Chevalier d'Eglantine

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Toreador -P- Paris -P- The History of the Clan of the Rose in Paris
Chevalier d'Eglantine.jpg

Sobriquet: Shérif...

Appearance: Chevalier d'Eglantine is the quintessential Toreador...and the quintessential sheriff. When observed, he holds himself with as much regal bearing as any other member of the prince's court, and if anyone challenges the establishment or breaks the order, his sword flies with the fury of a hardened soldier.

Behavior: Chevalier is a very solid, upright vampire. He is dedicated to protecting his city and his Prince. He is pleasant in a very traditional, upright gentlemanly fashion. He is a dedicated vampire to the Church, even though he is now damned. His Catholic upbringing are still at his core.

History: D'Eglantine's art, learned from the finest Toledan weaponsmiths, is the crafting of bladed weapons. His swords are works of art, deadly in both their beauty and their accuracy; in the streets of Paris, more than one neonate has met Final Death standing stupidly with his enthralled eyes fixed on the gorgeous blade that severs his head from his neck. D'Eglantine is as skilled with his weapon's use as he is in their construction, as well, and he seldom hesitates to demonstrate this. His loyalty is beyond reproach; many whisper that he is secretly the thrall of the prince with his nearly blind devotion. Francois Villon decrees, and D'Eglantine executes without question.

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Domain: Les Invalides