- Arrayed by Clan -x- Ashirra -x- Camarilla -x- Inconnu -x- Sabbat -x- Lasombra Antitribu -x- Castel d'Ombro -x- Abyss Mysticism
To the mind of a Lasombra, it is better to reign in
hell than to serve in heaven. Fear, frenzy, the power
to determine whether another lives or dies: these are
at the root of the power that the Lasombra hold dear.
Whereas other vampires try vainly to hold the Beast at
bay or give themselves wholly to it, the Lasombra beat
the Beast into submission,
invoking it when it
suits them but leaving it trapped inside
when they wish to
govern themselves.
It is with these predilections that the Lasombra style themselves a “dark nobility,” an aristocracy of the night that chose the supremacy of the Cainites over veneration of the Masquerade.
Their regard for such ideas as redemption and salvation are cynical at best, and much of the pomp that shaped the Clan’s pre-Sabbat outlook remains only with a sense of blackest irony or open mockery. The grandeur and rituals of the Church and aristocracy remain dear to the Lasombra, however, and the Clan was instrumental not only in establishing many of the rituals of the Sabbat, but in the institutions that keep it from descending into chaos each night.
Whether they see themselves as God’s instruments or as outcasts from His creation, the Lasombra believe they have a duty (whether to Sect, Clan, pack, or even just themselves), and obligation to their responsibilities gives them a wicked sense of purpose. Even a Lasombra shovel-head may consider himself a cut above the rest; a surprising number of Lasombra mass Embraces survive, perhaps owing to the intervention of their sires.
While the night belongs to all Kindred, the Lasombra are truly born to darkness, to the degree that their very Clan name reveals their tie to shadow. Theirs is the Discipline of Obtenebration, and it allows them to wield the stuff of shadow and darkness, and even reach beyond the darkness of the physical world into the abyss that lies beyond.
Nickname: Keepers (as in “my brother’s...”)
Sect: The Sabbat would be very different without the influence of the Lasombra, and they remain its most prominent Clan. Young Lasombra often make auspicious starts as Sabbat Ducti or Priests, leading their fellows by charging into the fray or demonstrating mastery of the Beast.
Appearance: The Lasombra are frequently attractive. Whether through the Spanish, Italian, and Moorish stock associated with the Clan, or due to more cosmopolitan modern backgrounds, the Keepers cut a striking figure. Their dress is often conservative or religious, drawing on years of ceremony and faithful ritual. Rare is the Lasombra who cannot at least manipulate shadows to affect a dramatic entrance or enigmatic pose.
Haven: The obligation of their leadership leads many young Lasombra to maintain communal havens with other members of their pack. Wealthier Keepers and those who predate the Sect often maintain their own havens, whether sinister penthouse suites or sprawling Old World villas.
Background: Prospective sires of Clan Lasombra seek both erudition and ambition in their potential childer. As such, many Lasombra come from professional backgrounds, and display outgoing and even aggressive personalities. Merit in their sires’ eyes takes fledgling Lasombra far, and the Keepers do not hesitate to cull their ranks of flawed, lazy, or boorish childer.
Character Creation: Lasombra often have disparate Natures and Demeanors. Mental or Social Attributes are equally likely to be primary. Attributes tend to be narrow and specialized, showing individual expertise. Keepers cultivate Backgrounds of all types similarly in (initially) low quantities, to better diversify themselves.
Clan Disciplines: Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence
Weaknesses: Lasombra vampires cast no reflections. Whether in a mirror, in a body of water, on a polished surface, or in the rear-view of a taxicab, the image of the Keeper does not reflect.
Organization: For the Lasombra, the nights of high aristocracy never faded, and the titles and offices a modern onlooker might associate with history still carry great weight among the Keepers. A complex system of patronage, mentor-ship, and lineage characterizes the Clan, similar to the courts and churches of centuries gone by. Childer benefit greatly from esteemed sires and vice versa, while acts that confer Sect or Clan status may also elevate a Lasombra’s peers, so long as she associates her success with her fellows.
Quote: Wielding the shadows is an extension of controlling the darkness into
which we are all Embraced.
3rd Generation
- -- Typhon -- Later called Lasombra -- deceased
- -- Gratiano de Veronese -- Originally the youngest progeny of Lasombra. He helped to kill his sire (might have diablerised him). Disappeared along with his court, shortly after becoming Archbishop of the Sabbat.
4th Generation
- -- Ahumm -- Phonecian explorer and navigator. Third Childe of Lasombra, and foremost of the Abyss Mystics. Disapeared and presumed dead, 6th century CE.
