Artemis Wylde-Whitney

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London - Pax Britannica -VAV- Toreador

Toreador Artemis Wylde-Whitney.jpg

Sobriquet: Esquire (title of respect for women as well as men), Artemis (personal and informal)

Appearance: Artemis is a woman of uncommon beauty

Behavior: The Esquire is extremely well mannered and often formal, yet in moments of great stress or anger, she can descend into a Eastend Cockney accent and spews common vulgarities with relish.

History: A woman of the East End streets whose talent upon the stage brought her to the attention of a influential elder and allowed her entrance into polite society and immortality. As product of the 18th century and its obsession with women on the stage, Artemis Wylde-Whitney (not her mortal name), saw two potential future careers for herself, the first was as a muse to other women in the theater, but she came to understand that the lady Ophelia Merritt held dominion over the theaters of London and turned to her second passion of dress-making. Nearly a century of effort has made her the undisputed mistress of ladies' fashions in London, and as the saying goes, where London leads the empire follows. Artemis is by no means as influential as Lady Merritt, but her subtle influence can be felt to a surprising degree even in London's masculine fashion industry.

Recent Events:Artemis is the alternate identity for Catherine Golden Hair who is in the city as a Tal-


Circa: 1863 C.E.
Last Modified:
Clan: Toreador
Sire: [[]]
Progeny: [[]]
Periods of Torpor:
Nature: [[]]
Demeanor: [[]]
Apparent Age:
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 1, Stamina 1
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1
Mental: Perception 1, Intelligence 1, Wits 1
Talents: Alertness, Athletics, Brawl, Dodge, Empathy, Expression, Intimidation, Leadership, Streetwise, Subterfuge
Skills: Animal Ken, Crafts, Etiquette, Firearms, Larceny, Melee, Performance, Ride, Stealth, Survival
Knowledges: Academics, Enigmas, Finance, Investigation, Law, Linguistics, Medicine, Occult, Politics, Science
Disciplines: Auspex - V20, Celerity, Presence
Discipline Techniques:
Advanced Disciplines:
Sorcerous Paths:
Sorcerous Rituals:
Backgrounds: Allies, Alternate Identity, Contacts, Domain, Fame, Generation, Herd, Influence, Mentor, Resources, Retainers, Sect Membership, Status, Rituals (Sabbat Only)
Clan Flaw:
Extra Flaws:
Virtues: Conscience , Self-Control , Courage