Knights of the World Tree

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British Isles / Glasgow

The Knights of the World Tree are an organization of neonates formed for the purpose of re-taking London from the Sabbat. In 2029, their charismatic leader, Brian O'Reilly, received the acknowledgement of one of the heirs of Mithras, Marcus Verus, who gave his blessing to the venture as a mercenary organization in the employ of the Courts of Avalon, so long as they organized as a group of "Knights," and accepted a certain amount of direction and leadership from the established Knightly Orders of Avalon.

Verus assigned Sir Geoffrey Talent to train and provide direction to the Knights of the World Tree. Under Sir Geoffrey's guidance, they have organized into four "columns," and learned cavalry-style tactics, adapting motorcycles to the traditional role of horses in medieval cavalry.

The Heart: (center)

Brian O'Reilly - Knight Marshal of the Order of the World Tree
Barnabus Rollins: Malkavian of Leeds. Underworld Enforcer and bodyguard. - OK
Orson Morris: Nosferatu Animal Trainer, called "The Larger." - Missing an arm
Sir Geoffrey Talent - Adviser from the Knights of Avalon. - Rotschreck

The Lance: (Right Front)

Jurgis Ąžuolas - Brujah, and adopted childe of Brian O'Reilly. - KIA
Tristram Young - Gangrel of Wales. Motivated by the murder of his sire. (hunter) - torpor
Adele Pennington - Ventrue of Newcastle (Corporate Exec) - hurt
Godfrey Eliot Ventrue of Manchester. (Entrepreneur) - KIA

The Shield: (Left Front)

Bronius Gintaras - Ventrue childe of Brian O'Reilly - Out of body
Thorton Bryant - Ventrue of Birmingham (Politician) - Badly damaged (5 ag)
Samuel Scott - Ventrue of Glasgow (Financeer) - hurt but ok
Penelope Arwin - Brujah of Belfast (Camarilla Crusader) - Out of body

The Hammer (reserves/rear guard - rear):

Bruce Edward Zieger - Lasombra Antitribu Spymaster of the World Tree
Sidney Heath - Ventrue of Leeds (Gangster) - rotschreck
Bart Felkirk - Scottish Gangrel (diablerist and survivalist) - staked/torpor
Andrew Stone: Ventrue of Brighton. Police Officer fledgling - rotschreck

The Honored Dead