Czere Ubireg

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Tremere -z- Melbourne -z- Doppelgänger

File:Tremere Czere Ubireg.png

Sobriquet: Czere Ubireg is a anagram of the name Bruce Zieger used to hide this doppelganger's identity. He claims that Czere (pronounced C-Zair) is a Turkish variant of Caesar and that his last name Ubireg is a rare Turkish surname of rural character.

Appearance: Czere stands 6ft-2inches (1.88m) tall and weighes 265 pounds (about 120 kilos). He appears to have been Embraced in his mid 20s and he is bulky with more than just a touch of pudginess, enough to soften the air of furious angst that seems to hang about him. He is best described as hefty, with both muscle and fat. His face is a nearly perfect oval and he is clean shaven at all times. Czere's eyes and hair are seal brown and the latter is worn in a typical mullet which grows down past his lower back in a ponytail. Around the chantry and in private he wears blue jeans and t-shirts, at public functions he wears well cut, but inexpensive suits. He wears an assortment of mystical looking jewelry about his person. Despite the fact that he has no further need for glasses, he still wears them as a reminder of who he was, and to give others an impression of scholarly ineffectualness.

Behavior: Czere struggles nightly with his undead existence. To combat that struggle, he has several coping mechanisms, some are from his past and others came to him after his Embrace. He still enjoys the companionship of good friends and good food. Of course, for vampires food is blood and as such he has spent a couple decades learning how to manipulate the flavors and emotions found in blood. Once a month he hosts "dinners" for friends, acquaintances and those he would like to impress. As yet, no one of great importance has chosen to attend, but he continues to send out invitations, while keeping the number of guests exclusive.

As a former gamer he still finds roleplaying games fun, but as a member of the Kindred he realizes that were this to come to light, it could hurt his reputation such as it is, so he has graduated to more "serious" roleplaying games of a live action variety. Two or three times a year he anonymously invites serious gamers to play through adventures played out on the city streets. Sometimes these adventures are treasure hunts, other times mysteries or horror stories, but always with numerous plot twists and a few actual treasures to be found by the players. Of course it helps to have Dominate to convince normal citizens to "play along" by being his living NPCs. This activity is somewhat dangerous of course, but no one has gotten seriously hurt or died yet, so the game continues and seems to be more popular with the passage of time. The game not only sharpens Czere's imagination and strategic skills, it also keeps him involved in the affairs of mortals with similar interests. Obviously, he still plays chess and after decades of practice is one of the city's finer players which serves not only to intrigue him, but gives him something in common with his elders.

Having spent his mortal youth as an "ugly duckling" he has taken advantage of the Kindred condition to become something of a lady's man, but keeps his dalliances short term and tries not to hurt those women with whom he romances. While physically he is youthful, mentally the decades are starting to pile up and he finds the company of older women preferable for their maturity and intellectual capacity. While he prefers women, it has started to occur to him that he isn't really human in the most literal sense and homophobia is ridiculous since the blood and company of men can be just as satisfying, but he isn't quite comfortable with that notion yet.

In all these situations, he presents himself as a relaxed and confident connoisseur of life who has all the time in the world to converse and socialize with those he meets. It helps that he has spent a couple decades learning, with difficulty, to just listen to other people rather than talk about himself. He makes understanding the personalities of those around him his primary objective when socializing; it is a trait that has served him well. But beneath this well sculpted mask, Czere struggles with social situations, not because he is clueless, but because he doesn't want to give the game away, as he wants his associates (mortal and immortal alike) to perceive him in a positive light. In both the mortal and immortal worlds, those who seek to influence events and garner distinction become targets for those who already have those treasures and Czere wants more than anything to keep his head and his jewels.

History: Czere doesn't discuss his mortal life except for a few choice fabrications like the false family albums, ad hoc heirlooms and well constructed personal anecdotes. The truth is that Czere woke up in the alley behind the masonic lodge in Denver in 2012 with no recollection of how he got there and no memory of the last fifteen years. Exiled from his previous life, with no one to turn to and with an innate sense that he was in over his head, he accepted the improbable assistance of a man exiting the building who seemed genuinely curious about his circumstances. Thereafter, the rabbit-hole has gotten so much deeper than Czere could have ever have imagined.

Recent Events: Czere has taken a blue collar approach to Thaumaturgy, learning rituals with nonthreatening utility. The purpose is to facilitate his trustworthiness as a Masquerade cleanup artist. A man who can be called when a few memories need to be wiped or replaced, or when a feeding goes too far and a corpse has to disappear or be made to appear subject to a mundane death. Czere has made his place of business the city morgue, all the better to catch Masquerade violations that others miss and acquire a little extra blood for himself or a special friend. That there are no Giovanni in Melbourne has made this far easier that he might have imagined. Czere can be reached by cell-phone any hour of the night and charges reasonable rates regardless of clan or bloodline, though he does offer a significant discount to his fellow Tremere. Czere sees this avocation as an indirect path to greater influence in Melbourne, though it could take years to amass enough boons to make him indispensable, he has nothing but time on his hands.