St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair

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Anno Domini 1094

Pageant Art 1.jpg

Places of Interest and the Dwellers Within

St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair is made up of numerous locations, great and small, that make up the warp and weft of not only the day-to-day entertainments, but of the behind the scenes pageant members lives, loves and tribulations. The pageant comprises seventy odd wagons and half as many tents, but only twenty or so seem to have enough significance to count as landmarks in the nebulous night-scape of this traveling circus. Many of the locales serve as focal points for pageant-goers and pageant-folk alike.



Bubasti Bekhet.jpg Bekhet -- Lady "Beckett" has been with the pageant for as long as anyone can remember and is of Egyptian origin. She is the most senior and powerful of the mystics, often serving as a mentor to other will-workers and is the longtime companion of Bes the Dwarf.
Sorcerer Rambert.jpg Rambert -- The Oneiromancer {Spaniard} [New Member]
[[ |200px]] Sahak -- The Conjurer {Armenian vampire of the Ravnos}
[[ |200px]] Songül -- The Cartomancer {A Turkish woman who reads the fortunes of her clients in the cards.} [New Member]


Beast Handlers

[[ |200px]] Bogdan -- The Bear Trainer -- {A man of the Rus}
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Court of the Erlking

The court of the Erlking is the least definable structure in the pageant, it serves as both boundary and border with the outside world. A double wall of heavily stained canvas serves to delineate the pageant from its mundane physical location, and thus the court possesses an indistinct liminal character, it is also a distinct if ephemeral place where the fae who travel with the pageant gather together in imitation of their long lost Arcadia.

Fae Courtiers

200px Astarte -- The Autumn Queen
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House of the Profligate

Lodge of the Dervishes


Mortal Salome the serpent dancer.jpg Salome -- The Serpent Dancer -- {} []
Mortal Sunngifu.jpg Sunngifu -- The Wolf-dancer -- {A young Saxon woman married to Eadwulf} [New Member]
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The Odeum serves as the locus of all dramatic and musical performances. But like many places within the domain of the pageant, it is amorphous, being made up of a dozen pageant-wagons that serve as a mobile stage upon which performances are streamed to the masses as the wagons pass through village or town. Alternatively, the pageant wagons can set up in a fixed location, in which case the wagons form up into a circle, cutting out sights and sounds of the greater pageant and delineating the circled wagons as a magical-mysterious place called the "Theater".


[[ |200px]] Martijn Drappoline -- The Pauper Prince
[[ |200px]] Egbert Appolonius -- The Mad Merchant
[[ |200px]] Sybilla Raimundte -- Empress Rosalind
[[ |200px]] Hannelore Goldschmidt -- Beautiful Princess

Pavilion of Asclepius

Shanty of Fools

The lodgings and performance venue of the pageant's collective of fools, the shanty is a ramshackle structure formed of spare sackcloth, rope, odds and ends and fallen logs. While distinctly unimpressive as seen from without, once inside the Shanty visitors and pageant-folk who are not fools themselves become lost in a maze of clothbound corridors whose dimensions far exceed normal expectations. But the Shanty is not a maze, so much as a labyrinth which leads ever deeper towards a central chamber called the "Tabernacle". All along the corridors of the shanty-labyrinth are recesses in which scenes are played out for the paying visitors and for those who trespass within the private sanctum of the fools. These scenes are supposed to serve as a series of morality plays meant to remind the visitor-folk of their ethical and spiritual obligations and what might await them after death should they they fail to keep faith. But, all-too-often, these performances do the opposite, revealing the holes in medieval life and presenting the visitor with a distinct emotional or moral dilemma which they must solve if they wish to escape the Shanty by reaching the central "Tabernacle of Fools". All too often, however, visitors who enter are never seen again and it is assumed by those within their communities that they simply ran away with the pageant.

Tabernacle of Fools

St.Calendas Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair Shanty of Fools Tabernacle.jpg


King Fool Nabil ibn Saqr.jpg Nabil ibn Saqr -- The King Fool {Persian}
Clown Wan Lady.jpg Wan Lady -- ' {}
Clown Hellequin.jpg Hellequin -- ' {}

Tent of Dionysus

This tent is the central meeting point for pageant-folk and pageant-goers, a place of refuge that is both commissary and watering-hole, but it is also the axis around which the pageant community revolves.


Mortal Sender the Treasurer.jpg Sender -- The Jew {Sender is a Alexandrian Jew and serves as the the pageant's treasurer. He serves directly beneath Vulo Vodach and publicly he is the second most important official of the pageant.}
[[ |200px]] Rodolph Adeln -- Round bodied bear of a cook {} []
[[ |200px]] [[]] -- Drover {} []
[[ |200px]] [[]] -- Hosteler {} []
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Lasombra Theodoric.jpg Theodoric -- The Goth

Brotherhood of the Blade

Mortal Arnviðr Warleader.jpg Arnviðr -- The Varagarian {}
[[ |200px]] Dmitrii -- ' {Rus} []
[[ |200px]] Æthelred -- ' {Saxon Smith} []
Eadwulf the Huntsman.jpg Eadwulf -- The Huntsman {A Saxon hunter} [New Member]


Dwarf Bes.jpg Bes -- The Elder Dwarf -- {The Egyptian dwarf named Bes has been with the Pageant as long as anyone can remember.}
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Fire Eaters

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Giulia-The Bearded Lady.jpg Giulia -- The Bearded Lady {Roman woman}
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[[ |200px]] Vulo Vodach -- Leader {A Bulgarian man in his middle years.}
[[ |200px]] Jamaal -- ' {} []
  • -- Cengiz -- Trick Rider {Turkish}
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Serpent Handler

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Sons of Hercules (strongmen)

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Sword Swallower

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Therapeutae of Asclepius (healers)

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  • -- Godiva -- The Maiden Crone {A Saxon wise-woman of Wifilisburg.} [New Member]
