out of the hole they have fallen into, especially those brutalized by her sire.
Generation: 13th
Born: 1985
Embrace: Summer of 2003
Sire: Samson
Progeny: None. Nor can she Embrace as her blood isn't potent enough.
Periods of Torpor: None.
Nature: Guru
Demeanor: Celebrant
Apparent Age: Early teens.
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Awareness 0, Brawl 2 (self-defence), Dodge 2, Empathy 3, Expression 2, Intimidation 1, Leadership 1, Streetwise 0, Subterfuge 1
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts 2, Drive 2, Etiquette 2, Firearms 2 (pistols), Larceny 1 (picking locks), Melee 2 (baton), Performance 3 (dance & singing), Security 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1
Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 1, Finance 1, Investigation 2, Law 1 (police proceedure), Linguistics 1 (French), Medicine 1 (first aid), Occult 0, Politics 2 (activist), Science 1, Technology 0
Disciplines: Dominate 1, Fortitude 1, Presence 3
Discipline Techniques: None.
Advanced Disciplines: None.
Sorcerous Paths: None.
Sorcerous Rituals: None.
Backgrounds: Allies 2 (family), Alternate Identity, Contacts 2 (modeling), Domain, Fame 1, Generation 0, Herd, Influence, Mentor 0, Resources 3 (from modeling), Retainers, Sect Membership, Status 1, Rituals 1(Sabbat Only)
Clan Flaw: Sabbat Ventrue have the same weakness as their Camarilla brethren. The player decides with the Storyteller what specific type of blood suits the Crusader, and this choice is permanent. Blood of other types (even animals) simply offers the vampire no blood pool increase, no matter how much he consumes.
Extra Flaws:
Merits: Blush of Health - 2pt physical
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Morality: Road of Humanity 7
Willpower: 5
Destiny: While Kizzie is the least likely to act out of violence. The behavior of her sire is going to push her to act to stop him, one way or another.