Ignaz Koch

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[Personal Mark] Ignaz Koch.jpg [Social Symbol]
Character: Name Nature: [] Profession: []
Player: NPC Demeanor: [] Education []
Chronicle: Glastonbury Concept: [] Religion: []
--- Cameo: [] ---
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Physical Social Mental
Strength ●○○○○ Charisma ●○○○○ Perception ●○○○○
Dexterity ●○○○○ Manipulation ●○○○○ Intelligence ●○○○○
Stamina ●○○○○ Appearance ●○○○○ Wits ●○○○○
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness ○○○○○ () Animal Ken ○○○○○ () Academics ○○○○○ ()
Athletics ○○○○○ () Crafts ○○○○○ () Computer ○○○○○ ()
Awareness ○○○○○ () Drive ○○○○○ () Finance ○○○○○ ()
Brawl ○○○○○ () Etiquette ○○○○○ () Investigation ○○○○○ ()
Empathy ○○○○○ () Firearms ○○○○○ () Law ○○○○○ ()
Expression ○○○○○ () Larceny ○○○○○ () Medicine ○○○○○ ()
Intimidation ○○○○○ () Melee ○○○○○ () Occult ○○○○○ ()
Leadership ○○○○○ () Performance ○○○○○ () Politics ○○○○○ ()
Streetwise ○○○○○ () Stealth ○○○○○ () Science ○○○○○ ()
Subterfuge ○○○○○ () Survival ○○○○○ () Technology ○○○○○ ()
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Secondary Abilities Backgrounds Merits & Flaws
Linguistics ○○○○○○ () [K] Allies ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Contacts ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Domain ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Fame ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Influence ○○○○○ () Numina
[[]] ○○○○○ () Mentor ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Military Force ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Resources ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Retainers ○○○○○ () ---
[[]] ○○○○○ () Status ○○○○○ () ---
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Health Levels HUMANITY Virtues
Bruised (0) - { } ○○○○○○○○○○ Conscience ●○○○○
Hurt (-1) ---- { } --- Self-Control ●○○○○
Injured (-2) - { } WILLPOWER Courage ●○○○○
Wounded (-3) - { } Permanent ○○○○○○○○○○ ---
Mauled (-4) -- { } Temporary ○○○○○○○○○○ ---
Crippled (-5)- { } --- ---
Incapacitated- { } --- ---
Final Death --- ---






Ignaz Koch was born in Lippstadt a small town in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany in 1859. His family seat had lain outside the town since medieval times and he like his forefathers inhereted the titled position of Ritter or knight. According to family legend his family rose from serfdom to low nobility during the First Crusade when one of his ancesters entered the service of a

Recent Events


Gender: Masculine
Type: Adult
Nationality: German
Location: North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Language: German

Life & Times

Age: 45
Birth date: January 15, 1859 (3:59 AM)


Height: 173 cm / 5 ft 8 in
Weight: 76 kg / 169 lbs
Handedness: Right
Blood type: A-

Future Outlook

Death date: May 6, 1959 (9:45 AM)
Lifespan: 100
Cause of death: Heart Disease

Lambert Schwarz -- Bodyguard
