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Social Merits & Flaws

2 or 3 point Flaw

You have the unwise habit of swearing oaths too quickly or without due thought, and you feel obligated to fulfill those oaths, once rightfully sworn. This Flaw is particularly common among idealistic and passionate Cainites, particularly those who follow the Path of Chivalry and its derivitaves, for whom thought and deed are one.

In practice, you can never simply agree to something, it must take the form of a sacred oath. If you have a task placed before you, then you swear on your blood that it shall be done. If you express an opinion, you swear an oath to uphold it to the last. If you see the opportunity for a noble quest, you must seize it, and follow it to the end. At the Storyteller's discretion, you can spend a point of temporary Willpower to stave off this urge for one instance, when absolutely necessary.

For followers of the Road of Kings, this is a three point Flaw, since breaking a sworn oath is a grevious sin for them and requires a degeneration roll. A cleaver enemy may trick you into swearing contradictory oaths, so that you are forced to break one of them, and characters with this Flaw are particularly vulnerable to the power of Fealty (Dominate 6).