The Gangrel of Paris in 1900

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Paris - La Belle Époque

The history of the Gangrel is a sad one indeed. They were proud, and in some way, became contemptuous of their power. This led them in the dark ages to infighting whose gravity increased with the time. Soon enough, the forests surface decreased, and they had to fight against the Lupines to little pockets of green vegetation. This weakened the two races, which discovered too late the human civilization, backed up by the Kindred and the Technocracy (and the Wyrm) was now unstopable.

Some Gangrel fought out against it, but they soon were destroyed. Most of the others entered a state of melancholia they tried to forget by drinking from disreputable sources, alcoholics, or even the drug addicts.

With the leadership of the brutal Niels, the decrease of their power went even faster. The Settites of the city set traps for the Gangrel in the city, making it all too easy to frame those who would live in the city for crimes against the Prince. Theti-Sheri planted evidence that showed the Gangrel conspiring against the Lupines in the city, making their helping each other less likely.

But the number of Gangrel still remained low, as no sane Gangrel wanted to risk his soul near Paris, and Villon didn't let them Embrace enough Childer.