Social Merits & Flaws

From The World Is A Vampire
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Merits & Flaws
Adopted into Grace 1 point
Alternate Identity 1 to 5 points
Boon 1 to 6 points
Broken Bond 4 points
Bullyboy 2 points
Clan Friendship 4 points
Crusader 1 point (Dark Ages only)
Debt of Gratitude 1 to 3 points
Devotion 3 points
Disembodied Mentor 5 points
Dynamic Personality 5 points
Elysium Regular 1 point
Embraced Without the Cup 3 points (Tremere only)
Fetch 2 points
Former Ghoul 3 points
Friend of the Underground 3 points
Harmless 1 point
Harpy 5 points
Holder of Office 3 to 5 points
Introspection 1 point
Legendary Accomplishment 3 points
Master of Protocol 1 point
Mentor's Tutelage 4 points
Mistaken Identity 1 point
Mole 3 points
Multicultural 3 points
Natural Leader 1 point
Network 1 to 5 points
Noble Blood 1 point
Noted Confessor (1-3 points)
Old Pal 2 points
Open Road 2 points
Patron 2 to 4 points
Powerful Liege 1 to 3 points (Dark Ages Merit)
Prestigious Confessor 1 point
Prestigious Sire 1 point
Pretender to the Blood 1 point
Primogen 7 points
Primogen Friendship 4 points
Protege 1 point
Rep 1 point
Reptile Buddy 3 points
Rising Star 3 points
Sabbat Survivor 1 point
Scarred 1 point
Scholar of Enemies 2 points
Scholar of Others 2 points
Secrets 1 to 5 points
Sheriff's Friend 2 points
Unbroken Lineage 1 or 2 points
Vampiric Consort 5 points
Well-Known variable points

Either Merit or Flaw
Former Magus 2 points

Anosmia 2 points
Apostate 2 points (Dark Ages only)
Blood Hunted 2, 4 or 6 points
Botched Presentation 1 point
Bound 2 points
Catspaw 2 points
Clan Enmity 4 points
Criminal Record 2 points
Dark Secret 1 point
Disgrace to the Blood 2 points
Disparaged 2 points (Highly stratified societies)
Enemy 1 to 5 points
Escaped Target 2 points
Expendable 1 point
Failure 2 points
Flashbacks 6 points
Former Cats-Paw 2 points
Former Prince 3 points
Gullible 2 points
Hunted 4 points
Hunted Like a Dog 3 points
Incomplete Understanding 1 point
Infamous Autarkis 1 point
Infamous Sire 1 point
Laughingstock 5 points
Loathsome Regnant 4 points
Marked for Death 2 to 5 points
Masquerade Breaker 2 points
Mistaken Identity 1 point
Narc 3 points
New Arrival 1 point
New Kid 1 point
Oathbreaker 4 points
Obvious Predator 2 points
Old Flame 2 points
Outspoken Pagan Heretic 4 points (none or less in the modern era)
Overextended 4 points
Pariah 2 to 4 points
Prestigious Rival 1 to 5 points
Probationary Sect Member 4 points
Recruitment Target 1 point
Red List 7 points
Rival Sires 2 points
Rivalry 1 to 3 points
Scapegoat 4 points
Sire's Resentment 1 point
Sleeping With the Enemy 3 points
Special Responsibility 1 point
Sympathizer 1 point
Touched by Ancients 2 points
Traitor 4 points
Uncouth 1 point
Uppity 2 points
Used and Abused 2 points
Village Idiot 3 points
Ward 3 Points