Incendia Purgatio

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The Necromantic Library of Phineus -x- Level One Rituals -x- Level Two Rituals -x- Level Three Rituals -x- Level Four Rituals -x- Level Five Rituals

Description: It is not enough that as a necromancer, the caster is a master of death, ultimately he will come into conflict with other sorcerers and there is always someone more powerful in the arcane arts. Without a means of hiding his mystical residue, the necromancer would doubtless come into conflict with other sorcerers; it is therefore wise, to leave behind as little of one’s mystical signature as possible. As entropy is one of the primary principles and Oblivion the main force at work in necromancy, it is not terribly difficult to remove mystical residue from an individual, object or place. The trick is to find a form of Oblivion that can be used to remove mystical residue without destroying the person, place or thing it is being removed from.
In the Underworld, Oblivion takes on a form of negatively charged elemental fire called Barrow-flame; the evocation of this cold fire can be accomplished with a bit of grave soil and the reiteration of calamitous events. The turning of Barrow-flame to the delicate task of removing mystic residue is a little more complicated and requires that the grave soil be sprinkled over the person, place or thing that the necromancer wishes to cleanse. If successful, the residual signatures and energies can be released, burnt up by the negatively charged fire of Oblivion.
Origin: Benesj the Black
Ingredients: Grave Soil
Casting: The necromancer begins the ritual with a droning mantra in Greek meant to place the caster in a hypnotic trance. Once this state is achieved, the caster begins to sprinkle grave soil over the body while chanting quietly to himself and slowly gesturing in arcane patterns in the air over the subject. With each recitation of calamity, the necromancer increases the speed and volume of his chant, likewise his arcane gestures become faster and more violent. The caster must repeat this process until he reaches a final apoplectic outburst in which he screams and collapses in convulsions. If the ritual is successful, then at the onset of rage induced fit, the grave soil explodes into intense emerald flames that ignite the subject’s form and burns away all mystic residues without doing harm to the subject.
System: Intelligence + Rituals = difficulty five (5) and the caster must expend one (1) point of willpower to fine tune his control of the Barrow-flame that he has summoned. This ritual takes ten (10) minutes per level of the highest level sorcery to be removed.
The caster’s successes must first make up the difference between this second level (2) ritual, and the most powerful sorcerous residue left behind. Once the caster’s successes are equal to the level of the most powerful residue, then the remainders of his successes are subtracted from the number of successes of the most powerful casting. The difference is what is left behind to be found by other sorcerers; as this ritual can only be cast once upon a given person, place or thing, by a given caster. If the necromancer’s successes equal or exceed the number of successes left by the most powerful working, then no residue remains to be found. It is worth noting, that this ritual is self inclusive and leaves no residual evidence behind.
Reference: Fire of Hades – Level One (1) – found on our Vampire Site.