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St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair -SCWPOF- Bestiarium

Mortal Bogdan.jpg

Sobriquet: Teinya


A jovial rotund man, with a short black beard shot with grey. His skin is a bronze white, tanned from years being outside. At 6' 3" he is tall, heavily muscled and powerful under his fat.

  • Age:
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  • Weight:
  • Hair:
  • Eyes:

Behavior: Teinya is a jovial man, laughing often. His laughs vary though, and the observant will note that they can reveal what is truly happening with him. His speech can go from clear and common, to thick and decidedly indecipherable.

History: Arkadi Gregorich Proescus was born in the land of the Rus, son of a horse trainer. He grew to be a man working with his father prowling the wilderness hunting animals and training horses for others. Not overly bright, Arkadi was good with the animals. At the age of nineteen he was drafted by a local lord into a fighting band, and he left home at his lords request. While out in the world he found his skills at tracking animals and working with them to be of use. He became known as a renowned horse trainer in the cavalry.

Arkadi was sent out with a squadron of men to fight an upstart lord in a nearby kingdom. A good follower of orders, when the battle went badly Arkadi didn't know what to do. So he grabbed the best horse around and ran away. His ninth day on the road he came upon the Pageant. They were in need of someone good with horses, so he was hired on. Shortly thereafter Polyphonte and Two-Oaks Climber came to the Pageant, and Polyphonte made a deal with him, she would assure his place in the Pageant as long as he took care of Two-Oaks Climber. As a runnaway from a lord, he couldn't keep his name, so called himself Teinyan Bogdan. The all agreed to call the bear Arkadi, since it was easy for Teinya to remember. They have been together for so long now Teinya doesn't really remember where he came from or how long it's been. Polyphonte and Two-Oaks Climber like it that way.

Relationship with Rambert

Relationship with Aegon

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