Iteration IV - Current Timeline

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Revision as of 21:57, 10 January 2015 by Keith (talk | contribs) (20thth Century)
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"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them."
- Albert Einstein

Historical Key: Plain black text denotes mortal events, while text in red text denote the popularly accepted dates of Cainite historical events and blue italics represent events of significance in the Underworld of the Dead.

4th Century

326: Constantinople Founded - Michael's Final Speech to the Cainites of Rome, the Departure of the Triumvirate and the Formation of the Inconnu.

5th Century

476: The Fall of Rome - The First Great Maelstrom.

11th Century

1022:The wizard Tremere and his mortal followers steal Tzimisce blood in order to become immortal, thus beginning the First Omen War.

12th Century

1133:The self-created blood wizard Tremere diablerizes the Salubri ancient to cement his bloodline's legitimacy.
1184: The first institution of the Inquisition via Papal Bull titled: Ad Abolendam in response to the growing threat of the Catharist heresy in Southern France.

13th Century

1204: The Fourth Crusade sacks Constantinople - The Death of Michael and the Destruction of his Dream.
1205:The War of Princes begins as word of Michael's destruction ripples across Europe.
1252: Pope Innocent IV, authorizes the use of torture in the search for heresy by the Inquisition. - The first Cainite victims fall to the Inquisition.
1282: War of the Sicillian Vespers - Gratiano, the youngest childe of the Lasombra Ancient strikes the first blow in the "First Anarch Revolt" by leading a motley collection of rebellious childer to storm the Castle of Shadows on Sicily, overwhelming its defenses and consuming his ancient sire's blood.

14th Century

1337: The Hundred Years War begins.
1347: The Black Death decimates Europe - The Second Great Maelstrom.
1381: The Peasant's Revolt of England - The Start of the First Anarch Revolt.
1395: Tzimisce Anarchs led by Lugoj Blood-Breaker unearthed the location of the Tzimisce Ancient, disinterred it and committed the Amaranth upon their clan founder.

15th Century

1435: Hardstadt calls for the Formation of a Camarilla to challenge the chaos of the Anarchs, the European Elders are sceptical, but a core group forms around the charismatic Ventrue.
1444: The Diablerie of Cappadocius, the Birth of the Giovanni Clan and the beginning of the Cappadocian Purge.
1450: The Founders of the Camarilla amass enough influence with the elders of Europe to counter Anarch aggression - the ancient stronghold of Clan Assamite discoved by Camarilla agents.
1453: The Hundred Years War ends.
1455: The English - War of Roses - begins.
1485: The English - War of Roses - ends.
1492: Columbus discovers the New World and claims the Americas for Spain.
1493: The Second Convention of the Camarilla held in the English village of Thorns to discuss the terms of the Anarch's surrender; Clan Assamite punished for its role in the Revolt with the Tremere Curse and most Anarchs re-enter the Camarilla fold. The Toreador Rafael de Corazon makes his famous speach demanding the enforcement of the Traditions with the Masquerade and the those Anarchs who reject the terms of the Convention of Thorns flee to later become the Sabbat.

16th Century

1514: Lord Roger de Camden - Cappadocian Seneschal to Prince Mithras is slain by the Giovanni.
1542: The Witchcraft Act is passed in England forbidding the practice of witchcraft.
1558: Queen Elizabeth rises to the English throne.
1576: The first permanent theater established in London.
1588: The Spanish Armada is lauched to defeat England, but sinks in the channel.

17th Century

1600: The Third Great Maelstrom - The Age of Turmoil.
1605: November 5th - English catholics try to blow up the parliment building and fail.
1666: The Great Fire of London - Ambrogeno Giovanni seeks the aid of Tremere expert in a Babalonian Translation of the Sargon Fragment.
1692: The Salem Witch Trials.

18th Century

1757: The East India Company becomes the defacto government of India.
1776: The American Revolution.
1798: The Departure of Prince Mithras for the East - the Regency of Valerius of London.

19th Century

1812: The War of 1812.
1863: Establishment of the world's first underground railway - the Metropolitan Railway began in London.
1882: The British Empire gains control of Egypt.
1885: Prince Mithras returns to London and deposes Valerius.
1888: The Jack the Ripper Murders capture the attention of the world.
1897: Publication of 'Dracula' by Bram Stoker. - The First worldwide breach of the Masquerade.

20thth Century

1914: The First World War begins.
1918: The First World War ends - The Fourth Great Maelstrom.
1925: Children of Gaia Grey Raven Prophecies The War of Chicago
1939: The Second World War begins with Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland.
1941: The United States of America drawn into W.W.II with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
1945: The conclusion of World War II - The Fifth Great Maelstrom and the Disappearance of Charon.
1951: The Final Repeal of the English Witchcraft Act.
1990: The awakening of Baba Yaga.
1993: The War of Chicago (Under a Blood Red Moon) 1996:
1997: The Sabbat Siege of Denver begins.
1998: The Sabbat Siege of Denver ends.
1999: Millennial terror begins. Society of Leopold huntsmen seen in Denver; Sullivan Dane slain in Denver by an unknown member of the Sabbat.
2000: Millennial terror ends. The Battle of New York - The Fall of the Sabbat in the Big Apple.

21st Century

2001: The New York Trade Center Bombing (9-11). America's War on Terrorism begins.
2002: U.S.A invades Afghanistan. Internally, the U.S. passes Homeland Security Act.
2002 - 2013: Western Powers Occupation - U.S./ NATO Alliance defeats Iraqi Regime and begin eleven years of expansion and occupation throughout middle-east.
2004: The Philadelphia Nuclear Attack - During the Philadelphia Peace Marches held in the spring of 2004, Philadelphia is destroyed by a terrorist nuclear attack. President Bush dies while attending the peace rallies. Vice President Cheney becomes president. Passage of Homeland Security Act II & Emergency Powers Act invoked.
2006: Americanization of North American Muslims, known as "The Pogrom".
2007: Hurricane Katrina destroys the U.S. city of New Orleans.
2008: The Pogrom extended to other violent or seditious minorities.
2009: Civilian Reprisals - ethnic minorities strike back at U.S. Government through suicide bombings, assassinations and full scale rioting.
2010: Within the U.S. the Emergency Powers Act extended to Martial Law.
2011: The Arab Spring - numerous Mideastern nations experience popular revolutions. For the first time, the United States government publicly acknowledges the validity of Global Warming.
2012: The United States Constitution suspended indefinitely due to endemic civil unrest.
2013: Atlanta Freedom Marches - the United States Military cracks downs on peaceful demonstrators.
2014: The Rise of the Drones – The U.S begin the widespread use of drones to support the security of its police state.
2015: The first public appearance of the experimental combat drug – L.A.C.E. in Iraq and later that year throughout the Middle East.
2016: The beginning of the Greek Civil War. Autumn - The Assassination of Prince Carlak of Prague.