Geoffrey Talent

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Chester / Knights of the World Tree / The Order of the Bull Rampant

Sir Geoffrey Talent has been a knight of the Bull Rampant, in service to Marcus Verus and Mithras for four centuries. He has been awake for only one.

He is a well-muscled man who moves powerfully, but somehow he seems washed out, as if time, and the world, left him behind.

Current Events: Sir Geoffrey has been assigned to guide the mercenary group known as The Knights of the World Tree, and help them gel as a tactical unit. To that end, he has been teaching the order, particularly its leadership, knightly tactics, melee and encouraging its members to explore the Road of Kings and the Path of Chivalry.

Members of the Order may take advantage of his expertise as a 2 point mentor in the following areas:

  • Tactics (up to 3)
  • Strategy (up to 2)
  • Melee (up to 4 and specialties in mounted combat, swords, and lance)
  • Etiquette (up to 2, with the specialty of courtly manners)
  • Ride (up to rank 4, with specialties of warhorses and mounted combat)

Geoffrey Talent's Statistics