John Dee's Statistics

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John Dee

Circa: 2017 C.E.
Plots: With Mithras missing and Aine not known to be Kindred, Dee is the most powerful Cainite in the British Isles. The Clan Wars, which are not entirely over, have increased his natural caution, and he is unwilling to do anything to risk the Tremere of London and Great Britain. His current plans for the Tremere involve subtly permeating every aspect of mortal society, and he is making use of the New Age movement and other opportunities. This strategy nearly succeeded in the 19th century, and Dee is slowly working on perfecting it.
Secrets: Countless...
Haven: John Dee's main haven is a large Victorian house with a walled garden in the London suburb of Richmond. He has several alternative havens, including one in the Temple, the legal preserve in the heart of London's court district, and another in a secret basement level of a small hotel in Bloomsbury, not far from the British Museum. Recently, Dee has been troubled by disconcerting dreams of the future in London and has moved his base of power to the Lion's Green Chantry in Durham - his sire's old domain.
Clan: Tremere
Generation: 5th
Born: 1527 A.D.
Embrace: 1608 A.D.
Sire: Meerlinda - deceased.
Nature: Plotter
Demeanor: Director
Apparent Age: Early 70s
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 6, Stamina 7
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 8, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 7, Intelligence 8, Wits 7
Talents: Alertness 6, Brawl 2, Dodge 4, Empathy 5, Expression 7 (debate), Intimidation 4, Intrigue 7, Leadership 6, Sense Deception 5, Subterfuge 7
Skills: Bribery 5, Crafts 4, Drive 2, Etiquette 7 (diplomacy), Firearms 2 (pistols), Hypnotism 5, Masquerade 4, Meditation 6, Melee 2 (walking sticks), Performance 4 (music), Research 8, Security 3, Stealth 2, Survival 2
Knowledges: Academics 7 (Astronomy, cryptography, mathematics, physics), Bureaucracy 4, City Lore 6 (London), City Secrets 7 (London), Computers 3, Finance 2, Investigation 4, Kindred Lore 6, Law 4, Linguistics 6, Lupine Lore 5, Mage Lore 6, Medicine 3, Occult 8 (alchemy, astrology, gematria, sacred geometry), Politics 5, Science 7 (biology, chemistry, geology, toxicology), Spirit Lore 5 (angels, demons), Theology 4 (Anglican, Catholic)
Disciplines: Auspex 6, Dominate 6, Thaumaturgy 8
Discipline Techniques: A few.
Advanced Disciplines: Auspex 6, Dominate 6
Sorcerous Paths: Alchemy 5, Blood 5, Conjuring 5, Elemental Mastery 5, Lure of Flames 4, Movement of the Mind 5, Oneiromancy 5, Spirit Manipulation 5, Transmutation 5, Technomancy 1, Weather Control 3
Rituals: Any he needs...
Backgrounds: Allies 5, Contacts 6, Fame 5, Generation 8, Herd 3, Influence 5, Resources 5, Retainers 5, Status 3
Merits: Concentration, Fast Learner, Natural Linguist
Flaws: Clan Enmity (Ventrue), Enemy (Mithras)
Derangements: Intellectualization, Total Restraint
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
Morality: Humanity 4
Willpower: 10
Destiny: Unless the Sabbat infernalist Dylan Bruce can be stopped in time, John Dee will be diablerized by him in the next few years.