Leper Colony

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San Francisco

The Colony

"The flight of the Dowager and the Praetorian from the mortal Inquisition at the end of the seventeenth century is the stuff of Kindred lore and among Sewer-Rats, a story of high adventure and romance. The tales of their origins and how they came to sojourn together across the Atlantic to the New World and ultimately San Francisco is the very history of the Dowager line of Nosferatu. And depending upon whom you ask it is a fiction of the purplest's of prose." -- Don Domingo del Torres

Hotel Saint Damien

Fugly Personalities

The Dowager -- The White Queen
[[]] -- Praetorian -- Bodyguard and Eldest Child of the Dowager
[[]] -- Fyodor Orlov -- Original 49er -- Nickname: Digger
[[]] -- Elodie Rennell -- Nickname
[[]] -- Comhghall Clancy -- Nickname: Hooch
[[]] -- Yazhu Tang -- Nickname: Yin
[[]] -- Neevaeh O'Hara -- Nickname: Scarlett
[[]] -- Lucas Cunningham -- Nickname: Wolfman
[[]] -- Salomon Vargas -- Nickname: Natalio
[[]] -- Fishy Graywater -- Nosferatu Loner -- Nickname: Bonita
[[]] -- Naiche Noaah -- Nickname: Trickster

Fallen & Forgotten

Spawning Pools
