Guardian Genius

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The Necromantic Library of Phineus -x- Level One Rituals -x- Level Two Rituals -x- Level Three Rituals -x- Level Four Rituals -x- Level Five Rituals

Description: The vampire may summon a spirit of the dead (drone) to alert her to danger should it arise, but this spirit is only visible in time of danger, and it is mute; it must warn the vampire via its Arcanoi. Thus the spirit acts as an unseen sentry / bodyguard; should the caster be in detectable danger, the guardian genius must try to alert him before he is injured.
Origin: Benesj the Black
Ingredients: A piece of tombstone, dried lotus petals and a bag to hold them.
Casting: The ritual must be cast in a graveyard or mausoleum where many dead are buried or interred. The necromancer must have in his possession a piece of grave-stone from the same cemetery and he must have a fistful of lotus petals (dried or fresh).To cast the ritual the necromancer must offer a small sacrifice of his blood (1 bp) to the insentient dead in the name of an appropriate god of death and walk the entire parameter of the graveyard calling the names of the dead on the tombstones he sees, to come and protect him (the invocation must be spoken in Greek).
System: Intelligence + Rituals = difficulty five (5) and requires one (1) hour to cast. Successes equate to a cumulative difficulty reduction for the guardian genius's Arcanoi to affect the caster. The caster must carry the stone fragment and flower petals on his person or the ritual fails. Under normal circumstances, the spirit remains for twenty-four (24) hours; the spirit is bound to the caster for the entire duration, so it can alert him as many times as might be necessary during the duration of the ritual.
Reference: Summon Guardian Spirit (Old Sabbat Guide)