- -- Boukephos -- Progeny of Typhon. Sire of Goeffrey, Marcellus Rufus, and Tercio Bravo. Greek origin. Also known as Francisco Diego Del Belmonte. -- antitribu
- -- Karotos -- childe of the Lasombra Antediluvian and the progenitor of Lucita's lineage.
- -- Montano -- Lasombra's most loyal and honorable childe -- antitribu.
- -- Sybil -- antitribu
5th Generation
- -- Cleobolus -- Progeny of the methuselah Karotos and sire of Silvester de Ruiz. Cleobolus is of Greek or Mesopotamian origin. His fate following the Anarch Revolt was not recorded.
- -- Constantius -- Childe of Sybil, Prince of Rome in the 12th and 13th centuries, he Disappeared in 1309.
- -- Galerius -- Roman Lasombra, Childe of Sybil, and a member of the Inconnu faction called the Quincunx Conspiracy.
- -- Goeffrey -- English Lasombra, Childe of Boukephos.
- -- Lady Astor -- Prioress of Shadows, Childe of Boukephos.
- -- Lucius Aelius Sejanus -- Childe of Sybil. Also known as Marcus Vitel, Prince of Washington D.C.
- -- Marcellus Rufus -- Sire of Erasmo Casimiro Alonso de Cursio .
- -- Quinta Aurelia Verginia -- Abyss Mystic, disappeared in Caldonia in the eight century CE.
- -- Silvester de Ruiz -- Sire of Ambrosio Luis Monçada.
- -- Tercio Bravo -- Progeny of Boukephos. Hero of the Reconquista. The last surviving member of El Cid's war band.
6th Generation
- -- Abdullah -- Sire of Suleiman ibn Abdullah.
- -- Calixta Narcisa de Torres -- Progeny of Don Fidel Ismael Maximiliano de Lisbon (deceased) and Rainha do Carnaval (Queen of the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro)
- -- Ambrosio Luis Monçada -- Progeny of Silvester de Ruiz, sire of Lucita (his only childe), he has been and remains the Archbishop of Madrid.
- -- Enrico -- Sire of Paliuro Rustucci, Prince of Jerusalem.
- -- Erasmo Casimiro Alonso de Cursio -- Sire of Basilio the Elder.
- -- Father Kakios Pachis -- Childe of Tercio Bravo and Abyss Mystic.
- -- Guilelmo Aliprando -- antitribu -- The current Archbishop of Nod, ally of Bishop Nikita of Sofia and sire of Don Alonzo De Vargas.
- -- Lord Leopold Valdemar -- A member of the infamous Conspiracy of Issac, he was imprisoned by the Founders of the Camarilla for his part in the conspiracy to assassinate the Antediluvian Cappadocius.
- -- Narses -- Former Archbishop of Nod, diablerized by his childe Guilelmo Aliprando.
7th Generation
- -- Anacleto a Astúcia -- Progeny of Don Fidel Ismael Maximiliano de Lisbon (deceased) and Abyss Mystic of Rio de Janeiro.
- -- Basilio the Elder -- (deceased)
- -- Cristóvão de Silva -- Progeny of Calixta Narcisa de Torres and Knight of the Shadows in Rio de Janiero.
- -- Don Alonzo De Vargas -- antitribu -- Childe of Guilelmo Aliprando -- Prince of Denver
- -- Ectoris -- He was the sire of Magnus, a pagan Greek, ulitmately, Magnus staked him and made of him an offering to the Trinity (deceased -- 337 A.D.).
- -- Fatimah Al-Lam'a -- Monarch of the Light of Cairo -- Mistress of Banu Al-Lam'a -- Member of the Prince's Advisory Council -- Elder Lasombra antitribu.
- -- Francisco Domingo de Polonia -- Embraced with a horrid sunburn. Archbishop of New York until the fall of the city to the Camarilla. Recently promoted to cardinal of the Eastern United States.
- -- Giangaleazzo - Prince of Milan -- antitribu -- Former Archbishop of Milan before his defection to the Camarilla in 1998.
- -- Juan Antonio Ramirez y Alvarez de Santiago -- Sire of Liseta Iluminada.
- -- Isabelle -- Sire of Bishop Gabriella of Genoa.
- -- Lucita of Aragon -- antitribu -- Progeny of Ambrosio Luis Monçada, lover of Fatima Al-Faqadi and Jan Pieterzoon, friend of Beckett and protector of Anatole.
