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Toreador -P- Paris -P- The History of the Clan of the Rose in Paris



Appearance: Athanasios is a man just under the average height, with a beautiful face and silhouette, and greek classical features: greek nose, black curly hair and eyes, strong build. In few words, a classical greek statue.

In society, Athanasios wears the latest fashion clothes, favoring the white (which means, for him, the purest color) and the black (for the Death that cling to the Kindred's unlives).

Behavior: A product of the Greek philosophy, Athanasios likes to talk and debate about philosophy, art and divinity (In the past, he talked about physics, but since then, the science went well beyond his understanding!).

He is a highly misogynist Kindred, looking women as object of arts, or no better than slaves (or Kine). His loner attitude hides somewhat this viewpoint that would make him a lot of enemies (most among the dreaded Beautés). Still, he reveres the Dark Mother and would respect any woman claiming to be her Priestess (A strange paradox he has yet to understand himself!).

He has, too, homosexual tenancies, seeing men as perfect in front of the imperfections of feminine silhouette, a viewpoint very far removed from those of the last centuries, that isolated him even more. He worked hard to promote gay homosexuality, but has yet to understand how it could have degenerated (to his eyes) into the Drag Queens and others exaggerations...

His appreciation of art always encompass volumes and structures as he is an Architect and a Sculptor.

History: The history of Athanasios is unknown. In fact, few even know more than his classical Greek origins and the significance of his name: Athanasios means the immortal.

Athanasios was known to appear in different locations, of historical importance, like the fall of Rome, the creation and the fall of Constantinople, the Convention of Thorn where the Camarilla, the Anarchs and the Assamite signed a truce, and the Universal Exposition of Paris of 1889, where he inspired Gustave Eiffel for some features of his Tower, as a gift to François Villon.

His fame among the Kindred has been decreasing since then, as Athanasios' creativity seems to be depleted. While the internal architecture of Les Ruines was a success, the Toreador felt it was beneath Athanasios' famed creativity. The Grand Louvre pleased Villon and the Toreador, but some feel it could have been even better!

The truth is somewhat different: Athanasios joined the Manus Nigrum (known now as the True Black Hand, the Tal'mahe'Ra, etc.) in the first century of our era, and was deeply influenced by the mythology of Lillith (See Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand, or Guide to the Sabbat). His artistic talent was then obsessed by the Dark Mother, and he searched, then, to elevate a temple for her Children to worship her.

Lost in centuries of thought, he partially neglected his duty as member of the True Hand, as well as a Toreador. He discovered in the last years to power of computers and how it could help draw structures never seen before. His temple is being now created in one of the most powerful computer of Paris, and, to his own opinion, will be one of the marvels of the world, and probably one of the greatest achievement of the Kindred, rivaling with the fabled artworks and structure of the First and Second Cities.

'Domain: Pierre and Marie Curie University

Recent Events:

Notes: He spies on the Camarilla for the True Hand. He was sent a message about a renegade Hand member named Hecate, of the Clan Lasombra, would could be in Paris. Athanasios is searching her without enthusiasm. He likes the company of the Brujah Idealists, to debate with tham about philosophy and politics.

He is professor of Architecture in Parisian universities, and revered by his colleagues and students, and having among them willing Herd.

Athanasios knows that something, or someone protects and guide him. The Oracle of Delphes once said that he was the undying chosen prophet of a Dark Primordial Godess (Lillith?), and since this time, he works to find and fulfill her divine will. And it seems to work, as he was saved more than once, and that in the Inquisition time, he thwarted the Faith of an zealous Inquisitor by calling the name of Lillith.

As a Lillin, He acknowledges Lillith as the First Generation, and thus, Caine is the Second Generation. So, he speaks the truth when claiming to be 7th Generation. In game terms, or in the viewpoints of the Noddists, he is a 6th Generation Kindred.

Actual Aim: Finishing his Cathedral for the Dark Mother, updating the software to give him even more possibilities (like having High Quality 3D, textures rendering, light/shadow effects, etc.). Finding more information about Lillith, etc.

Rumours:Athanasios controls Villon through Dominate. (False!)

Athanasios is a Poseur that spends most his time searching for new mortal architects to steal their creations! (False) He is the bitter enemy of Delphine and each would kill the other if given the opportunity. (Partially True: Athanasios recognizes in the behavior of the Brujah Elder the psychology of the True Brujah! And as she is a woman, and a philosophizing one, his dislike of her increases each time he hears of her, or sees her! He is particularly sensible to his Temporis power near her, to see if she creates times distortion through the use True Brujah Discipline, but he never discovered one)

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