Statistics for Ron Stewart

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Ron Stewart


Circa: 2043 C.E.
Last Modified:
Clan: Brujah
Generation: 8th
Born: 1949
Sire: Dieter Kotlar
Progeny: [[]]
Periods of Torpor:
Nature: Survivor
Demeanor: Survivor
Apparent Age:
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 1, Stamina 1
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1
Mental: Perception 1, Intelligence 1, Wits 1
Talents: Alertness, Athletics, Awareness, Brawl, Dodge, Empathy, Expression, Intimidation, Leadership, Streetwise, Subterfuge
Skills: Animal Ken, Crafts, Drive, Etiquette, Firearms, Larceny, Melee, Performance, Security, Stealth, Survival
Knowledges: Academics, Computer, Finance, Investigation, Law, Linguistics, Medicine, Occult, Politics, Science, Technology
Discipline Techniques: [[]], [[]], [[]]
Advanced Disciplines:
Sorcerous Paths:
Sorcerous Rituals:
Backgrounds: Allies, Alternate Identity, Contacts, Domain, Fame, Generation, Herd, Influence, Mentor, Resources, Retainers, Sect Membership, Status, Rituals (Sabbat Only)
Clan Flaw:
Extra Flaws:
Virtues: Conscience , Self-Control , Courage
Notes: He and Jonathan Nostram work for Meryt-Neith. They discovered, in the Tampico Affair that Juan was one of her Knights, too...

He has no heart anymore (See Serpentis *****), and lacks any fingerprint due to Vicissitude.

Vicissitude 9: Initial Cost:7 Cost: 3/level Diff Derangement:4

All his contacts are within the army, or in the traffic of weaponry. He has a seemingly endless supply of whatever gun he needs...

Combined with his mistaken beliefs about the Kindred, his allergy to some culinary ingredients became a real flaw: Repulsed by Garlic (See Player Guide to Vampire).

He also acquired a Derangement about his customized Harley Davidson: Anyone touching it without his authorization does it at his own risk (it must be reminded that Ron never lost any fight...).

While not an Anarch per se, he is thought to be one of them, as he hangs a lot with Anarchs, or in Anarch territories.

He and Cath sweared friendship and alliance to each other. He protects Cath from physical harm while she protects him from social attacks (which can be deadly in Paris!). He came back from Tampico with Vicissitude, and he taught it to Cath in exchange of Protean. This alliance with Catherine is one reason for him to hang with the Anarchs (As Cath is one of them!).

Actual Aim: None by himself. Help his friends.

Rumours: He battled three Technomages by day and no Mage survived the encounter!!! (True! Damn Light Sleeper Merit!)

He killed a Tremere who tried a Diablerie on a Brujah (False: While he found the Tremere and the Brujah, the Tremere fleed through the window and fell on... Meryt-Neith, who destroyed him because he knew of one of her secret haven. The Brujah, a follower of the deceased Alexandre, followed him in death some weeks after, throught...)