- -- Magdalena Castellucci Borcellino -- antitribu -- Magdalena is the final progeny of Narses; she was sent to Jerusalem to watch Paliuro Rustucci for Narses.
- -- Pai Celestino -- Progeny of Don Fidel Ismael Maximiliano de Lisbon (deceased) and Ashen Priest of Rio de Janeiro.
- -- Paliuro Rustucci -- Progeny of Enrico, sire of Pacifico Grillati and former Prince of Jerusalem (deceased -- 1244 A.D.).
- -- Simon de Cosa -- This Spanish Lasombra fought with Doran for the control of Louisiana from 1713 to 1801.
- -- Suleiman ibn Abdullah -- Progeny of Abdullah. Mullah of the Ashirra. The founder of the Ashirra sect. He rarely speaks of the evening when he went to Madina to make a pawn of the supposed prophet, Muhammad. He can only say that he saw salvation in that man. He submitted to Allah and was set on a new course.
- -- Tobias Smith -- Former Archbishop of Montreal (fate unknown)
- -- Vizier Suliman -- antitribu -- Advisor to Shaykhe Muhammad of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.
- -- Wilfredo Rosario -- Progeny of Calixta Narcisa de Torres and A Prodigal Son of the Clan of Shadows. {Rio de Janeiro}
- -- Xavier Pulo -- Abyss Mystic, dissappeared as an Ancillia in Caledonia during the 7th century CE.
8th Generation
- -- Black Wallace -- Childe of Lord Vauxhall and one of the Sabbat's most notorious Inquisitors, he is literally an infernalists worst nightmare.
- -- Blake -- Lasombra Antitribu Bastard of Don Alonzo de Vargaz & Camarilla Mercenary (Former: Tremere Archon) {Leeds}
- -- Don Leandro Adon Oro Christian De Reyes -- Childe of Don Alonzo De Vargas - Pilgrim on the Bitter Journey
- -- Don Ramon Arturo Negro De Cadiz -- Childe of Don Alonzo De Vargas - Art Aficionado
- -- Dona Isabella Baboa Garcia Mendez -- Childe of Don Alonzo De Vargas - The Pious Daughter
- -- Fabiana Belo -- The Beautiful Young Turk (Rio de Janeiro)
- -- Josefina Valez -- Lasombra childe of Tobias Smith and member of the Lost Angels Pack of Montreal.
- -- Liseta Iluminada -- Progeny of Juan Antonio Ramirez y Alvarez de Santiago. Accused of witchcraft by Archbishop Geza, but escapes to eventually become one of the Sabbat's greatest templers.
- -- Magnus -- Progeny of Ectoris, he was the sire of Sarah and Peter, who lived in Constantinople and pledged himself to the service of Michael in 337; the Narsene Lasombra killed him.
- -- Pacifico Grillati -- Progeny of Paliuro Rustucci, after his sire's death, he joins the nascent Sabbat and eventually falls during that sect's First Civil War (deceased).
- -- Tarantine -- Sire of Mohammed al-Muthlim. Probably a resident of Mexico City.
- -- Timothy Leaver (assumed name) -- Sire of Stephen Lenoir.
9th Generation
- -- Ahmal ibn Rawaid -- antitribu -- Childe of Bruce Edward Zieger {London}
- -- Masera -- Sire of Brenda the Raven.
- -- Mohammed al-Muthlim -- He is Progeny of Tarantine, sire of Henry Taylor and Francesca. Bishop of Los Angeles. Leader of the "Crypt's Sons" gang.
- -- Peter the Humble -- He was the second progeny of Magnus, he was a man of uncertain convictions who turned to the latest religious fad for spiritual support. He led the Baali woman Mary the Black to Michael for the purpose of diablerie. Ironically, in the end, he is one of the few surviving witnesses to Michael's end and is hunted down and destroyed by the Cainite Heresy for his part in Michael's death.
- -- Sarah The Chaste -- antitribu -- She was the first progeny of Magnus, after 600 years of watching his ineptitude she stakes Magnus and gives him to the Narsene Lasombra as a pledge of alliagiance, she later joins the Narsene Lasombra family and after the fall of Constantinople she remains in Istanbul.
- -- Stephen Lenoir -- antitribu - Guide to London's Lost.
- -- Kostya - PC Member of New York's Lasombra - Alt Universe
10th Generation
- -- Leila Monroe -- Priscus of the Sabbat.
- -- Henry Taylor -- Also known as "Slash," Progeny of Mohammed Al-Muthlim.
11th Generation
12th Generation
13th Generation
Those of Unknown Generation
- -- Nystor -- Priest of the Abyss