The Mansion of Peace

From The World Is A Vampire
Revision as of 21:43, 12 January 2023 by Keith (talk | contribs) (What the Settites want in San Francisco)
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-=San Francisco=--=Followers of Set

This large rambling mansion sits on a 3 acre lot with a gardens and a swimming pool. The walls are 15 feet high topped with spike topped ahnks. The walls are bright red and yellow designed brick and concrete with stucco overlay. The front gate is manned by at least one disciple at all times. Back gates are electronic locked, only openable from the inside.

What the Settites want in San Francisco

Ras Michael is following up on the mission of the elder Zhenya Motya to find the final resting place of Set. While this is the mission of many of their clanmates, Zhenya was in the unique position to receive a vision from Set. In it she could see the city of Venice.