Lore: Daughters of Cacophony

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-=Lore=--=Secondary Abilities=-

This Lore represents knowledge of the social structure, traditions and myths of Bloodline called the Daughters of Cacophony. It also represents how well a character might be able to recognize the names of famous Daughters and know the trends of the bloodline within given regions.

Generally Possessed By: Daughters of Cacophony, Kindred Scholars

Potential Specializations: Daughters of Cacophony history, Camarilla historians

Sources Consulted for this List: Vampire the Masquerade V20, Vampire the Masquerade Players Guide, Lore of the Bloodlines

Lore: Daughters of Cacophony *

You know that the primary Disciplines of the Daughters of Cacophony are Fortitude, Melpominee, and Presence. (VtM [V20]: 398)

You know that the common nickname for the bloodline is Sirens

You know that all Daughters of Cacophony are creatures of music, and almost all are singers. (VTM [V20]: 398)

You know that the origins of the bloodline are lost in history.

You know that all Daughters of Cacophony hear a tune referred to as a fugue at all times. In order to make it quiet they have to spend willpower (VTM [V20]: 398)

You have heard that the Daughters originate at some point in the 1700's, and are not known much before that.

Lore: Daughters of Cacophony **

You are aware

You have heard a few stories and fables about the Bloodline

Lore: Daughters of Cacophony ***

Lore: Daughters of Cacophony ****

Lore: Daughters of Cacophony *****